Master Gu was very happy to know that Xie Jue woke up. Nowadays, foreign invaders are invading and people are worried. They all want Xie Jue to make the decision. Their backbone wakes up and the chaos can be stabilized. An official of Honglu Temple felt that Mr. Gu was too optimistic. He said with lingering fear, "You have forgotten that the prince killed everyone in the priesthood in anger. It was to vent his anger. Although the high priest was guilty and provoked the dispute, But most of the priests obey orders from others and cannot help themselves, and their sins will not lead to death!"

Civil servants are different from military attachés. Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing and others did not think there was anything wrong with Xie Jue killing all the priests in a rage. The Ningzhou cavalry also had military orders and would not question it. The civil servants were different. They had lived a stable life without killing anyone. The cruelest scene they had ever seen was the murder of a heinous murderer at the entrance to the Meridian Gate Market. It is inevitable that there will be compassion. Master Gu also feels that Xie Jue will attract criticism for killing so many people, but he will not talk behind his back, let alone talk to others. He is more worried that this move will make the world feel grateful. Jue is violent and worried that Xie Jue's reputation will be damaged.

"You have been trapped in Sangnan Palace for several days. You are about to run out of ammunition and food. You still have the heart to complain for those priests. Why not eat less and save some rations for the soldiers." Lord Gu scolded him rudely.

The official looked stern and did not dare to speak. Master Gu warned, "If you dare to talk about the prince behind his back in the future, stop wearing your black hat. When Sang Nan returns, I will send you to govern Sang Nan."

"I know my mistake and I won't dare to do it again."

Mr. Gu was sarcastic in his heart, look, if your own interests and pains are not involved, anyone can be compassionate and be a good person, but what if it is involved?

What's wrong with the prince killing the priest?

Do you want to keep that group of shemales to confuse the public? Aren't the people outside the palace gate incited by the priests to trap them in the palace? Pity the priest who wanted to execute them, why didn't he pity the three hundred cavalry who died in the turmoil!


At dawn, Xie Jue had packed up. Except for his pale face, he looked the same. He was wearing a moon-white robe with wide sleeves. His long hair was not tied up, only tied with a green hairband. The hairband hung down to his waist, looking cool and cool. Out of the dust. Master Gu had not seen Xie Jue without his crown for a long time. He was slightly startled and quickly stepped forward, "The prince is seriously injured and deserves a good rest. We can still hold on in the palace."

"It doesn't matter!" Xie Jue knew that during the period of his coma, all the internal affairs depended on Master Gu, "Sir, you haven't slept for three days, so go and rest first."

There was no need for Lord Gu to report anything to Xie Jue. Everything he reported had already been reported. Xie Jue took Ying Yi to Beigong Gate, where Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing and others were confronting the people at Beigong Gate.

When he stepped onto the palace gate, the sky had turned white. Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing came quickly to salute. Wherever Xie Jue went, the Ningzhou cavalry was silent, except for the constant noise outside the palace gate.

Han Ziqi and the tenth princess were hung from the palace door all night. They were exhausted. At first, they tried to reason with Lin Xiao, but now they were weak and unable to speak a word. The pampered tenth princess was hung in pain. The consciousness was also a little blurred, and the scene in the distance was already duplicated. Xie Jue stood on the palace gate and surrounded the people at the palace gate. There was no emotion in his eyes. Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing were afraid that Xie Jue would give an order and let them break through forcefully. Have a head-on conflict with the people.

That can't be described as a river of blood.

Sang Nan's imperial guards were frightened and were trapped in the palace. Lin Xiao originally wanted to let the imperial guards out of the palace, but locking them in the palace was a waste of food. Originally, they could not sustain food in the palace for a few days. But thinking about the people besieging the palace, if the imperial troops were let out, it would be the same as having a knife in the hands of the people, which would be detrimental to them, so I had to poison them, imprison them in a palace, and let people take care of them, as long as they don't starve to death. .

"Your Majesty, Han Ziqi has talked to the people, but they don't listen at all. I must ask you to come forward and give them an explanation. The high priest had sent people to spread rumors outside the palace before the incident. Now the people in Sangnan think that you are the one who killed him. King Sangnan was killed, the high priest was forced to death, and public anger arose. We cannot confront them head-on, so we can only confront them like this." Lin Xiao briefly explained the situation, and did not dare to say that these people also spread the explicit story of Xie Jue and Fang Chuning. The erotic news is as unpleasant as it sounds.

In the past few days, the news has probably spread to the border. Lin Xiao can imagine the look on the border army's face after hearing the news, not to mention that the coach is Marshal Fang.

The leading people seemed to see that the person standing at the palace gate was Xie Jue. They pointed at the palace gate and shouted, "Xie Jue is coming out. He is the one who killed the king and the priest. He still has the honor to be alive. Let's rush into the palace." , kill him, we will fight with the Ningzhou cavalry. There are more than 100,000 people in the city. How can we defeat their 5,000 cavalry? We Sangnan people are bloody, and we will defend the dignity of Sangnan to the death. The royal family is greedy and afraid. If they die, we will take up the butcher's knife to avenge them!"

The people had been besieging the palace gate for several days and were already exhausted. The siege of the city needs to be done in one go, otherwise it will be exhausted again and again. Although the people were incited, they could sit in silence for a few days, and those who should have calmed down have almost calmed down. Some people have already retreated and gone home. , but the number of people who originally besieged the palace was too large, so it was not highlighted.

Now seeing Xie Jue, the leading people excitedly incited the people again, and the passion of the people was also aroused, and they all shouted to kill Xie Jue.

Xie Jue watched them making trouble with a blank expression.

Zhang Boxing felt uneasy, "Han Ziqi has gone to talk to them, but to no avail. They wanted to attack last night, but Lin Xiao and I had no choice but to hang up Han Ziqi and the tenth princess to scare them and force them not to act rashly."

The people of Sangnan still care about the royal family very much, especially the prince and the tenth princess. One is their new master and the other is their pride. They are afraid of the rat.

Xie Jue asked, "How many days can the palace's food rations last?"

"Three days!"

This was the limit, and the soldiers had to be hungry and well fed to survive for three days. Xie Jue calculated the time and found that the border army was not that fast in three days and could not reach Sangnan. They had to find a way to save themselves.

"Put them down and send them out of the palace!" Xie Jue ordered calmly.

Lin Xiao was startled, but did not question, "Yes!"

The people who gathered outside were very anxious when they saw the soldiers untying the ropes. Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao and others lowered the ropes directly, put Han Ziqi and the tenth princess outside the palace gate, and gave them freedom.

The people couldn't believe it, "They let the prince and princess go!"

More than a dozen people swarmed in, eager to save Han Ziqi and the tenth princess. As if they were afraid that Xie Jue would regret it if they were too late, Xie Jue ignored them and even had no intention of lingering at the palace gate, telling Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing that they were here. The palace gate is always on alert. If you have any problems, come to him. A frontal charge is the best option. It must not be used unless forced, otherwise it will be Luo's gossip. Xie Jue knows that he will not have a good reputation after Sang Nan's chaos.

It doesn't matter!

He doesn't care about reputation at all, but Ningzhou cavalry never attacks the people. This is an iron rule, even for Sangnan. As long as the people of Sangnan don't take the initiative to provoke and attack, he will not choose to attack them.

To leave this palace, these people need to leave the palace gate and settle their grievances.

Han Ziqi and the tenth princess are the best communication bridge.

Yingyi said, "Master, Han Ziqi once explained to the people at the palace gate what happened in the palace, but they didn't believe it at all and were instigated to blame you."

Xie Jue said calmly, "King Sangnan is dead, the high priest is also dead, Han Ziqi and the princess are imprisoned in the palace, the people of Sangnan think I am the culprit, what is the use of Han Ziqi's explanation? They will only feel that Han Ziqi is forced and helpless , for the sake of the concubines and princesses, the princes had no choice but to lie. They would naturally find a reason for Han Ziqi. If you hang them on the palace gate, they would not dare to attack. This shows that the people who instigate the anger of the people do not have enough authority, and they care more about Han Ziqi. and the lives of the ten princesses. Only by freeing Han Ziqi and the ten princesses can the people believe Han Ziqi's words."       Only when there is no threat to his life can Han Ziqi's words have weight and win the trust of the people of Sangnan. If Han Ziqi continues to explain at the palace gate, No matter how earnest he was, the people would think that he was forced to do so. If he wanted the people to retreat, he would have to let Han Ziqi go free. Xie Jue was not afraid of Han Ziqi inciting the people.

He is free.

His mother-in-law, his sister, and brothers are all in the palace.

Han Ziqi is cunning and suspicious, and the Sangnan royal family has been fighting for many years, but now they are all prisoners. Han Ziqi understands better than anyone that the breakdown of the peace talks will not do any good to Sangnan. There is a huge gap in strength between Sangnan and Beining. News of the defeat at the border will soon reach Mudan City. If he wants to fight for better conditions for the Sangnan royal family, he must quell this commotion and get the money before his death. The signed surrender conditions are no longer possible.

Fang Chuning is dead!

Three hundred Ningzhou cavalry were dead.

Xie Jue can tear up the contract, but Han Ziqi doesn't want his people to be exiled and become prisoners from the king of a country. He must desperately fight for a chance of survival for the Ningzhou cavalry in the palace. If the conflict between the two parties intensifies, he will not benefit at all. Han Ziqi could only calm down the people's anger for Xie Jue.

Locking him up in the palace is the last resort. Whether Han Ziqi can quell the people's resentment depends on his ability.

If there is no tie, the Ningzhou cavalry will fight their way out in the end.

Xie Jue didn't care about his own reputation, but he cared about the honor, disgrace and dignity of the Ningzhou cavalry. This cavalry had been guarding the border for hundreds of years and had made great achievements in battle. He would not allow others to scold him in his own hands.

Therefore, if his life was not hanging by a thread, he would not order his cavalry to charge and kill the people.

The death of the high priest was not worth mentioning, but he never wanted to use this to disgrace the reputation of the Ningzhou cavalry.

"My lord, don't you hate Han Ziqi and the tenth princess?" Ying Yi hated everyone in the Sangnan royal family. When he personally laid hands on Brother Huo's body, he wanted to kill Han Ziqi for one life.

Xie Jue didn't answer, and his heart was already desolate. What could hating Han Ziqi change? What's the point? Will it make him feel better? Will Fang Chuning come back?

will not!

This matter has nothing to do with Han Ziqi. It was the dispute started by the high priest. Han Ziqi's fault was that you, the crown prince, did not understand the conspiracy of the high priest. But can you blame Han Ziqi? Didn't he also miss the mark and fail to see the high priest's plot to destroy Sang Nan and drag him to be buried with him? During this turmoil, Han Ziqi also witnessed his father being killed in the Chaoyang Palace.

It is unknown whether King Sangnan set himself on fire or was bewitched. This situation was exactly the same as that of Emperor Jianming who was controlled by poison. It was difficult for others to stop the development of the situation.

The tenth princess was just a tool of the high priest, and in Xie Jue's eyes, she was even less worth mentioning.

Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing were pleasantly surprised to find that the people besieging the palace gate gradually dispersed in the afternoon. However, soon turmoil broke out in the crowd, apparently due to differences of opinion between the two sides.

Zhang Boxing whistled, "It's so beautiful when a dog bites a dog!"

They were happy to watch the show. The harder the group of people beat each other, the happier he was. Anyway, he couldn't die in a group fight. Lin Xiao kicked him and told him to restrain himself. After all, it was other people's territory. Han Ziqi has been the heir for so many years, and his power cannot only be in the palace. His power is all over the Peony City. He can command people to bewitch more people than the high priest. After all, apart from the imperial army, it is difficult for the high priest to intervene in the city defense. In military affairs, Han Ziqi could control the city defense army once he left the palace gate, and no longer allowed the high priest to continue to confuse the people. It was very normal for the two sides to have turmoil due to differences of opinion.

The fighting outside the city became more and more intense, and something was gradually not right. Lin Xiao sent someone to notify Xie Jue.

Xie Jue was indifferent. He had expected it and was not even interested in coming to the palace gate to take a look. How Han Ziqi would handle this matter when he went out was Han Ziqi's business and had nothing to do with him!

When he let Han Ziqi out, he passed on the conflict.

Originally it was a conflict between the people of Sangnan and Xie Jue. The people of Sangnan were united. Now that Han Ziqi is released, it becomes a conflict between the high priest and Han Ziqi. This is their internal conflict, and they can collapse internally. , Xie Jue just needs to wait.

No matter who wins, be it Han Ziqi or the high priest, he is the one who reaps the benefits. If two tigers fight, one of them will be injured, or both will be injured. He can just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Mr. Gu had to sigh with emotion. People's minds are plotting, and the prince is firmly in the first place.

The next day, the riots in Peony City became more and more serious, but they were far away from the palace gate. Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing both breathed a sigh of relief and understood what Xie Jue meant. As long as the people of Sangnan retreated, they would have a glimmer of hope.

Xie Jue sat blankly in the inner hall alone, not knowing what to do for a moment. If Fang Chuning was around, he would pull him to play chess and wait for them to decide the winner. He seemed to see the elegant figure beside Nuanta, throwing the chess pieces around and asking him, "Tingfeng, why are you sitting so far away? Come here!"

Xie Jue actually laughed and walked over obediently. Although there was no one in front of the window sill and there was the sound of falling leaves in the hall, he saw the person he wanted to see the most and heard the voice of his longing for it.

He subconsciously reached out to touch the smiling face, but retracted uneasily.

A voice in his heart told him.

Don't touch him. If you touch him, he will disappear.

Two updates combined into one

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