The high priest looked at Xie Jue, who was a complete stranger to the eldest princess, and couldn't help but feel sad. He really looked nothing like his biological mother. Whether it was appearance or temperament, he looked more like a child from the Zhenbei Hou Mansion. There is no trace of the Sonnan people at all, and there is no trace of the princess at all. In his impression, the princess was gentle, romantic, and innocent, a little girl that everyone wanted to take care of, but Xie Jue was a man who was upright and iron-hearted.

In his heart, he only has the Zhenbei Houfu, not the Sangnan royal family.

This is a no-brainer.

Even if he knew his origins and where his mother came from, he would not have any sense of belonging. Sangnan would always be a strange land to him, and he would not feel any attachment to it.

"No, you are wrong. You are very suitable to be a king." The high priest said, "A king must be sober and cruel, and cannot be swayed by the seven emotions and six desires."

"So? Is it a lie that the high priest asked me to come to worship my biological mother? He still wants to persuade me to succeed Sang Nan?"

"Yes, everyone in the Priesthood hopes that His Highness can succeed Sangnan and revitalize the Sangnan royal family."

"Even if I succeed, I will give Sangnan to Zhixu." Xie Jue said lightly, "If so, will Zhixu and I have to bear the resentment of millions of people in Sangnan? Is it true? No one wants to be the king of a subjugated country, so you push it to me? Do you really think that I am a three-year-old child who will let you help me to the throne and be a puppet?"

"You can also choose not to surrender to Beining." The high priest said, "Is surrender that important? Although the land of Sangnan is rich, it is really worthy of your war, isn't it? I heard that there are soldiers from the Northern Barbarians on the border this time , Emperor Beining is really broad-minded. He can give the enemy military power and let him control the troops. This kind of control technique has never been seen before. First, he must have trust in the commander, and secondly, he must have control of the military power. Only when he has both can he dare to delegate power. , you brothers fought all the way to capture the country, and the three armies naturally surrendered, so all military power was handed over to Dugu Jing. You are not afraid of Dugu Jing's rebellion. But millions of people from the Northern Barbarians have come to live in Beining. How to manage and tame them? Big problem. According to my reports in the Twelve Prefectures, since the Northern Barbarians entered the Twelve Prefectures, there have been conflicts and disputes every day. The local government has been miserable and has frequently written letters requesting the imperial court to send troops for support. At such a critical juncture, It’s not difficult to see what the emperor’s intentions were when he sent Dugu Jing to lead the army. The unrest in the northern barbarians is your top priority. Even if Sangnan is rich, there are replaceable resources. Liuzhou to Jiangnan is also rich. There is no need for you to rush for it. Sang Nan returns."

"There is no rush, but it will happen sooner or later." Xie Jue said lightly. No wonder the high priest's status is so high in Sangnan. This is the first time he heard a Sangnan person say their true intention.

The high priest laughed at himself and said, "It seems that surrender is Sang Nan's only choice. Beining is so strong. If we don't surrender, we will go to war, right?"

"Yes!" Xie Jue said, "Starting a war is the fastest way to stabilize the hearts of the Northern Barbarians, and there is nothing we can do."

"Use thousands of our Sangnan lives to stabilize the hearts of the northern barbarians?"

"You can also choose to surrender."

The high priest knew that they had reached a dead end and no one could convince anyone. Beining stood at the pinnacle of strength and was not afraid of going to war with Sang Nan. King Sang Nan and the priest could either agree to surrender or choose to die together. There was no way out.

"It's really hard to say about luck. The Yuwen Dynasty has fought with the Northern Barbarians for so many years, and five generations of Zhenbei Houfu have guarded the border to prevent the Northern Barbarians from going south. The climate of the Northern Barbarians has not been so bad for a hundred years, and the people are still To survive, just when Beining split, the Northern Barbarians were greatly weakened, and natural and man-made disasters struck, forcing them to cease fighting and surrender to Beining. From then on, the Northern Barbarians became the territory of Beining, and countless gold and red sand mines poured into Beining. After hundreds of years of war, the twelve states that had been vacant had accepted the Northern Barbarian people. As long as the local government could suppress it, the strong men plowed the fields and the women weaved. The barren fields were cultivated. Agriculture and commerce once again prospered. Beining's future prosperity is already visible to the naked eye. It can be seen. When Sang Nan returns, there will be no strong enemies around Beining. Whether you brothers are fighting to the north or to the southwest, you will have no opponents. Xie... is indeed the chosen king, and even luck is on his side. Around you."

Xie Jue didn't like to hear words like luck. "One word of luck can sum up the sacrifices of five generations of our Xie family. The high priest is too understatement. My Xie family is the largest family in Beining. It has a prosperous population because of the two clans." One generation after another died in the war, and only my father's lineage was left. Almost all of our brothers died in Kyoto and perished in the Yuwen Dynasty. It was just a thought that there was no more Xie family in the world. We don't want to think about luck. Yes, Zhixu and I want our family to be healthy and safe. If we are a wise king, know how to use people well, and if we are a general, we all want to take off our armor and return to the fields to enjoy the happiness of family. The high priest has been sitting in the clouds for a long time, looking down on the people, and I am afraid that it will be long ago. I don’t know the joy of ordinary people.”

The high priest's eyebrows were slightly cold, and Xie Jue showed no fear at all. "The peace talks between me and Sang Nan have reached an impasse. For the sake of Sang Nan's survival, I ask the high priest to make a decision early. The longer it is delayed, the more unstable the border will be." The barbarian soldiers are waiting to show their loyalty to the new king, and they are eager for a battle."

"Your Highness is threatening me?"

"I'm telling the truth!" Xie Jue said with a chuckle, "I like Sangnan very much, and I can't bear to see Sangnan become a scorched earth and the people are displaced. I am in Peony City and have not been home for a long time. My brother is waiting impatiently. I'm afraid that he will come to the border to pick him up personally. If he comes, things will not be so easy. You are kindly reminding me. If you take it as a threat, that's okay!" The high priest sneered, but no longer responded. Xie Jue asked these nine levels The pagoda was very interested and wanted to go up for a walk, but the high priest refused and Xie Jue did not force it.

When we left the priest's house, it was already past lunch time.

The soldiers next to him complained that the Sangnan people were very poor in hospitality and did not leave a meal. Xie Jue said lightly, "It doesn't matter."

There is an inn at the foot of the priest's courtyard. It occupies a small area and has a quiet environment. It is a place for travelers to stay and eat. There are no guests today, so Xie Jue also chose this place to have a meal before returning to the inn.

The shadow guard was particularly puzzled as to why he had to eat outside. It only took half an hour to get back to the inn, and it was not very safe to eat outside.

Xie Jue didn't explain much, so the shadow guard had to arrange meals.

The Shadow Guards were very cautious after the poisoning incident, so Xie Jue's meals outside were not handled by anyone. They gave the innkeeper a piece of silver and they personally prepared the meals for Xie Jue.

Xie Jue sat at the outdoor railing of the inn. Firstly, the environment was good and he could enjoy the scenery. There was a lotus pond in the distance. Secondly, he could also see the guests coming and going. There were a lot of people coming and going in this area. When others saw Xie Jue's fight, they knew it was not to be messed with. No one wanted to cause trouble for him, and no one dared to disturb his purity.

The customs and customs of Sangnan are far different from those of Beining. If he were in the Twelve Prefectures, he would be slaughtered as a fat sheep by local bandits. Provocation is inevitable. If he were in Kyoto, there would be powerful young men who would accuse him of being flamboyant. He is so domineering that he even takes over other people's kitchens, so he must come to argue with him. If in Sangnan, things have nothing to do with themselves. They all have sense of proportion and boundaries and don't like to cause trouble.

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance, and a man in black night clothes flew off the maroon horse neatly. He walked quickly and looked up at Xie Jue.

Ying Er took a step forward to stop him, his right hand pressed on the long sword, his cold light showing slightly, "Stop."

The people from Sangnan and Beining were from the same family, so it was difficult to tell them apart from their faces. Xie Jue saw a pair of bright eyes. He was dressed simply, with a dagger stuck in his waist. He looked very handsome. neat.

"General Chen Yesheng, please see the prince and tell me something." Chen Yesheng inquired about Xie Jue's temperament early and waited for Xie Jue on the only way.

Xie Jue's face was expressionless, "Who are you?"

He asked knowingly, knowing very well that he was a spy for the Marshal. He deliberately ate outside and sat outdoors in a crowded place. He was so eye-catching just to see if Jiangnan's spies had run into trouble with Fang Chuning.

Will they come to him?

Even if Fang Chuning refuses to say it, they will definitely say it!

I'm going out to eat tonight, don't wait, I'll try my best to get 10,000 more tomorrow

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