Fengyu and Mingzhu were sitting side by side on the jade steps, the white smoke of the hot spring was curling up, the evening wind was blowing in the forest, and the bamboo leaves were whirling. Fengyu actually had a period of time when she was ridiculed, ridiculed and isolated due to her low status.

She can also feel Mingzhu's uneasiness and panic. Although Mingzhu has the title of princess, she does not have the confidence of a princess. She is not like Ruyi. Although Ruyi is young, she knows from ear to ear that she has a noble status. If anyone dares to mess with her, He, the little boy, was so powerful that the maids and eunuchs did not dare to fool Ruyi.

Mingzhu has been looked down upon since she was a child in Fox City because her father is Xie Jue. After coming to Kyoto, Xie Jue has a cold temperament and does not treat her like an ordinary loving father. Xie Jue and Lan Ningzhen have reconciled, so Mingzhu will definitely listen. When it comes to rumors, the child is still young, and a little negligence from adults will have a great impact on her temperament.

"Mingzhu, you are the eldest princess of Beining. The emperor has spoken sincerely. This will never change. Don't worry about who you are like and who you are not like. Don't worry about your parents being separated. You are not a princess. You are yourself and your identity It's your own, you have to recognize your own identity. There is no one else in this world who is more noble than you, except me. If anyone dares to be disrespectful to you, you can use your identity as a princess to scare her. It doesn't matter what others say, as long as we I recognize you. You are the eldest princess of Beining." Feng Yu said softly, "You are a northern barbarian. Miss Lan brought you to surrender. It is inevitable that others will gossip. Your father is the only prince and has a noble status. You are his eldest son. Girl, others will only be jealous of you and envy you, so they will attack you. They hope that you will become angry and make a joke. They think that you are a northern barbarian and not worthy of being the princess of Beining, so they hope that you will do something that is not honorable to a princess. Things. The more you care, the more guilty you feel, and the more others will know that this is your weakness. But if you don’t care and recognize it in your heart, you are the princess. What can others do to you? Your father, uncle, aunt, Even Ruyi is your family and will support you, so don’t be afraid or doubtful.”

"Is it really possible?" Mingzhu seemed to understand, "If others question me, can I refute them?"

"You can even scold them. If you can't figure it out, just tell me how you are watching me scold them." Feng Yu chuckled and said, "You are a child, and all the children of the same age as you in Kyoto are... Your position is not as high as yours, but if an adult says something unpleasant, just tell us that there are elders behind you, and don’t be fooled by others.”

"I understand, Auntie." Mingzhu suddenly understood and hugged Feng Yu's arm happily, "If someone bullies me, I will teach them a lesson."

Feng Yu laughed and said, "Come, tell Auntie, who said the unpleasant words?"

Mingzhu thought for a while, shook her head and said, "Let bygones be bygones, it's because I was bullied by them because I was not dignified enough, and I didn't have enough confidence. It's my fault. I don't remember the faults of villains. If I am bullied by them again in the future, I will Auntie, don’t worry if you fight back yourself.”

"Okay, this is our eldest princess in Beining."

Mingzhu happily leaned on Feng Yu's shoulder, "Aunt, Mingzhu likes you so much~!"

Feng Yu couldn't help laughing and pinched her nose, "Auntie also likes our pearl very much."

She used to dislike children. She thought children were noisy, troublesome, and the most fragile and annoying creatures in the world. Since having Ruyi, she has gradually changed her view of children. Now she thinks children of the same age as Ruyi are cute. , naturally also like Xiaomingzhu.

When Feng Yu came back, Xie Xun had already come back, and the imperial army also sent the memorial that needed to be approved today to Zhuangzi, waiting for Xie Xun's approval before sending it to the cabinet.Feng Yu asked while drying her hair, "Why are you back so soon?"

"Ruyi fell asleep." Xie Xun said funnyly, "Fortunately, my second brother and I found it early, otherwise we would have drowned in the water, but he actually fell asleep while swimming on his back."

Feng Yu thought to herself that she must be exhausted from playing like crazy during the day.

She sat opposite Xie Xun and made tea. Xie Xun quickly reviewed the memorial. It was a beautiful day and a spring night. Even a wise king hoped that the government affairs would end soon so he could spend a good night with the queen.The memorials sent by the cabinet were not many, and they were reviewed very quickly. The imperial army was still waiting outside and had to send them back to the cabinet overnight. "Send someone to follow Mingzhu secretly for a period of time to see which junior is ignorant and gossiping in front of Mingzhu. Or maybe there is something wrong with the palace servants who serve her. Please deal with it as soon as possible."

"What's wrong?" Xie Xun stopped writing.

Feng Yu repeated what Mingzhu said to her, "I thought that either she was ridiculed in the Imperial College, or the palace servants who served her were gossiping."

"Okay, I understand, but it would be better to leave this matter to Mingzhu herself. Sooner or later, her princess will have to establish her authority on her own."

"Having said that, if she was bullied in the Imperial College, how can a child of her age be so thoughtful? What she said must have been taught by or heard from the elders in the family, so we will secretly observe. It will not affect Mingzhu. If Mingzhu does a good job, we will naturally not interfere. If Mingzhu is not good at handling it, we will guide her slowly. We cannot let our children continue to bully others."

"Okay, I'll let Zhang Boxi keep an eye on it." Xie Xun handed the processed memorial to the chief eunuch and asked him to take it back to the imperial army. Feng Yu's hair was also half dry, and Xie Xun helped her apply hair oil. These tedious things Originally it was Qiuxiang who did it, but Xie Xun liked to serve her like this in his spare time.

Osmanthus oil has a little orchid fragrance added to it. It is fresh and pleasant, and not too greasy. It is Feng Yu's favorite hair oil. Xie Xun also likes this aroma. The room was quiet for a while while Xie Xun applied the hair oil to her. After the massage, Feng Yu felt so comfortable that she fell asleep. Xie Xun chuckled and said, "Since Ruyi and Mingzhu have lived in the palace, your smile has become more numerous."

"Have it?"

"Yes! You like them very much." Xie Xun was a little envious in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it openly. Feng Yu was sensitive and their heirs were in trouble. He was afraid of hurting Feng Yu's heart, so even if he liked him on weekdays, She didn't dare to show off too much, for fear that Feng Yu would be careless.

"Ruyi is cute and Mingzhu is smart. They are both lovable children." Feng Yu said, "If they are raised in the palace, they will indeed have a lot of fun."

It would be great if she could also have a son and a half daughters and be able to keep them company.

Whether it was a son or a daughter, Feng Yu would like it very much. She prayed countless times in her heart to have an heir, but she couldn't. This month, Yue Yue's letter was a few days late. Her heart was beating wildly and she was very nervous. She thought she could have an heir. Good news, who knew it was all joy, the letter from Yue was just a few days late.

"If you like it, just keep it in the palace."

Feng Yu suddenly became energetic, "Second brother, can you agree?" (End of chapter)

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