After Ruyi had breakfast, she saw Ying Er. Although he was young, he was very smart. He knew that Ying Er was at home and his father must have come back. The little guy ran to Xie Jue's courtyard with his short legs in a hurry. Uncle Not a liar, daddy is really back, Ruyi ran and called daddy.

Xie Jue had just finished washing and caught him with a smile. Little Ruyi's eyes were shining, and she happily hugged Xie Jue's neck and kissed her hard, "Daddy, Ruyi misses you so much, I miss you so much, I miss you so much."

Ruyi's sweet words came out of his mouth, "I can't sleep thinking about it, and the meat doesn't smell good anymore."

Xie Jue hugged Ruyi and shook her head. The longing for her son was really unconvincing at all, but Xie Jue still felt warm and appropriate. Ruyi had always been the treasure in his palm. Every smile, every move, and every gesture was the way he liked it.

"Daddy looks like Ruyi has become fat."

"Not fat, not fat..." Ruyi insisted on defending, "Ruyi is thin."

Xie Jue didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Ying Si said that the old lady of the Feng family missed Ruyi and took him over to live with him for half a month. The old man always raised his children to be fat and healthy. Fengyu was busy preparing for military pay and had no time to take care of Ruyi. When she was brought back, she was chubby like a little lucky baby. Fengyu reduced Ruyi's food intake. Ruyi had indeed lost a little weight from hunger recently.

Xie Jue carried him to Nuange, but Ruyi felt that her father was not in good spirits, so she touched his face very thoughtfully and asked, "Dad, did he not sleep well? He was woken up by his little uncle."

Xie Jue chuckled and said, "Dad just wants to get his own way."

Ruyi instantly became happy. Xie Jue asked him carefully how he had been doing in the past few months. If there were any happy things, Ruyi immediately sat up straight and said, "Dad, I can write big characters, my own name, and Father’s name and aunt’s name, Master also teaches the Three-Character Classic and the Thousand-Character Classic, so Ruyi will read them carefully.”

"How good!" Xie Jue thought to himself whether he was too strict with Ruyi. Ruyi was so self-conscious about his enlightenment. When he went to Sangnan, Ruyi learned Chinese characters unwillingly.

Ruyi was eager to show off and ask for rewards, so she took down the four pieces of the study from the wall of Nuan Pavilion and spread them out gently. The brush Xie Jue used was an adult pen. Little Ruyi couldn't hold it at all, so the two pieces of paper were ruined. , he didn’t write his name properly, Ruyi became anxious and said, “This one won’t work!”

Xie Jue was amused. This deal was indeed not suitable for Ruyi, but Ruyi's intention was obviously to pass the buck, and he blamed the deal for not being obedient.

"This is not a good deal. It must be because Ruyi couldn't write the name well."

Ying Si had already brought a small brush suitable for Ruyi. Ruyi gave him an approving look and wrote her name in a decent manner.

Although the strokes are a little crooked, the name is indeed written, and the effect is good.

He wrote his own name.

Xie Jue couldn't help but touched his head and praised Ruyi, "Ruyi is awesome."

Ruyi was so proud after being praised. The more Xie Jue looked at it, the more he felt like Xie Xun when he was a child. The little guy wrote Xie Jue's name, Xie Xun's name and Feng Yu's name all in one breath. He was different from others in his enlightenment. He had to first He had an inexplicable stubborn temper, and when he met Xie Xun, who protected his shortcomings and doted on him, the master had no choice but to hold his nose and teach him.

After asking about his studies, he asked what he did in his daily life. He realized that his father didn't attach much importance to his studies this time, so he started to talk about what he had been doing in the past few months. He also raised a leopard cub, which was rescued by Xie Xun during winter hunting. of. The female leopard was killed while foraging for food in the wild, leaving behind a litter of cubs waiting to be fed. One cub starved to death and there was only one left. But the cheetah cub is like a kitten, cute and cute. Ruyi likes it and insists on raising it, so Xie Xun has to raise it for Ruyi. The cub has no attack power now, so it's okay for Ruyi to raise it. Now the cub eats and sleeps with Ruyi The two-month-old cheetah cub is now slightly larger than the adult cat, and Ruyi likes it very much. Xie Jue frowned and looked at Ying Si. He didn't like Ruyi raising these little creatures, let alone a huge animal like a cheetah, which would have great attack power in the future and would be released into the wild. Ruyi should be sad when they parted.

Ying Si quickly dismissed the blame, "The emperor made the decision and let the young master raise it."

Ruyi named the little cheetah Dahuang, but he didn't take it with him when he left the palace yesterday. He couldn't wait to show it to Xie Jue, and hoped that Xie Jue would also like his little friend.

Xie Jue looked at Ruyi's happy face and knew that he was raised well. He really grew up in the love of everyone. The elders of the Feng family loved him and took care of him. Xie Jue and Feng Yu regarded him as their own. Ruyi will be raised very well, very well. Xie Jue touched his face gently, his eyes full of reluctance.

"Ruyi, daddy is going on a long trip again. You have to listen to your little aunt at home."

Ruyi was confused and confused. Her father had just returned home and was about to go away again. "Dad, you have been away for a long time. Can't you stay with Ruyi at home?"

"Dad has some things to deal with. Once it's done, he can go home and be with Ruyi."

"Then can you take Ruyi with you?" Ruyi said innocently, "Ruyi will be good."

Facing this cute and cute face, Xie Jue couldn't answer, nor could he say a word of rejection. He hugged Ruyi tenderly, but he was a little sad, and he didn't want to leave Ruyi.

The chaos in the court had nothing to do with the palace. After Xie Xun left the court, he also listened to the Jin Yiwei's report on the situation in the palace. He hurried out of the palace to find Xie Jue, and it happened to be lunch time.

As if he knew he was coming, Xie Jue ordered his people to prepare a lot of Xie Xun's favorite food. This table was not enough for him alone. Ruyi was full of energy and was playing in the plum forest. There were only Xie brothers in the dining room.

Xie Xun looked at Xie Jue carefully. Apart from being a little thinner, there was nothing unusual about him. His second brother always seemed to be the well-known appearance, calm and calm. But Xie Xun knew it was different. He tacitly agreed not to mention Fang Chuning, but said, "Second brother, Ayu and Mingzhu miss you very much. Would you like to have dinner together tonight? Ayu has prepared a lot of your favorite food."

"Okay!" Xie Jue didn't object. There was originally a palace banquet in the palace to celebrate the success of the peace talks between Sangnan and Han Ziqi, but Xie Xun postponed it. There was no intention of holding a banquet until they and Han Ziqi formally signed the surrender document. Late.

"Ruyi and Mingzhu have been arguing that living in the palace is stuffy and uncomfortable at all. It would be nice if you came back. I will send them home tomorrow to avoid disturbing Ayu and I in the palace." Xie Xun said in a relaxed tone. In fact, he wished that Mingzhu and Ruyi could live in the palace for a long time.

But if the second brother has Mingzhu and Ruyi by his side, it would be a comfort.

"When Sang Nan's matter is settled, I will leave the capital for a while. Ruyi and Mingzhu will still live in the palace, so there is no need to move around."

Xie Xun instantly felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, "Where are you going?"

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