Han Ziqi and Xie Jue were indeed discussing the details of the peace talks. It turned out that almost all the conditions negotiated by King Sang Nan were invalidated. Xie Jue also wanted to negotiate as soon as possible, so he gave in step by step. As long as it did not involve issues of principle, he gave up almost everything he could give to Sang Nan. Now the situation has completely reversed. Xie Jue has a tough attitude and wants to negotiate again. Han Ziqi also knows that the situation is over. , he could only agree to renegotiate with Xie Jue. If he didn't renegotiate, he would have no choice. Beining's army was overwhelming and they couldn't resist it. Now after many talks, Sangnan only had one successor to the title of King Sangnan. Hereditary. It turns out that this title is hereditary like King Jingbei. Now it can only be inherited for one life. The fertile land and business terms of Peony City they wanted were abolished by Xie Jue, leaving only one or two. This is Xie Jue He agreed because he was afraid that driving the dog into the back alley would be counterattacked. Han Ziqi almost didn't get the conditions he wanted. He tried his best to explain to Xie Jue that this was the high priest's conspiracy and had nothing to do with their royal family. He had tried his best to Although he had the greatest ability to quell the anger of the people of Peony City, he never collaborated with the high priest. Xie Jue also knew that it was the high priest's conspiracy, but it did not prevent him from making things difficult for Han Ziqi. Han Ziqi was angry and helpless.

The third prince had no other choice. They were able to survive in that turmoil because Xie Jue was extremely kind. Once it was leveled, he would even disappear among the people of Sangnan in time, erasing all traces of the priest.

After reading the terms discussed by Sang Nan, Dugu Jing felt that the Sang Nan royal family was really pitiful. If these terms had been given to the original Northern Barbarians, he and his brother would never have agreed. They were afraid that there would be another war on the border, but Sang Nan was not a threat. The strength on the border of Beining can only be passively beaten and can only be eroded by Beining step by step.

He is happy to see this happen, because the princes of Beining now only have Xie Jue and King Jingbei. Although Xie Xun can be awarded many titles, it is more difficult to get the title of king of the opposite sex than to reach the sky. Both Sang Nan and the Northern Barbarians surrendered. The worse Sang Nan's conditions were, the more preferential treatment the Northern Barbarians received. Whether it was Xie Xun, Xie Jue, or the entire court, the situation of the Northern Barbarians was better than that of Sang Nan.

Dugu Jing thought to himself that Xie Jue still had half of the blood of the royal family, and Sang Nan had better luck and cards than Bei Man. Unexpectedly, Sang Nan ruined the good cards.

What a shame!

Of course, Dugu Jing is happy to watch the show.

In the end, Han Ziqi was forced to agree to all the conditions put forward by Xie Jue. Xie Jue only gave up on one condition, and Han Ziqi had nothing to do. The Jiangnan garrison approached Mudan City. He did not expect that Sang Nan's army was defeated so ugly. They faced There was no chance of winning in Beining.

"Your Majesty, we are also very sorry for the tragedy caused by the high priest. My father was also bewitched by him and burned himself in the palace. We are all victims. From taking you into the city to the peace talks, I wholeheartedly promoted the peace talks and did not want to go to war. Fang Da The death of the general and the Ningzhou cavalry is not what we want to see. We also hope that the prince can reconsider restoring the conditions agreed upon during the first peace talks. We... The Han family will definitely do our best in the future to help you suppress Sang Nan. After the turmoil, we will do our best to restore the prosperity of Sangnan and cooperate with you in the implementation of the New Deal. The clan gatekeepers of Sangnan will definitely block the implementation of the New Deal. Without the help of our royal family, the implementation of the New Deal will definitely be hindered. Our royal family still has no regard for Bac Ninh. It has value, and accordingly, I also hope to receive fair treatment." Dugu Jing felt that these terms were unfair. If he had not experienced this great turmoil, Han Ziqi would never have been able to discuss it with Xie Jue so calmly, and he would have long ago He jumped up and became furious. He was not such a good-tempered person to begin with.

"Your Highness, before you made a mistake, could your high priest be on an equal footing with King Sangnan? If he made a mistake, it would be his fault alone? His representative is Sangnan, and everyone in Sangnan must pay the price for what he did. He is from Sangnan. If you don’t know anything about it and you expect me to be noble, then who will uphold justice for my soldiers who died innocently? If the prince is innocent, why was he not in the Chaoyang Palace when the incident happened? Why did he leave for half an hour? Something happened at the right time. Do I understand that you acquiesced in what the high priest did? It happened. It was the credit of you Sangnan people. The failure was his fault alone. You took advantage of all the good things. , that doesn’t make sense, does it?” Xie Jue’s voice was very cold, and he didn’t even want to get into too much trouble with Han Ziqi.

Han Ziqi almost swore to the sky, "I left at that time just to escort my mother and sister. It was never intentional. I didn't know that the high priest would do such a thing. Cousin, our royal family is all your blood relatives." , you can’t just die without saving him.”

"Why did I refuse to save you? I spared your life and gave you shelter and money. You can make a living on your own in the future. What else are you dissatisfied with?" Too greedy."

Han Ziqi was speechless. Xie Jue's words blocked all his ways out. He only had one way out, which was to gain some more benefits from Xie Jue. He was afraid that he would get nothing in front of Xie Jue.

Originally, after the peace talks ended, there was supposed to be a farewell banquet, hosted by Sang Nan, but now that it was like this, who would have the energy to hold a banquet? It would be better if there was no fighting.

Dugu Jing thought to himself, this is fine, a quick resolution, and after Sang Nan's matter is resolved, he can return to Beijing.

In the dead of night, Xie Jue stood alone in front of the Chaoyang Palace, silently.

He even hoped that a miracle would happen in front of the Chaoyang Palace. The person who always liked to joke with him suddenly jumped out and said with a smile, Tingfeng, I was joking with you. I was just injured and had escaped a long time ago. I was frightened. Come on, come here and give me a hug!

Xie Jue thought to himself, Aning, as long as you come out now, I will promise you anything you say. From now on, I will fulfill all your wishes. No matter how much infamy you have to bear, no matter how many storms you will go through, we will bear it together. I will never let you face it alone, nor will I let you worry about gains and losses.

Aning, I was wrong!

Xie Jue thought desperately in his heart that he really knew that he was wrong. If he had known about this, why should he not have been cold to Fang Chuning in the first place, and should not have given up the hard-won feelings.

An Ning... An Ning...

His sad thoughts were carried in the evening wind, but the person he missed was nowhere to be seen. In front of him were only the ruins of the Chaoyang Palace, deserted, lonely and quiet.

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