On the third day of the voyage, there were only a few hours left to reach the Sangnan border. The soldiers cried with joy. They were finally reaching the shore. After these long three days, everyone lived like a year. Even Xie Jue felt that the day felt like a year. He was seasick these days and had no taste for food. He almost always ate to satisfy his hunger. He would sleep after eating and eat when he was hungry. He was looking forward to landing early. The same was true for Zhang Boxing, Lin Xiao and other young masters who had never gone to sea, so they knew they had to land. , they all cheered up.

However, there are unpredictable weather conditions at sea, and it is difficult to tell the weather changes at sea. Even the best crew members did not predict that when they were about to reach the border of Sangnan, there would suddenly be a huge wave of wind and waves, dark clouds filled the sky, and there would soon be a storm. Although there were a few storms on the sea these days, it was still peaceful and peaceful.

Xie Jue felt a very violent jolt in the cabin. Everything was swaying this way and that. The huge wind and waves caused water waves to hit the deck. Several unresponsive soldiers fell to the deck. Fortunately, someone with good eyesight and quick hands caught him immediately. Not falling into the sea.

A storm soon came, and the flag was blown down due to the strong wind and rain. Although their ship could withstand such a storm, it also became very uncomfortable due to the bumps. Fang Chuning asked those who couldn't stand the turbulence to go back to the cabin first, not to be too dangerous on the deck. They would reach the Sangnan border in a few hours, and such a storm would not sink the ship.

However, misfortunes never come singly.

Two huge ships appeared in front, with a black eagle hanging on them. A crew member was shocked and shouted in the wind and waves, "There are pirates, there are pirates..."

Fang Chuning's eyebrows darkened, and he grabbed the railing with one hand, veins popping on the back of his hand. He looked solemnly at the pirate ship that suddenly appeared in the storm ahead.

"Raise the military flag!" Fang Chuning said in a deep voice, "Quickly!"

The flag was blown down just now. Because of the storm, everyone was avoiding the wind and waves and didn't care about the flag. Fang Chuning took the crew's words to heart. Pirates generally did not dare to rob the Jiangnan garrison unless they were desperate!

"Yes!" Several of the most experienced sailors hurriedly picked up the military flag and wanted to raise it, but they never thought that the pirate ship on the opposite side rushed towards them with an especially fast and fierce attitude in the storm.

The cry of killing rang out!
  "Brothers, the big fat sheep are here, kill them, kill them all. The women, jewelry, and goods on the ship are all yours!" A loud and rough voice came, and at the same time, a huge iron egg was aimed at their heads. The ship was smashed over.

Fang Chuning looked back. Because the storm was too strong, their ships were moving farther apart. Their ship was moving farther forward, and the iron egg fell on the deck, instantly making a hole.

"Fight!" Fang Chuning shouted sternly.

The two sides met in a narrow road, and the pirate ship instantly hit the mission's main ship. The hull shook for a while, and then some pirates threw the rope over, hooked it on the deck, jumped onto the ship with the rope, swung their swords, and killed anyone they saw. Fang Chuning swept his spear, opened his sword, and saw someone The pirate jumped over again, and Fang Chuning threw out his sword to cut off the rope, pierced the pirate's chest with the spear, and carried him into the sea.

Fang Chuning ordered the crew to move back and distance themselves from the pirate ship. As soon as the distance was opened, countless iron eggs smashed over and the deck was soon smashed with numerous holes.

Fang Chuning turned around and said in a deep voice, "Fight back, immediately!"

He grabbed Lin Xiao's collar. The heavy rain soaked Fang Chuning's hair. His eyes looked sharper in the heavy rain. "Go and see if there is any leakage in the cabin. Bring the prince up. You and his shadow guards are together." Be sure to protect him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Jue had already come up. The hull of the ship was indeed seeping water, and the water flow was not particularly strong. Xie Jue knew that the pirates were coming, so he just got on the deck and held on to the railing. Suddenly, the ship's hull shook violently in the wind and waves, and he almost fell. In the sea, he quickly stabilized his figure and said in a deep voice, "Take good command and leave me alone!"

This was a water battle. Xie Jue had no experience at all. He knew that Fang Chuning would be worried about him, so he tried his best to stand where he could see him to prevent Fang Chuning from being distracted. If it was a land battle, he could still make suggestions. Water battles were not busy at all. Can't help. Fang Chuning turned around to see him, and several shadow guards were beside him. He felt relieved instantly. Several soldiers had been thrown into the sea. Xie Jue and the shadow guards threw down the ropes to pull them up.

The shouts of death from the opposite side kept coming. Xie Jue saw countless pirates jumping into the water and telling them to swim over. Fang Chuning sneered, "Lin Xiao, take the cavalry archers and stand still. Your moving target is here!"


"Zhang Boxing, use an iron ball to smash the opponent's mast and cables. As long as the mast is destroyed, the ship will lose power and aim."


Although Zhang Boxing and Lin Xiao were seasick for several days, they responded to orders quickly. Fang Chuning also had a clear mind and had participated in several water battle trainings. Among all the generals present, he was the most familiar with water battles. Because they suspected that Sang Nan would not deliberately cause war, the Jiangnan navy did not escort them. These ships were all Ningzhou cavalry teams. They also took the land route on their way back, and only took the water route when they went there. The peace talks had not yet begun. Sang Nan How could he possibly take action?

Pirates generally do not rob navy warships, but they never expected to encounter such an extreme situation. The flag was blown down by the wind and waves, and they met the pirates head-on, and the other ships could not catch up due to the wind and waves.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. We can only fight but cannot retreat. We can retreat even at sea.

Raindrops of arrows were also fired from the pirate ship on the opposite side, constantly shooting at them. The pirates' water battles were very rich. The chain balls thrown from the opposite side kept hitting the mast of the sailboat. As long as the mast broke, the ship would lose power. , Fang Chuning knew that there were four ships behind him, and he was not so worried about one ship losing power, so Lin Xiao's top priority was to shoot the pirates.

Lin Xiao led the mounted archers to quickly fight back, not only shooting the pirates on the opposite ship, but also shooting the pirates in the sea.

The pirate leader is a man with thick beards, and the second-in-command on the side roars in the storm, "Boss, the other party doesn't look like a merchant ship, how come there are so many shooters?"

It is very difficult to supply supplies in a naval battle. Seeing the two sides shooting at each other like this, Xie Jue frowned slightly and said to Ying Liu, "Take out the row of dummies in the cabin and put them on the bow of the ship for them to shoot."


There are many dummies on several ships, just to prevent pirates. When sailing at night, they will put the dummies wearing Jiangnan garrison uniforms on the bow of the ship to deter pirates. Because the visibility is unclear at night at sea, they dare not act rashly. Some merchant ships also use this trick to avoid pirate attacks.

The dummy was quickly moved to the deck and fixed. Sure enough, the target was obvious in the wind and rain. It was difficult for the pirates on the opposite side to distinguish the real from the fake in such a field of vision. They all shot arrows at the dummy, quickly turning them into a hornet's nest. , Xie Jue ordered people to pull out the arrows and continue to use the dummy to attract fire, so that at least he would not have to worry about the supply of bows and arrows.

"Boss, it's the Jiangnan Navy. We've stung a hornet's nest. Let's go!" The second master saw clearly the rows of soldiers wearing Jiangnan Navy uniforms on the opposite boat. His heart was pounding. The mast had not been broken yet. In the wind and rain, The navy's flag was also slowly raised.

"Why panic? They only have one ship. It may be a merchant ship disguised as a merchant ship. It's too late to retreat now. Kill them all!" (End of Chapter)

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