Feng Yu didn't expect that Dugu Jing really went back to Ningzhou City with them, and he returned to Ningzhou after handing over to the general in the army tent. He was imprisoned in a tent at the Ningzhou battle ground for March as a hostage.

"Second brother, you didn't intend to let Dugu Jing go back when you came to the peace talks?"

"Yes!" Xie Jue never thought of letting Dugu Jing go back. After the truce in Ningzhou, at least half of the cavalry in Ningzhou were going to fight in the south of the Yangtze River. How could he let Dugujing go back? If Dugujing changed his mind, Ningzhou would be in danger again. , They were exhausted, regardless of the situation in the south of the Yangtze River or Ningzhou, the situation was very passive. Only when Dugu Jing was imprisoned in Ningzhou could he let the 20 troops go to Jiangnan with confidence.

"What if Dugu Jing doesn't want to be imprisoned in Ningzhou?"

"Then he has no sincerity to negotiate peace, so he can only continue to fight." Fang Chuning said, "Why are you so stupid today? If he doesn't talk about it, you should understand."

Feng Yu shut her mouth, she wasn't Xie Xun, how could she know the real situation of the fighting place, besides, she would lie down and rest as soon as she came here, she didn't participate in the battle at all, it's normal if she doesn't understand.Besides, if Dugu Jing is imprisoned in Ningzhou, will Second Brother really let him go back after three months?Dugu Jing should know that there are many dangers, so isn't he afraid of death?
Comparing her heart to her heart, if she were Dugu Jing, she would definitely not want to come to Ningzhou as a hostage.From this point of view, Dugu Jing is negotiating with sincerity, and there is no need to fight this battle again.

But Feng Yu thought, Xie Xun must be the one who tore up the armistice agreement in the end!
After Dugujing was imprisoned at the battle site, Xie Jue and Fang Chuning escorted him to Ningzhou City, and locked him in the dungeon of the palace with special guards. Feng Yu was also sent back to the palace by Xie Jue to recuperate, and the battle site was handed over to several old generals .Before leaving, Xie Jue explained the military affairs of Beiman and Ningzhou to several generals. Of the 4000 troops that Fang Chuning brought from Zhongzhou, there were still [-] left, and [-] people were killed or seriously injured.The wounded stayed in Ningzhou City to recuperate, and the rest rushed to the Jiangnan battlefield with Fang Chuning.

The battlefield in the south of the Yangtze River was changing rapidly, Xie Jue and Fang Chuning didn't know what was going on, soldiers were so expensive, Fang Chuning rested in Ningzhou city for one night, and took tens of thousands of soldiers from Zhongzhou to the battlefield in the south of the Yangtze River the next day.

Xie Jue stayed in Ningzhou to deal with the trivial matters after the peace talks. After he handled them properly, the 20 cavalry in Ningzhou would go to the Jiangnan battlefield.Feng Yu was a little worried that after Xie Jue left, if something unexpected happened in Ningzhou, she wouldn't be able to handle it well. Now that she was in Xie Xun's body, she kept her word and she was a little dependent on Xie Jue.

Xie Jue said, "After I leave with the soldiers, Feiying and the soldiers will escort you to the capital, and you go to Zhixu."

"I'm going to Kyoto?"

Xie Jue nodded, folded the letter, and Feige sent it to Yingsi in Kyoto. Xie Jue said, "The war in Ningzhou has come to an end. Jiangnan doesn't know how long it will take. You can take the proof of Yuwenjing's collusion with foreign enemies to Kyoto to hand over the letter." Give Zhi Xu, he knows how to do it. Besides, the souls of the two of you have not been exchanged, and I am afraid that something will happen, so I will meet you as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Xie Xun hasn't changed back for so long, and Xie Jue is also afraid that he will have some accidents in Beijing, or that something will happen after they exchanged for too long, so it's better to meet and resolve it as soon as possible.

Six days later, Xie Jue led 20 iron cavalry from Ningzhou to the Jiangnan battlefield. At the same time, Feiying and fifty personal soldiers escorted Xie Xun to leave Ningzhou in disguise for the capital.

When they were in Yancheng, they disguised themselves as a caravan. In order to deceive others, Feng Yu put a thick beard on her face, disguised as a middle-aged man, Fei Ying disguised as the owner of the caravan, and the group gradually headed towards Kyoto.

They didn't walk fast, Fengyu had to recover from her injuries along the way, when they arrived in the capital, it was already the end of spring, and summer was approaching quietly, Fengyu looked up at the majestic and majestic city gates of the capital, feeling filled with emotion.

She is back!
She walked this road twice, once to escape, and once to pretend, she was about to enter the city, and she didn't know what happened to Xu in the capital.

The caravan broke into pieces and entered the capital. They had guides and tokens along the way, and the interrogation was not strict when they entered the city. Feng Yu mixed in the team entering the city and saw many clan caravans who migrated from the south of the Yangtze River to take refuge in the capital.The battle in the south of the Yangtze River was intense. Many clans in the south of the Yangtze River were afraid that Sangnan would attack Lanzhou, so many clans packed up their bags and came to Beijing to seek refuge.

Kyoto is the safest place in Yanyang.

Feng Yu also heard about the situation of the Jiangnan battle along the way, it was extremely tragic, whether it was the Jiangnan garrison or the Ningzhou iron cavalry, Sangnan's poisonous formation was exhausted to deal with it, and there were countless casualties.After the Ningzhou iron cavalry went to the Jiangnan battlefield, the situation improved a bit. It was not that the Ningzhou iron cavalry had any good tricks against the Sangnan poison formation. It was because Sangnan knew that the northern barbarians had surrendered. After several months of attacks by the poison formation, almost all the capable people and strangers who are good at poison in the whole of Yanyang have cracked the poison formation in the south of the Yangtze River, and Sang Nan has gradually become tired.

But the big clans are still worried that Jiangnan will be in a mess after the war, so countless people came to the capital to seek refuge, and the daily checks at the city gates are not so strict.

Feng Yu knew that Xie Xun was hiding in the Peony Building. After their caravan entered Beijing, they first settled in an inn. Feng Yu planned to wait until dark before going to Xie Xun.

The inn is just opposite to Wangjiang Restaurant. After opening the window of Fengyu's room, Wangjiang Restaurant is opposite. Kyoto is still the Kyoto she is familiar with. They never heard the horns and blood at the frontier.

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