Ying Liu was fighting with others and was not with Xie Jue. Xie Jue had always been guarded by Ying Er. Fang Chuning was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. The sea water was freezing cold. His eyes stung in the wind and waves, and his heart felt empty. There were too many casualties in this battle today. It was the first time for everyone to experience a naval battle. They were all made of flesh and blood. How could they withstand such wind, waves and assassinations? If they were swept into the whirlpool of the waves, Tingfeng would have a [-]% chance of survival. ?

Several ships were fishing for people, whether they were dead or alive. Some pirates were also rescued and imprisoned here. The wind and waves were too big to keep floating in the sea. Fang Chuning's soldiers nearby were all rescued. After being rescued, he also climbed up along the rope and asked eagerly about Xie Jue's whereabouts. There was no Xie Jue on the ship he boarded. The ships were very separated. The wind and waves were too strong and it was difficult to communicate with each other. This would have been difficult if the pirates had not encountered the storm. It will not capsize the ship, and it must not be far away in a short time. The waves just pushed many soldiers very far. They must ensure that everyone is rescued before they leave this sea area. Fang Chuning was worried about Xie Jue. They ordered people to count the corpses. The soldiers all had nameplates on them. Sixteen people died just after they fished them out. Several people were seriously injured and were unconscious in the sea water. The condition of those who were rescued was not good. The ship was full of wounded people. Looking at the storm, As they continued to get up, an old crew member suggested that Fang Chuning dock as soon as possible.

Suddenly, Fang Chuning saw someone waving a red ribbon on the ship on the right. Fang Chuning's heart settled. That was a signal that he and Xie Jue were in Beiman. Xie Jue was safe and sound, but she was separated from him.

Fang Chuning ordered people to check again to ensure that no one was missed. After confirming that everyone had been rescued, he left the sea area.

The storm lasted for more than an hour. As it went further to Sangnan, the wind and waves became smaller and the storm gradually calmed down. After Fang Chuning calmed down, he did not hold anyone accountable. After all, it was no one's fault that the ship separated, and the extreme weather was also accidental. Since it was a pirate attack, this matter would definitely not be forgotten.

One of the crew members knew where the pirates' hometown was. They were bandits who built a stronghold on the island. Nearly [-] people lived on the island. The islands are not all pirates, they are just pirate lairs. Most of them are ordinary people. The pirates usually look for prey on the sea and return to the islands when they rest. If the government sends troops to encircle and suppress them, they will leave by boat and go to the sea. They have more experience in life at sea than the navy. They are elusive and difficult to catch. Jiangnan Navy and Sangnan have encircled and suppressed them several times, but they all returned without success, and they were unable to expel the people on the island. Both countries There are ordinary people living on the island, so pirates are becoming more and more rampant, and merchant ships coming and going are suffering.

"They thought this robbery was going to be carried out as lightly as usual, but they are totally wrong. I will definitely seek justice for my brothers!" Fang Chuning's brows were soaked with the coldness of the wind and rain. He had not yet counted the casualties. The exact number of people will not be known until they reach the shore. Even if one person is killed or injured, he will not let this group of pirates go.

"General, the pirates are so rampant that they cannot be tolerated. However, it is very difficult to encircle and suppress them. Moreover, it is not convenient for us to encircle and suppress them now that we are on the mission to Sang Nan."

"I know!"

When the mission came to Sangnan, they should complete their mission as quickly as possible and escort Xie Jue back to Beijing safely. They should let other things go. Even if they encountered pirates and had a fight, they could only let go for the time being and let them have more time. After a few months of living, I can only grit my teeth and write down this account.

There were three thousand of them, none of them were sailors. It was unrealistic to fight against experienced pirates. Fang Chuning was extremely unwilling to do so. He looked at the corpses of the soldiers with grief and sadness.

For this mission, he selected all the elite cavalrymen from Ningzhou, some of whom he personally brought out. They had fought in Ningzhou for so many years, and finally the battlefield in Ningzhou calmed down. They were able to remove their armor and return to their fields, and live in peace. , Unexpectedly, when Sang Nan was sent as envoy, he encountered a fight before reaching the border. Many brothers died at sea and could not return to their hometown.

He was grieving, but couldn't show it. Fang Chuning thought to himself, and Tingfeng felt even worse. He wanted to get to the Sangnan border quickly, so he took the waterway.

Everyone said that pirates would only give way to the Jiangnan navy when they encountered them. The voyage would have been safe and worry-free, but no one expected such a disaster.

When the ship docked, Han Ziqi had already led people to greet Xie Jue and Fang Chuning at the port. Han Ziqi was already the prince of Sangnan, so he came to greet them, which showed that King Sangnan valued the envoy.

The mission had rearranged its formation as it approached the border, with Xie Jue's ship leading the way.

Han Ziqi frowned and asked the officials beside him, "When Beining and his party set out from Yangzhou, weren't there five ships?"

"Yes, intelligence indicates five ships."

Han Ziqi thought, what about the other ship? (End of chapter)

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