Feng Yu didn't want to know why Lin Yunong didn't get engaged. She was just reminding Xie Xun, but Xie Xun's mind was not on his children's love. He was very busy after he succeeded, and Lin Yunong didn't even get to see him even when he entered the palace. There was no chance of being alone.Although Lin Yunong is beautiful and has affection for her cousin, Feng Yu doesn't take it to heart at all. If Xie Xunruo likes her, he has already liked her, so there is nothing wrong with her.

Xie Xunzhong promised that he would not make promises easily when they first met, and he rarely broke promises. Fengyu also believed in him. Without her nod, no one else could enter the palace. She originally nodded and agreed to let the Northern Man Princess enter. The palace, for the sake of the overall situation, does not want the people on the border to be displaced and suffer from the war.

It would be impossible for Lin Yunong to enter the palace!

Feng Yu asked jokingly, "Zhixu, have you ever looked in the mirror?"

"Shi Shao, what's wrong?" Xie Xun didn't know why he asked such a question. Thinking of Feng Yu's love for beauty, his heart suddenly dropped, "Is it possible that I'm haggard and look bad?"

He immediately got up and wanted to order someone to bring a mirror to take a look. Xie Xun couldn't help complaining that he was busy with government affairs. He had been in the government for half a month and slept less than two hours a day. He must be haggard and disliked by Ayu.From now on, you must know how to take supplements. If your body is tired and haggard, take supplements and try your best to make yourself look radiant. Otherwise, Ayu would look at beauties every day and then look at her haggard self. Wouldn’t it be bad?

"You also know that you are good-looking?" Feng Yu couldn't laugh or cry. Looking at her husband's face that fascinated thousands of girls, she felt moved in her heart. "When I first came to Kyoto, I was young and ignorant. I loved hearing what you said the most. In the eyes of the noble ladies in the capital, the great military achievements of the Zhenbei Hou Mansion are not as good as the heart-warming faces you have. The most talked about thing is how handsome and handsome the three young masters of the Hou Mansion are."

Xie Xun has always been beautiful and self-conscious, and his appearance is natural. Even if he doesn't know how good-looking he is, he knows how beautiful he is when he looks at Xie Jue all day long.

"so what?"

Feng Yu really wanted to pry open his head and see what he was hiding. She even hinted so clearly that he still didn't understand. Although it was a whisper between husband and wife, Xie Xun would not let it out, but if it was wrong, it would still be wrong. Feng Yu could only hold back the bad guys' reputation.

But she was holding it back, holding it back, and couldn't help it, why!
"Lin Yunong and I knew each other well when we were in the Imperial College. She was of noble status, but she never made things difficult for me. Lin Yuyan made things difficult for me several times, and she even defended me. She didn't bother to make things difficult for me, but since Emperor Jianming granted me the marriage, She was very hostile to me and never looked kindly upon me when we met several times. Even now that I was the queen, she looked aloof and reserved when she accompanied Mrs. Lin to the palace to pay her respects. That day, she embarrassed Beiman County on the cavalry and shooting range. Lord, you are shouting openly and disrespectfully with me, why?" Feng Yu simply pointed out, "I remember when you first ascended to Dabao, in order to balance the conflict between the clan and the royal family, the court officials once advised you to open up your harem to include all ethnic groups. The noble girl enters the palace to balance the situation. Lin Yunong is the best candidate. She is at the age when young people are passionate. She has always been different from others. Will she fall in love with you? She has been reluctant to get engaged and is still thinking about entering the palace. Concubine?"

"How is that possible!" Xie Xun categorically rejected, "I have no personal relationship with Yu Nong. Although we are cousins, we have rarely played in private since we were young, and I am not very close to her."

"That was when you were young. Except for your two brothers, you were not close to anyone." Feng Yu couldn't help but complain that Xie Xun was not even close to her own eldest sister, let alone his cousin.He has a flamboyant temperament, loves to practice martial arts, and is easy to cause trouble, so he doesn't like to play with girls' families.

Feng Yu said, "That's what I guessed. After all, it concerns the reputation of the girl's family. Just treat it as a private conversation in my boudoir. Don't take it to heart. It's up to you!"

Xie Xun looked at her proudly, "Ayu, are you jealous?"

"No!" Feng Yu pursed her lips. It was really not true, but she still put on a sinister and sly face. After all, if she was jealous and Xie Xun took it to heart, it would be best But that's it. "You're just jealous!" Xie Xun couldn't help but feel a little proud. Speaking of which, he had never experienced Feng Yu's jealousy. After all, the third girl of the Feng family has always been confident. Regardless of beauty, skills, temperament, and wealth, she felt that she was not inferior. In terms of people, if a man looks down on her, he simply has no vision, just like Jiang Yang back then.

He and she spent less and less time together in Xizhou. When he was in Ningzhou, many generals wanted to give him beauties in private, but he refused out of filial piety. He never told Feng Yu about this, and he didn't want her to worry.But Feng Yu didn't seem to have such worries, as if she was sure that he would never betray her, would never be jealous, and was not worried about whether he would be lonely in Ningzhou and hang out with women.

After so many years, Xie Xun finally remembered his flash of confusion, so he asked.

Feng Yu didn't expect that he would be so confused, "Have you ever had such thoughts?"

"Of course not!" Xie Xunke was unjustly accused. He liked Feng Yu and decided to commit to Feng Yu for the rest of his life. He also knew that Feng Yu could not tolerate cracks in her eyes. Since then, she had restrained herself and would not let out even the slightest romantic affair. "Whenever someone wants to give a beauty as a gift, if I don't figure it out, my second brother will stop him. He won't dare to smash your golden mountain."

Feng Yu chuckled, Xie Xun hugged her curiously, and asked proudly, "Do you trust me so much?"

"Believe it!" Feng Yu said with a smile, "Not only the letter, but maybe you yourself didn't realize it. When we first left Kyoto, your state was different from what it is now. Even if I stayed in Xizhou, you were unwilling to do so. Yes, you were more afraid of losing me, afraid that I would be in danger, afraid that I would change my mind. At that time, you were a little... paranoid. So you would not do anything sorry for me, because I lost you, and you lost me. You are more afraid."

Time is good medicine. Xie Xun went to Yangzhou and grew up overnight. The scars in his heart were gradually blocked by responsibility. He also gradually became tolerant and mature. He even gave her enough trust and was able to Surrender to each other.

Since Yangzhou, Feng Yu will no longer worry that Xie Xun will betray her. Instead, after Xie Xun ascends the throne, she will be afraid that Xie Xun will wrong her for the sake of the overall situation. But this is not a betrayal of her, she just chooses to protect more people.

"Can't you praise me for my love and righteousness and my noble character, so I'm worthy of your trust for life?" Xie Xun was dissatisfied. During those dark years, he was indeed paranoid. Looking back now, he feels that he is completely different and really embarrassed. , and fortunately Ayu did not dislike him back then, and was willing to accompany him all the way.

"Okay, okay, okay, you have a noble character and value love and righteousness, so you should handle Lin Yunong's affairs well. I don't want any rumors to spread, and public opinion will crush people to death."

"You are really jealous!"

Feng Yu, "..."

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