Ying 1 and 2 were extremely sad to lose their brothers. After supporting each other for so many years and sharing life and death, they were no different from real brothers. However, no matter how painful they were, they were very concerned about Xie Jue's condition, especially when Fang Chuning was away. As long as Fang Chuning is by Xie Jue's side for so many years, the pressure on the shadow guards is honestly not that great. Most of the time they can fish in troubled waters. Anyway, Fang Chuning is more concerned about guarding his master than the shadow guards like them, and his combat effectiveness is extremely strong. There is no need for them to compete with Fang Chuning for the responsibility of being the first bodyguard around their master.

Most of the time, they went to collect information, assassinate, etc. for Xie Jue, but without Fang Chuning, Yingyi witnessed Xie Jue's killing spree, thinking that he must be careful these days to prevent his master from losing control of his emotions, but he didn't expect Xie Jue to go on a killing spree. Jue was really too quiet, so quiet that Ying Yi was a little worried. However, Xie Jue's meals were as usual and his schedule remained unchanged. It seemed as if Fang Chuning was still by his side.

Shadow Er asked worriedly, "Is Master really okay? He looks too normal."

They all knew how deep the bond between Fang Chuning and Xie Jue was, and how normal Xie Jue was.

Ying Yi was silent and just looked at Xie Jue worriedly, seeing him sitting alone on the windowsill playing chess by himself. That was Xie Jue's favorite pastime. He liked to play chess by himself like this when he was in the palace.

There was silence in the palace, but fighting broke out in Peony City. This was the result of many years of open and secret fighting between the royal family and the priests, which finally turned into a fight, with Han Ziqi being slightly better. All the priests in the Priestly Court were killed by Xie Jue in this turmoil. Whether it was to vent his anger or revenge, Xie Jue did not spare the people in the Priestly Court. The backbone force sent out by the high priest early indeed caused riots in the city and incited the people. However, Han Ziqi was the prince of Sangnan after all and had a high prestige in Peony City. This group of people was not the high priest and it was difficult to convince the public. In Han Ziqi's case, After leaving the palace, even though he had gathered part of the people's strength, he was still unable to withstand the city defense army led by Han Ziqi. After the city defense army was besieged in the palace, they were leaderless and chose to obey the orders of the priests. After Han Ziqi left the palace, their position began to waver, no matter what the priests said. Han Ziqi has surrendered to Beining, and his virtue is not worthy of the throne. Han Ziqi is still the legitimate heir apparent of Sang Nan, and the king who succeeded King Sang Nan after his death.

A few days after the incident, although Han Ziqi explained to the people, the people were incited to anger, and Han Ziqi was controlled by others. No one listened to Han Ziqi's explanation, and even felt that Han Ziqi had knelt down and ignored the revenge of killing his father in order to survive. Now Han Ziqi is out of the palace. , recounting what happened in the palace, all this was a conspiracy by the priests to break the covenant between the two races. The people were doubtful, and Han Ziqi was impatient and used the city defense troops in his hands to force the people to retreat from the palace.

Many young children of the royal family were in the palace. Han Ziqi could not ignore their lives. He did not know what would happen if he continued to besiege the palace. He just wanted to solve the turmoil in Peony City as soon as possible. Xie Jue pushed him to become a villain, so he To raise the butcher's knife to show his loyalty as Xie Jue wished, Han Ziqi knew clearly that the peace talks had become a piece of waste paper and a war had broken out at the border. Maybe the news hadn't come yet, but the situation was definitely not optimistic. He wanted to resolve the turmoil as soon as possible. One day longer is one more day of casualties.

Peony City was in chaos for several more days. When he knew that the inner courtyard of the palace was about to run out of ammunition and food, Han Ziqi finally dispersed all the people in front of the palace, violently killed the leader who incited the people, and clearly informed the people that Sang Nan was about to surrender to Beining.

The people were either wailing, crying, or numb, but Han Ziqi could no longer care about it. After the people dispersed, the entire Peony City was empty. Peony City, which was originally a gathering place for business, did not have the prosperity of the past. Han Ziqi was also saddened by this. He picked up the people in Shuilan City. When he came to Xie Jue, he wholeheartedly wanted to get the best treatment for the people of Sangnan. Even if they surrendered, the people of Sangnan could still live in their hometown and live and work in peace and contentment. If they just changed their masters, their lives would get better and better. I didn't expect that they would get better and better. Smashed.

Han Ziqi didn't sleep for two days after leaving the palace. His body was extremely exhausted, but he didn't dare to close his eyes. He was afraid that if he closed his eyes, everything he insisted on would be in vain.

After the people dispersed, Han Ziqi led the city defense troops to see Xie Jue at the palace gate, and Lin Xiao went to ask for instructions.

The tenth princess staggered over and held Han Ziqi's hand tightly. "Brother, why do you want to sue for peace? He killed his father and the high priest. He is the sinner of our Sangnan. You have so many city defenses in your hands." The army, they are trapped in the palace and have no food. You can rush in, kill Xie Jue, and avenge your father!" The stunning girl no longer has the splendor of the past. She is covered with tears and is in a state of embarrassment. Han Ziqi has always doted on this sister. But he couldn't help scolding, "Ling'er, even if the five thousand Ningzhou cavalrymen run out of ammunition and food, our city defense army is no match. The border is already raging with war. You killed Xie Jue because you wanted to drag the entire Sangnan people with you." Buried with him?"

"I don't care, I don't care, he killed his father and the high priest, he deserves to die!" The tenth princess shouted angrily, "He also destroyed our temple, how can you tolerate it, how can you tolerate it?"

"What about the soldiers on the border? They are not human beings. Do they deserve to die?" Han Ziqi knew that his sister was naive and simple. She never left the door and did not take a step forward. She did not understand the situation or the fetters and barriers between the two races. She She could only see what was happening in front of her, but she couldn't see the price she would pay after killing Xie Jue.

"They are all excuses. The high priest is right. You are a coward. You are not worthy of being the king of Sangnan. You are the enemy of your father..." Han Ziqi slapped her hard on the face, "Shut up, someone, please Take the princess down and keep her under strict supervision!"

The pampered tenth princess was beaten into confusion. She covered her face and looked at Han Ziqi in disbelief. It wasn't until the soldiers came to take her down that she broke out into a terrible scream.

Han Ziqi rubbed his tired eyebrows, hoping that all this would end as soon as possible. He also prayed that Xie Jue could ignore the past grudges and maintain the peace talks. All of this was a conspiracy by the high priest.

The palace door that had been confined for six days slowly opened, and Xie Jue met Han Ziqi in the palace.

It is ironic to say that a few days ago, Han Ziqi was the master of the palace. It was he and his father who received Xie Jue here. The guest and the host were clearly distinguished. Now the status has been reversed. He seems to have become a guest in this royal city, and Xie Jue has become the host.

After this turmoil, Xie Jue's reputation plummeted, and Han Ziqi had no reputation in the eyes of the people of Sangnan. He would also be spurned by the people of Sangnan, and he would become the most incompetent prince in the hearts of the people of Sangnan.

In this turmoil, they were all losers and lost almost everything. (End of chapter)

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