As Mr. Gu expected, the people of Peony City found out after dawn that King Sangnan had been killed in the inner courtyard of the palace. The culprit was Xie Jue. Moreover, Xie Jue had leveled the priest temple and killed all the priests in Sangnan. The killings and rivers of blood flowed, which aroused the anger of the people in Sangnan and caused resentment among the people.

King Sangnan had won the hearts of the people. During his tenure, Sangnan was peaceful, the land was fertile, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. He often had fun with the people. He was the kindest king in Sangnan. Some people even hung portraits of King Sangnan in their homes. . The priest's temple and the nine-story pagoda are sacred places in the hearts of the people of Sangnan and are inviolable. The status of the high priest is comparable to that of King Sangnan in the hearts of the people. However, Xie Jue burned him alive in front of the collapsed temple. The people of Sangnan were instantly angry. Well, in their minds, after Xie Jue killed Sang Nan, he then brutally killed the priests and went on a killing spree. He was a murderous maniac. No priest in the priest's court survived.

Hundreds of thousands of people surrounded the palace and demanded that Han Ziqi kill Xie Jue. Due to the resentment of the people, they did not even care whether there were cavalry at the border. After all, the people of Mudan City were rich all their lives, and some people had never left Mudan City in their lives. They are so pampered that they have no idea of ​​the dangers on the border, which are too far away from them.

"The king has agreed to sign the surrender document. In the future, Sangnan will be Beining's territory. Why would he kill the king?"

"I heard that it was because of his affair with Fang Chuning that he refused to marry the tenth princess. During the dispute, he killed my king angrily. Anyway, he signed the surrender document. He was sure of victory and did not take the king seriously."

"I have long seen that he and the general have problems. They are inseparable and intimate. For the sake of a man, he did not even care about peace talks between the two clans. He is really crazy."

"I heard that he killed many people in Ningzhou. What crime did our priests commit? He actually burned all the priests to death. He is a devil. He broke the covenant for the sake of a man. How dare he!"

"We Sangnan do not recognize such a prince. He is not worthy to be the son of the eldest princess. The king and the priest are the monarchs of our Sangnan. Xie Jue is guilty and he should be hanged on Xingtai."

"Strangle Xie Jue, strangle Xie Jue!"

People outside the palace were crowded with Sangnan people. They besieged the palace and asked Han Ziqi to kill Xie Jue. The rumors about Xie Jue and Fang Chuning also continued to expand. There were many literati in Sangnan, and the literati's pens were like killing knives. What sexy stories, taboos All the emotions were written down and widely circulated. Both Xie Jue and Fang Chuning were written as King Zhou and Daji, and even more erotic stories about the two of them messing around in the military camp were told in an explicit and erotic way.

Mr. Gu was so angry that he had angina pectoris. He was such a gentle and elegant person, but he wanted to tear apart the people of Sangnan with his hands, but Xie Jue remained unconscious. Although the injury was serious, he was treated in time, and his lungs were not hurt, but he just Sleeping for no reason, as if unwilling to wake up, the palace is left to Master Gu, Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing.

The spies in the city have asked for help from the border. As long as the people do not attack the city, the Ningzhou cavalry can guard the palace gate. Han Ziqi and the princes, princesses and concubines who escaped in the secret passage were all captured alive and locked up in the palace.

Mr. Gu tried to ask Han Ziqi to persuade the people to retreat, but Han Ziqi could not persuade the people of Sangnan. The rising public anger had overshadowed the majesty and reputation of the royal family. The people even attacked Han Ziqi as a lackey, and the hatred for killing his father was irreconcilable. He would not He should be with his enemies, he should avenge his father, etc.

The high priest obviously arranged for people to spread rumors in the city and add fuel to the flames. Therefore, the people were indignant. The Ningzhou cavalry could only guard the palace gate. On the first night, a group of common people did not know who was inciting them. Since they really attacked the palace gate, Zhang Boxing He and Lin Xiao simply ordered the shooting and killed more than 20 people, so the people did not dare to act rashly. They all gathered outside the palace to protest and clamor, wanting to trap them to death in the palace, and they were sure that they did not dare to kill civilians. Common people, Zhang Boxing tried to take the secret passage of the palace, but the secret passage was exposed and blown up by the common people, and the exit had been blocked long ago. If they want to leave the palace, they must fight their way out of the palace, and they must fight with all their strength. As long as the common people do not take the initiative to attack, the Ningzhou cavalry will not attack civilians, otherwise it will violate the laws of the cavalry. Zhang Boxing is also very anxious. There are not many supplies in the palace, which can only support them for five days. If the army does not support them, they will run out of ammunition and food!

Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing guarded the city all night. They were extremely tired recently. They also sat on the palace gate and took a nap with their swords in their hands. They did not dare to sleep too deeply. The general of the mission was originally Fang Chuning. Fang Chuning was in charge of the military affairs and the team was also Fang Chuning. In leadership and command, now that Fang Chuning is gone, it is Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing who call the shots.

Xie Jue was unconscious. They could only take turns guarding the city, encouraging and comforting each other. They hoped that reinforcements would come soon and that Xie Jue would wake up soon. He was their backbone. If Xie Jue couldn't wake up, everyone was worried. People were in panic, they didn't dare to kill the people, and they didn't dare to decide whether to stay or go without authorization. They originally followed Lord Gu's advice and wanted to evacuate from the secret passage, but the secret passage was blocked, and they lost their only escape route.

Lin Xiao woke up after sleeping for an hour, and went to Zhang Boxing to rest, but Zhang Boxing didn't feel sleepy. Lin Xiao took a sip of wine to wake up. A cold wind blew, and he only felt the bone-chilling chill. It was clearly Sang Nan in March. It's late spring and early summer. Standing at the palace gate and looking out, I saw a sea of ​​heads and flames soaring into the sky. Wave after wave of people crowded the palace gate. Sometimes they were silent, sometimes they were noisy. They were either protesting silently or clamoring for Han Ziqi to kill Xie Jue. , as long as they kill Xie Jue and avenge King Sangnan and the priest, they will disperse on their own.

"A group of unruly people!" Zhang Boxing was so angry that he gushed, "Usually unruly people come from the north, but I didn't expect such unreasonable barbarians to come out of the prosperous Jiangnan."

Poor mountains and rivers bring out unruly people. Jiangnan is generally populated by literati and gentlemen, who are gentle and persuasive with reason. This time, someone incited hatred and made Beining an enemy. The hatred of the high priest was passed on to countless people in Sangnan. Such hatred made the people of Sangnan Savage and persistent, Xie Jue will not give up until he dies.

The seeds of hatred were sown throughout Sangnan. The Northern Barbarians were not at peace and Sangnan was in chaos. It was also a great challenge for Xie Jue and Xie Xun, and the rumors would inevitably spread to Beining.

The fact that Xie Jue killed the priest and King Sangnan for Fang Chuning was reported back before they returned to Beining. No matter what Xie Jue had done for the Ningzhou cavalry, whether he had been through life and death, he was iron-clad, once he had such a romantic affair, Because of his relationship, his image was ruined. Most people in this world follow what they say. Once his image collapses, it will be difficult to recover. Not only the people of Sangnan hate him, but if the two sides fight, the families of the soldiers who died on the battlefield will also hate Xie. Why would Jue break the peace talks, trigger a war, and blood would flow like a river? Xie Jue would be nailed to the pillar of shame and become a stain on him for the rest of his life.

This is what Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing are worried and sad about, but they can't explain it. Even if they keep explaining it after the situation calms down, there are thousands of people in the world, how can they explain it one by one.

If there are many rumors, they become true.

After the chaos in Sangnan this time, Xie Jue was nailed to the pillar of shame forever. The people in Sangnan spurned him, and the people in Beining also laughed at him. No one cared whether he lost his lover or experienced anything during this chaos. What, they will only say that Xie Jue broke the covenant, killed King Sangnan, and killed everyone in the priesthood for a man.

He is a murderous demon. (End of chapter)

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