When Xie Xun returned to the palace, Feng Yu was playing top with Ruyi and Mingzhu.

Xie Jue will be sent as an envoy to Sang Nan in about half a month, and is already doing preliminary work. Ruyi and Mingzhu will live in the palace, and will be taken care of by Xie Xun and Feng Yu. After Xie Jue recognized Mingzhu, Mingzhu has been living in Prince Yan's Mansion. If she wants Lan Ningzhen to go back to Lan's house to stay for a few days.Lan Ningzhen also thought that Mingzhu was already a princess and needed to understand Beining's cultural customs, so she handed her over to Fengyu for her upbringing.

Fengyu was naturally willing. With Mingzhu and Ruyi, her life was very fulfilling. There was constant laughter in the Changshou Palace. Xie Xun heard Ruyi's cheers as soon as he entered the palace.

Ruyi won this round, screamed and showed off, and received praise from Feng Yu. Mingzhu refused to admit defeat and insisted on competing with him again. The two children were spinning around the top, concentrating so much that they didn't even notice Xie Xun returning to the palace. .

Feng Yu saw him coming and was about to call someone. Xie Xun smiled and gestured, walked to her and put his arm around her waist, kissed her on the lips, and watched the two children playing with interest.

He stopped playing this game after he was four years old. Ruyi was at the age where he was curious about all kinds of games. He was so absorbed in the game that Xie Xun did not disturb the two children and went into the palace with Feng Yu in his arms.

This kind of ordinary fireworks atmosphere is what is most lacking in the palace, and it is also what Xie Xun likes most these days.

"Ruyi is very naughty, the eunuch said you played with him for an hour."

Fengyu likes to be quiet and doesn't like to play these games. If it wasn't to accompany Ruyi and Mingzhu, she would not play these games that are very boring to her.

"It's all Mingzhu who plays with him. I'm just here to accompany him. I'm not tired. What about you? Is the second brother still angry?" Feng Yu knew that Xie Jue was still angry with Xie Xun because Fang Chuning was going on a mission together. Angry, but Xie Jue would only trouble Xie Xun in private, and would not look for Xie Xun's temper in the Jinluan Palace.

"Ignore him, my second brother is just spoiled. From childhood to adulthood, everyone has followed him, and he has developed a arrogant temper!"

Feng Yu, "..."

Who is being spoiled? Do you really have no points?
"Yes, yes, yes, everything you said is right!" Feng Yu couldn't laugh or cry. Xie Xun had the nerve to say that Xie Jue was spoiled. It was really funny. Feng Yu said, "Today the two princesses of the Wang family in Jingbei entered the palace. ”

"The third and fourth princesses?"

"Well, you gave me a box of gems to make amends. You said you shouldn't have lost your temper at the riding range that day and embarrassed me." Feng Yu chuckled and said, "The two princesses are really sensible, and they gave me gifts." Well, it’s really smart.”

"What a pity. They are little white rabbits who were defrauded of a box of gems by you. You clearly dug a hole for them to jump out of. You already knew about the isolation of several princesses in the Imperial College, right? You just wanted to sit back and watch. Li, when things get serious, I will deliberately teach the clan a lesson."

"Who am I for?"

Xie Xun smiled slyly, "The Queen's interpretation of the holy will is very accurate." Seeing his proud look, Feng Yu always felt that she needed to deal with it. Unfortunately, Xie Xun was the emperor now, but not many people could deal with him. Feng Yu wanted to Pointingly, he said, "Lin Yunong fainted from anger, and it was affected that day. The fourth princess deliberately whipped her. Didn't Master Lin complain?"

Master Lin is talking about Lin Yunong's father. Lin Heli will not care about the disputes between these young children.

"What a coincidence, my uncle actually came to complain, saying that you were not strict in supervision and allowed the Northern Barbarians to commit crimes. He asked you to restrain them more in the future. After all, this is Beining's territory. The Northern Barbarian girls are too arrogant and bully their own family members. "Xie Xun imitated his second uncle's tone and said it almost like him.

"Do you also think the princesses are too arrogant?" Feng Yu's tone was a bit dangerous.

Xie Xun has been with her for many years, so he knows her temperament, "You really like the two princesses so much that you take care of their shortcomings and treat them as good friends?"

"Can't I be friends with them?"

"I wish you nothing more. If you have more friends, your life will be more colorful. The two princesses are smart and lovable. If they can make you happy every day, I will reward them. Yu Nong's injury It's not serious. I asked my cousin and he said it was a flesh wound and told me not to take it seriously. My cousin also said that Yu Nong was spoiled by his elders and it would be a good idea to learn a lesson."

Lin and Li had said so, so it was hard for Xie Xun to pursue the case.

When his uncle came to complain, he treated it as an elder complaining and let it go.

Feng Yu said, "Lin Heli is also getting married this summer. His marriage was decided later. Who has Lin Yunong chosen? I haven't heard from Mrs. Lin either."

"I've never heard of this." Xie Xun didn't pay much attention to this matter. Instead, he was more curious about what the lady Lin Heli had chosen personally looked like.

Feng Yu felt slightly annoyed when she saw Xie Xun's heartless look. It was like she was holding a treasure in her hand and the whole world was coveting it, but this treasure was the only one that didn't know that it was a treasure and would be coveted by others.

"Lin Yunong is over eighteen. At this age, girls from the clan have made arrangements to get married early. From engagement to marriage, it will take at least one or two years. Why has the Lin family not announced the marriage to her for so long?" Feng Yu said in a tone of voice. It was so plain that it seemed like a casual chat. Xie Xun also noticed a subtle atmosphere.

Ayu seems to be angry!
Very yin and yang!

"How do I know why she didn't get engaged?" Xie Xun explained everything. "When did Auntie become interested in the Lin family? If you want to know, just ask Aunt Xuan."

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