The pirates had six ships, and they quickly gathered together to surround them. Lin Xiao's group of archers were very powerful and accurate. Many people were killed and injured on the pirate side. They were used to being domineering on the sea and always being self-centered. How could they do it? In the face of such a fierce counterattack, and after the brothers continued to die, their blood was even more intense, and they had to kill all the enemies on the opposite side before they could give up. Under such circumstances, it was impossible for each of them to take a step back, and they could only fight to the death.

The hull was violently hit, rocking constantly in the wind and waves, and was extremely fragile. The three ships were constantly hitting each other from different directions, making it difficult for the hull to maintain balance. A large number of pirates kept jumping on board, killing everyone they saw.

Fang Chuning ordered, "Fight back freely, no need to tolerate!"

All tactics have lost their meaning at this time, and they can only fight back continuously to kill them. The shadow guards are different from the Ningzhou cavalry. They only have Xie Jue in their eyes and no one else. In this situation of being besieged, It was even more impossible to protect others. Thousands of pirates broke into the ship and the two sides began to fight. Xie Jue said in a deep voice, "Don't worry about me. If you only look after me, you will only get in the way. All non-our soldiers will be killed." "

"Yes!" Ying Er winked, and the others left Xie Jue's side to kill the enemy. Ying Er always guarded Xie Jue, and Xie Jue also drew his sword and stabbed a pirate who was attacking him.

The shouts of death were everywhere, and the hull of the boat was shaking wildly in the wind and waves. It was almost difficult to stand on the boat. Xie Jue was also shaken and fell several times. This was a rare embarrassment for Xie Jue since he was a child.

Not only Xie Jue, but even a general like Fang Chuning, who has experienced hundreds of battles and has a very stable lower body, will lose his balance and fall several times in such violent shaking, so it is difficult to fight in a sea storm.

The first and second masters of the pirates would never come to fight up close, but Fang Chuning could see their main ship. The long pole on the ship was cut off, and the ship lost power instantly. It was like a small boat in the storm. They could capsize in the waves at any time. The Ningzhou Iron Cavalry had good land combat capabilities, but this was the sea. Pirates kept coming over to fight, and gradually began to decline. They killed one person, and there was a row of pirates behind them, making them miserable.

Lin Xiao said, "Fang Da, there are too many of them, we must abandon the ship!"

The four ships behind them hadn't caught up yet, and they couldn't fight against each other. Fang Chuning looked back at Xie Jue, who was covered in blood.

Everyone was killing the enemy, and they were in a very embarrassed state. The ship was in danger of disintegrating. Fang Chuning made a quick decision, "Hold on a little longer and give me the bow and arrow!"


Lin Xiao gave him the bow and arrow, and Fang Chuning threw the spear into Lin Xiao's hand, "Cover me!"


Lin Xiao led a dozen soldiers around Fang Chuning. The ship was rocking so fiercely that even a simple bow and arrow seemed to be very difficult. A hole was made in the hull of the ship by the hammer, and seawater continued to spread into the cabin. The ship was overweight and was about to sink. The pirates on the main ship opposite laughed and laughed at their embarrassment.

There was lightning and thunder, the waves struck violently, and the wind and waves stirred up a wave of water, which soaked them. Fang Chuning stabilized his body amidst the violent shaking, like a piece of gold and steel standing on the ship, aiming his bow and arrow at the pirate leader on the main ship. People are tall, eye-catching, and constantly giving orders, so they are easy to distinguish.

The pirates kept attacking Fang Chuning. Lin Xiao and the soldiers were covering him. Someone saw that Fang Chuning was heading towards the main ship and turned around and shouted, "Boss, get out of the way..."

The wind and waves were too strong, and the sound of heavy rain covered up all the sounds of fighting. The embarrassment of the Ningzhou Cavalry also fueled the pirates' arrogance. They did not expect that the Ningzhou Cavalry could still fight back.

The moment the bow and arrow left the string, the pirate ship hit the hull again. The already fragile ship lost power and capsized instantly after being hit by such a collision. More than a dozen soldiers were knocked into the sea. Fang Chuning was also unstable. With the silence of the big ship, it rolled into the sea.

"Listen to the wind..."

At the moment when he fell into the sea water, Fang Chuning had only one thought, where is Tingfeng!
  He didn't even have time to find Xie Jue before he fell into the sea. Fortunately, the moment he fell into the sea, he saw a bow and arrow shoot through the throat of the pirate leader. “Boss!”

"The boss was killed, the boss was killed..."

Among thousands of troops, Fang Chuning was killed with one arrow. In such wind, waves and shaking, this was his only chance to fight back, so he was decisive and resolute in taking action, leaving no room for error.

The leader was killed, and the pirates were instantly leaderless. At this time, the four lagging ships finally caught up. When the ships behind them saw the battle situation, they were all confused.

"Come here, fight!" Following the order from Lord Gu of Honglu Temple, four ships from behind quickly sailed towards the direction of the sinking of the main ship. The flags of the Jiangnan Navy were all on board. Upon seeing this, the second master of the pirates, His face changed drastically. It was really a big navy ship. How could they get close to the border of Sangnan.

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly..."

In fact, it’s not to blame for the pirates’ misunderstanding. Even if the Jiangnan navy trains, it will only train in its own waters. This is the Sangnan border. If the navy approaches the Sangnan border, it will be regarded as a provocation and start a war. Therefore, they all misunderstood at first. Because it was a merchant ship pretending to be a navy in order to avoid being robbed. This kind of thing was not uncommon. I didn't expect that they would stir up a hornet's nest.

The pirates fled in panic in the storm, and Fang Chuning emerged from the water. In the sea were the soldiers of the Ningzhou Cavalry, the corpses of the pirates, various scattered items, etc.

"Listen to the wind, listen to the wind..."

Everyone was floating in the sea. A wave hit and more than a dozen people were overturned. Fang Chuning grabbed the driftwood with one hand and a soldier who was about to be swept away with the other hand. He pressed firmly on the driftwood. The soldier He is a landlubber and is not familiar with water. If no one reaches out to him, he will surely die in the sea.

"Grab it, don't let go, our people are coming!" Fang Chuning said in a deep voice. After the boat approached, it leaned against the mountain to fish for people. Fang Chuning looked at the people floating on the sea, anxious, "Listen to the wind... listen to the wind..."

While he was eagerly searching for Xie Jue, he also did not forget to catch the soldiers who were not familiar with water. During the search, he rescued a few more people.

These people almost drowned, they were all landlubbers.

Some people were choked and fainted, and everyone was in a state of panic.

"Has anyone seen the prince?" Fang Chuning asked eagerly.

Everyone shook their heads. The battle just now was too chaotic. They were too busy to care about themselves and others. Xie Jue must have been swept into the sea. No one knew where he was.

A rope has been thrown on the boat, and Mr. Gu said, "General Fang, you come up first."

"Pull these people up first!" Fang Chuning was very good at water, and now he was even more anxious to find Xie Jue. He searched through the densely packed people floating on the sea, and when he saw Ying Liu, he was overjoyed, "Ying Liu, where is Ting Feng? Is he by your side?" (End of Chapter)

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