Dugu Jing led 10,000 Northern Barbarian soldiers to Peony City. Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing came out to pick him up. Seeing the arrival of the Northern Barbarian army, Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing were very happy and relieved at the same time. Although Han Ziqi surrendered, they They are also afraid of accidents, and Xie Jue is too quiet. Once quiet, they are afraid that a sudden explosion will lead to a bloody decision, so they feel relatively safe with Dugu Jing here. Dugu Jing has a strong temperament and is upright. It was not easy to deal with Xie Jue himself. If the prince made a decision that he did not agree with, Dugu Jing could protest and refuse. Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing and others did not dare to do so. They did not have the courage. Neither Lin Xiao nor Zhang Boxing wanted to go on a killing spree in Peony City, so they were in fear every day.

Dugu Jing's first words when they met were, "Is Fang Chuning really dead?"

He hurried on the starry night without stopping. He traveled without sleep for two days to reach Peony City. He passed through towns on the way without resting, but there were really many rumors, especially the closer he got to Peony City, the more rumors there were. Dugu Jing was very irritated when he heard this. He didn't know why he was irritated. The reason was that although he and Xie Jue had hatred, from Beining's point of view, he had guarded the border for so many years and lost almost everything. Although Xie Jue is now on the throne, he can Xie Xun and Xie Jue, people with such strong family values, do not want all the lives of the family in exchange for the throne.

After Xie Xun ascended the throne, the New Deal was implemented. Xie Jue also worked hard and was the main force in the implementation of the New Deal, laying a strong foundation for the early stability of Beining. He should not be arranged like this by this group of foreign people. The rumors along the way are really unpleasant. It sounded like he was a little irritable. My impression of the Sangnan people is so bad that I can only equate the long-tongued woman with the Sangnan people.

Lin Xiao paused for a moment, then hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Master Hou, Fang Da is in danger. He has neither alive nor dead bodies. He may have been buried in a fire. You... must not mention this matter in front of the prince."

No one dared to mention this matter in front of Xie Jue, not even the shadow guards.

Dugu Jing was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the rumors of Fang Chuning's death were true. No wonder the commander... would be so sad. Although Dugu Jing felt very sorry for Fang Chu Ning's death, he didn't feel much pain. What was a pity was that he was missing an opponent. He is a military general and was born in the Northern Barbarians. Ever since he followed his father in the war at the age of fourteen, he has been constantly facing the loss of his brothers and generals who he had a good relationship with. He has been burying his brothers and has long been numb.

After he became the commander-in-chief, Ci did not command troops and was even more numb to death. He was even more eager to win, eager to escape from his frozen homeland and bring a warm home to the people, even if his brothers died one after another. No matter what!

Zhang Boxing also briefly told what happened, and Dugu Jing probably understood, "Damn Sangnan people, cunning and dirty!"

Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing also have a good understanding of his vocabulary, and it is rare to be able to summarize it so accurately.

Dugu Jing went to see Xie Jue. Xie Jue was very calm. Dugu Jing briefly reported the situation of the battle. There was a large army of Northern Barbarians as the vanguard, and Sangnan had no dangerous terrain. It was almost a flat plain, and there were very few casualties. They quickly reached the capital. If Xie Jue's order had arrived later, Dugu Jing's vanguard team would have reached Peony City.

Xie Jue said, "I understand. After the army enters the city, please do not harass the people of Peony City. Half of them will be stationed outside the city and half inside the city. You can arrange military affairs. Internal affairs Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing will assist you. Han Ziqi and I still have some details to discuss. Let’s discuss and set off back to Beijing in three days.”

"Yes!" Dugu Jing thought to himself whether Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing were exaggerating. Xie Jue was in normal condition. It didn't look like he had lost his brother at all, nor did he look like the rumored man who lost his lover and went on a killing spree. He knew Xie Jue. Jue has always been so calm and rational. Sure enough, they are all battle-hardened generals. After losing a brother, they may have become numb. Generals who are prone to killing on the battlefield will hardly be touched by death.

Dugu Jing thought to himself that the rumors were indeed false. Look, this noble and powerful prince is calmer and more composed than before. "Commander, do you have anything to say to me?" Xie Jue suddenly asked.

Dugu Jing shook his head and said truthfully, "After receiving the news from Peony City, the commander spent the night alone. Later, he just sent me to lead the troops into Peony City quickly. He didn't say anything more."

"I know!" Xie Jue lowered his eyes. For some reason, Dugu Jing felt that he was a little pitiful at this moment. This word had never appeared in Xie Jue's body.

He was sitting in the light with wide sleeves and a wide robe. It was clearly such a warm light, but it gave him a cool feeling of ice and snow when it fell on him. However, Xie Jue's skin was like snow, and he looked like a heartbroken person. It was just as usual, but in fact it was already riddled with holes. Just such a simple beam of light seemed to crush him.

More fragile than ice and snow!

Dugu Jing secretly thought that it must be his misunderstanding!

How could such a hard-hearted man be pitiful and vulnerable? It is said that after the Hou family was exterminated, he did not stop or shed a tear, and immediately started to take revenge. It's no wonder that Fang Chuning died. He attacked everyone in the Priesthood, so they were also unlucky.

Dugu Jing grew up in the Northern Barbarians, and in his mind priests were very sacred beings. However, he was not too impressed by Xie Jue's killing of the priests. After all, he was not their Northern Barbarian priests.

"My lord, please forgive me and accept the change!" Dugu Jing felt that he would also be eating under Xie Xun's hands in the future, so he planned to comfort him perfunctorily.

"Get out!" Xie Jue said coldly.

Dugu Jing, "..."

Fine! Just like the Marshal, these Beining people are really ignorant.

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