Chapter 497 Rogue
Fengyu's conditions first met Dugu Jing's expectations, and second, they met Xie Jue's plan for Ningzhou. It was the best of both worlds. Qianling Town was far away from Ningzhou City, and the range of activities of the northern barbarians would not cross the Shaling River.The merger of the two towns does not require co-governance, which reduces many troubles in Ningzhou and can accommodate more northern barbarians.

Fang Chuning thought it was a good idea to merge the two towns, but he thought that there would be a lot of troubles in co-governance.Mainly because of the war, some people in Ningzhou who liked to live a nomadic life moved to the city. After decades, their descendants are used to the life in the city, and they may not be used to the nomadic life anymore. There is no need to mix with the northern barbarians. .If they live together, and the northern barbarians are at war again, it will be difficult for this kind of town to live in the middle.

However, Tingfeng proposed co-governance back then, mainly for the mutual market. Beiman's ore smelting and mining technology is many years ahead of Yanyang's, and it has rich mineral resources.Now that Beiman's new tanks came out, Tingfeng wanted Beiman's new technology even more. If the towns merged, they would not be a city of co-governance, and would lose the convenience of mutual markets.

As long as Tingfeng wanted Beiman's technology, he would not agree.

Dugu Jing also wanted Yanyang farming mulberry, weaving and various cash crops in exchange, but what he wanted could be satisfied by going to the merchant, so he was willing to follow Feng Yu's proposal.

Xie Jue pondered and maintained his original idea, "After the merger, joint governance is still required. The people of Ningzhou also have the right to buy and sell and live in the houses in the merged town. The border separates the north from the south, and if they live together or intermarry in the future, that is the will of the city residents themselves."

This was exactly as Fang Chuning expected. If Xie Jue were to be stationed in Ningzhou in the future, he would definitely find a way to obtain the ore mining technology and new weapons research of the northern barbarians. He was very interested.

Xie Jue was very interested in it back then. It is a pity that this kind of technical work cannot be learned in a year or two, and it also requires specialized talents.If there is a mutual market, the advantages to Yanyang outweigh the disadvantages. Otherwise, they would not bother to build a new town.

Dugujing felt that Xie Jue was too strong, and when Xie Xun suggested that they don't need to live together, he still thought it was very ideal, but now Ningzhou is indeed a strong side, and Xie Xun also listened to Xie Jue, and Dugujing didn't want to argue with him on this issue. He was tangled up.

"Okay, this king agrees!" Dugu Jing made a final decision.

Xie Jue said, "In the truce agreement, if Beiman dares to raid Ningzhou again, this new town will be flattened as I build it. You'd better remember it."

"Second Young Master, why bother to bluff. This new town is home to innocent people. I don't believe that the people of Zhenbei Hou's Mansion will attack unarmed people." Dugu Jing was confident.

"Dugu Jing, three years ago, if I had been in power in the Marquis of Zhenbei, you would have never been able to return to Beiman alive. I am different from my father who cared about the common people and helped the weak. The lives of the Beiman belonged to me." Just like the wolves in the Shaling Tianshan Mountains, they are not of my species. If you kill them, you will kill them. If you dare to attack suddenly, I will dare to massacre the city." Xie Jue was taciturn, too lazy to talk to others, he would not tell anyone if he wanted revenge You, do it right away, as if he was going to kill Han Ziqi.

No warning will be given.

He has always felt that coercion is a sign of the weak, and the strong never care about the enemy's tricks. Soldiers come to cover up the water, and threatening others is a sign of weakness.

Once you say it, it means you are bluffing.

But the accident three years ago made him understand that there are some things that should be said and still have to be said.A hunter with a bow and arrow will not be afraid of a silent and confronting wolf.

He was even more afraid of those wolves who opened their fangs and showed their murderous aura.

He wants Dugu Jing to know where the bottom line is!
"I remember it." Dugu Jing laughed, but he didn't get angry, his temper was much more mature than that of San Fang years ago, "The common people want to live and work in peace and contentment, if they have enough food and clothing, who would want to start a war?"

"That's not necessarily true. Sangnan is rich, full of food and clothing, so why not start a war and attack the twelve prefectures?" Fang Chuning said with a smile, "Ninth Prince, take a long-term view, don't stare at the beautiful rivers and mountains in Yanyang, If you want to talk about wealth, Sangnan has a superior geographical location and developed farming, mulberry and animal husbandry. If you take the northern barbarians to attack Sangnan, I can persuade the second son to open the gate of Ningzhou and let you pass through."

These words were purely provocative and mocking, and Dugu Jing's suppressed temper was easily provoked, "Thank you General Fang for reminding me, this king will consider it."

"A child can be taught." Fang Chuning sneered coolly. He and Xie Jue were very annoyed at the loss of soldiers and generals this time. How did Nan cooperate?"

"I sent troops to attack Ningzhou, and they attacked the Twelve Prefectures. The north and the south cooperated with each other and trapped you in Ningzhou. You can only ask the imperial court for help." Dugu Jing didn't hide anything, and said their tactical plan.

This should have been a perfect raid.

Fang Chuning said coldly, "Did King Sangnan ever tell you how they are going to attack the Twelve States?"

"I don't know." Dugu Jing said concisely, "We are not familiar with the Sangnan people."

Fang Chuning and Xie Jue looked at each other. Dugujing might not lie on this point, and the fighting style of the Northern Man is also completely different from that of Sang Nan. Dugujing said with a light smile, "We Northern Man are also good at using poison. If the second son needs it, I will You can send priests to take a few people who are good at using poison to go to Jiangnan with you."

"So kind?" Feng Yu blurted out, "The weasel wishes the chicken a New Year."

"What do you mean?" Although he could speak proficient Yanyang dialect, Dugu Jing couldn't understand this kind of common saying.

"Say your kindness!" Fang Chuning said lightly, "We will resolve the situation in the south of the Yangtze River on our own, and there is no need for Beiman to intervene."

Neither he nor Xie Jue would let Beiman intervene in this matter.

The most important things have been negotiated, and the next thing is compensation and withdrawal. These are secondary. Xie Jue doesn't know how to be reserved at all. The lion opened his mouth. Gold, silver, cattle and sheep want more than three years ago many.

"The last condition is that the Beiman tore up the armistice agreement and raided Ningzhou, which made me lose trust in you. I don't trust you. So, please ask the Ninth Prince to come back to Ningzhou City with me for three months." Xie Juetuqiong It can be seen that the conditions discussed just now are as gentle as the spring breeze in March to Beiman and Yanyang.

This one is the fight of swords and swords!

Feng Yu and Fang Chuning didn't expect him to attack suddenly, how could Dugu Jing agree!

Dugu Jing is the sworn enemy of the Xie family brothers. He went to Ningzhou, where he lived for three months at best, and imprisoned at worst.If Xie Jue and Xie Xun wanted to kill him, Dugu Jing would undoubtedly die.

"What if the king disagrees?"

"The peace talks are void!" Xie Jue drank tea slowly, his face was blurred and cold as water in the hot smoke, "The armistice treaty will be destroyed if it is said to be destroyed, why should I believe you? How do I know, After the Ningzhou iron cavalry went to the Jiangnan battlefield, will you raid Ningzhou again? Dugu Jing, I don't believe you!"

Dugu Jing was furious, how can the leader of the three armies be imprisoned in the enemy camp during the peace talks, what is the difference between this and killing him, "Xie Xun, are you going to let him do whatever he wants?"

Feng Yu spread her hands, unable to help, after all, she is not really Xie Xun.

Fang Chuning rested his head lazily, looked at Dugujing with a smile, but the words he said showed a hooligan demeanor, "If you are willing, your soldiers will still think that you are lonely and loyal to the country. If you Don’t want to? We will take you away forcibly, Ningzhou and Beiman will continue to fight, we don’t care.”

(End of this chapter)

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