On the day when Xie Jue and Fang Chuning led their troops as envoys to Sangnan, the marshal also led his troops back to Jiangnan. Xie Jue led the civil and military officials to see him off in front of the palace gate. Ruyi also cried into tears knowing that he would not see his father for several months. Son. Although Xiao Ruyi was brought up by Xie Jue, she often faced Xie Jue's cold face, but she was very gentle and affectionate. Knowing that Xie Jue would be gone for such a long time, she had been unhappy recently. She cried loudly when she saw him off and took the pearl. Coaxing her with sweets had no effect, and she still cried miserably. Xie Jue actually felt soft because of the crying. If it weren't for the long journey to Sangnan and the many dangers, he would have wanted to take Ruyi with him, so he would just take Ruyi on a trip.

"Dad, Ruyi is waiting for you at home. You must come back early." Ruyi wiped her tears while holding Xie Jue's neck softly, "Ruyi will be very good."

"Okay, listen to your aunt at home, and also listen to your master. Daddy will check your homework when he comes back."


Can't be lazy anymore!
Regardless of Ruyi's reluctance to leave, Xie Jue and his group left Kyoto and headed for Sangnan. The envoy's team went with the Marshal's team. Fang Chuning and Xie Jue left separately. One was in the envoy's team and the other was in the Fang family army. .

They set up camp in the wild in the evening. They were not marching in a hurry, and the Northern Barbarians were stable. Neither the commander nor the envoys were in a hurry. The commander had just settled down and turned to look for Fang Chuning. Xiao Qi said, "Brother, go find Fang Chuning." The King of Wild Goose."

"Have they reconciled again?" The commander raised his eyebrows. They were not at odds with each other a while ago. They seemed to be estranged from each other for the rest of their lives. How could they reconcile so quickly? He knew it! Growing up, Fang Chuning always quickly admitted his mistakes and asked for peace if he offended Xie Jue, without any backbone.

"Did they ever have a falling out?" Xiao Qi was a bit of an afterthought. As far as the quarrel was concerned, it was not like outsiders had reported that they had a falling out. If they really had a falling out, why would they break into their father's study all night?
The commander-in-chief was still confused about Xie Jue breaking into the study. However, he could not find any reason, and he did not find any urgent matters in the mission later. Fang Chuning kept silent obviously because he did not want him to know anything.

And after that day, his wife was also uneasy, and even mentioned to him that she would prevent Fang Chuning from going to Sangnan. This matter had been settled for a long time, with golden words and Xie Xun's imperial edict, and it was impossible to change it. He thought that his wife wanted to take Fang Chuning with her. He went to Jiangnan with Junjun, so he didn't agree. His wife, who was originally indifferent to him, didn't give him a good look when she found out that he refused.

The commander-in-chief also felt very uncomfortable. He thought that since the negotiation with Sang Nan went smoothly, he should also take off his armor and return home. Since his wife is unwilling to come to Jiangnan, he will return to the capital. He has been stationed in Jiangnan for so many years, so he should hand over the burden to Fang Chuning. .

Xie Xun is very ambitious towards Sangnan. If there is no result in the peace talks, he will definitely fight. Now that the Northern Barbarians have surrendered, there is sufficient food and grass, there are many masters in the army, and there is Dugu Jing, who is even more powerful, it is a matter of time to regain Sangnan. It mainly depends on when Xie Xun wants to use troops. The Jiangnan army is always ready for war.

"Let them go!" When Fang Chuning came to look for Xie Jue, Xie Jue was watching the sunset by the river.

Dressed in white clothes bathed in the golden light, with fluttering skirts, gentle and affectionate, Xie Jue looked a little homesick before leaving the capital city. Fang Chuning felt moved and walked slowly to him.

Xie Jue heard the footsteps and knew it was Fang Chuning without looking back.

He was even so familiar with Fang Chuning's footsteps.

There were patrolling soldiers nearby, and the two of them didn't have any intimate behavior. After that night, Xie Jue didn't know what attitude to take towards Chu Ning, so he simply remained silent.

Fang Chuning asked, "Are you going to keep fighting with me all the way to Sangnan?"

"Are you sure you want to talk to me on the way? The commander may be right behind you."

"If you hadn't barged into the study that day, he would have known about it by now."

"If I hadn't broken into the study that day, you would have been beaten to death!" Xie Jue said coldly, "Can you still stand here talking to me, and can you go to Sangnan with me?"

"Oh, it turns out that Tingfeng was afraid that I would be beaten to death, so he broke into my father's study regardless of etiquette!" Fang Chuning said with a smile that meant he was beaten to death, "Are you so afraid that I will be beaten to death?" (End of Chapter)

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