Feng Yu originally thought that Xie Xun would feel relieved after going to meet Xie Jue outside the palace, and would no longer be so impatient and worried. Unexpectedly, Xie Xun left the palace happily, but he came back withered like a flower struck by frost. Listlessly, Feng Yu sent him out of the palace and poured him a cup of herbal tea. The weather was so hot that he couldn't even drink the hot tea. Especially for a man with a strong heart like Xie Xun, who likes herbal tea best in summer. Therefore, Feng Yu always prepares them.

"How's the second brother?"

"It's been reduced a bit, so it doesn't hurt to look at it."

Feng Yu knew that it was just a matter of watching. After Fang Chuning's death, her second brother never rested and rushed back without stopping. She didn't know if there was any conflict with the commander on the way or if the commander had blamed him. There were also rumors all over the world. How could such a vicious humiliation be okay? Even if the second brother never paid attention to other people's attacks, the rumors this time were not trivial and must have been affected. Feng Yu just sighed, "Don't be impatient, I hope time will dilute it slowly."

She didn't know how to comfort Xie Jue. Such a blow could not be overcome by a few light words of comfort from others, and Feng Yu felt uncomfortable. This kind of pain was no less than when she witnessed her sister jumping off the tower. She could feel the pain in Xie Jue's heart.

"The second brother said he was leaving Beijing for a long trip. I asked him where he was going, but he didn't tell me. Would he do something stupid?" Xie Xun was racking his brains on how to stay on the way back to the palace. Xie Jue was very nervous when he heard that Xie Jue was going to travel far away. Especially since Xie Jue had specifically told Ruyi that Ruyi and Mingzhu were not allowed to move back home. This was because he was prepared to not go home for a long time. He was afraid that he would not go home again. Brother committed suicide.

Feng Yu was also startled, and then comforted Xie Xun, "Don't scare yourself. The second brother is not the kind of person who seeks short-sightedness. He still has you, Ruyi, and a pearl, so he won't do stupid things."

"That's not necessarily true. The incident between my father and my eldest brother has always been a thorn in my second brother's heart. He always felt that it was caused by himself. He insisted on going to the Northern Barbarians as a guest, which offended the Northern Barbarians and intensified the conflicts between them. Therefore, during the peace talks, the Northern Barbarians would join forces with Yu Wenjing to kill the whole family of the Hou Mansion. He was also too confident and was plotted by the Northern Barbarians to hurt his eyes. He went to have his eyes treated on the way, which was delayed for a day or two and failed to come back. Therefore, the Hou Mansion's Tragedy only happens. He has been suffering and has not come out of the shadows. Now all the furnishings in the Hou Mansion are the same as a few years ago, and he still has the old dream in his heart. Now that Fang Chuning is gone, I rule the world, and I have someone as I wish. Take care of him, he really has no worries, he will not seek short-term solutions, but who can stop him now? What if he doesn't want to live?" Xie Xun was a little panicked and hurriedly grabbed Feng Yu's hand, "Ah Yu, what should I do? Please help me think of a way, I don’t want my second brother to leave Beijing."

Feng Yu was also frightened by Xie Xun. In the hot summer, Xie Xun's hands were cold. "I have a hunch that if I let him go, I will never see him again in this life."

"No!" Feng Yu held his head against her chest and comforted her gently, "The second brother may just have something to deal with. Will he take away the shadow guard?"


"Since the shadow guards will be taken away, it's okay. The shadow guards will watch him." Feng Yu comforted him, "Don't scare yourself."

"No, I have to find a way to prevent him from leaving Beijing!" Xie Xun was not at ease. This matter was a thorn in his heart, and he did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

Xie Xun wanted to prevent Xie Jue from leaving the capital by delaying the peace talks, but Lin Heli disagreed, "The people in Sangnan are now panicked, and Han Ziqi is in the capital again. The peace talks should be finalized as soon as possible to calm the people. The longer it is delayed, the more likely it will be to cause chaos." , if there is chaos in Sangnan, thousands of miles away, we will send troops to suppress it, which will waste people and money."

Xie Xun could not tell Lin Heli about Xie Jue, so Lin Heli also asked sensitively, "What worries does the emperor have?"

"No, just keep pushing forward!" Xie Xun had a headache and rubbed his eyebrows.

What else can be done?

Yes, he is pretending to be sick!

Extremely ill!

But when he pretended to be sick, Zhang Lingzheng felt his pulse and said calmly, "Your Majesty's pulse is strong. I can't diagnose the cause. Is there a more specific symptom?" There was no diagnosis. The men in the Zhenbei Hou Mansion were all very healthy and never had any ailments. Xie Xun's face looked rosy and healthy, and he didn't look like he was sick. Zhang Lingzheng suspected that he was pretending to be ill.

Xie Jue happened to enter the palace to accompany Ruyi and Mingzhu, and said coldly, "Leave him alone, he will be fine on his own."

Zhang Lingzheng spread his hands and led a group of imperial doctors away. Xie Xun faced Xie Jue's cold gaze and had to sit up. Feng Yu felt embarrassed.

Xie Jue said, "The new dynasty has just been established and its foundation is unstable. At this time, you are bedridden. Do you think the new deal is too smooth, or do you think the treasury is inexhaustible?"


Feng Yu hurriedly explained, "Second brother, don't be angry, he doesn't intend to make a big deal about it."

It's just a show for you, she can't stop it.

Xie Xun is the emperor now. Except for Feng Yu and Xie Jue, no one can really persuade him. Xie Xun actually has a sense of proportion in his heart, "I don't want you to leave the capital, unless you tell me what to do, and then my people will also I can follow you."

"It's a private matter. If you don't want to mention it, don't ask."

"Is there any private matter that we can't bring up?" Xie Xun asked, "If you have something to do, you can just let the Shadow Guard go. If there are so many people in the court, why bother doing it yourself."

When Feng Yu saw that they were about to quarrel, she simply found an excuse to hide out. She couldn't afford to offend her. As expected by Feng Yu, Qiu Xiang came to report after she had left for a while, saying that the Emperor and King Yan were quarreling. Drive out all the maids and eunuchs.

Qiuxiang had never seen Xie Jue lose his temper before, and was a little frightened. When Xie Jue returned to the palace, he always looked kind and cheerful in front of Feng Yu. He was also very humorous and very kind to the people around her. Therefore, all the maids and eunuchs in the longevity palace did not like her. If you are too afraid of him, there is no danger of accompanying you like a tiger.

"Ignore them, there will never be a fight!" If there was a big fight, it would be Xie Xun who would be beaten. He would not dare to hit the second brother. After all, the second brother had to be measured without being beaten. Xie Xun was rough-skinned and thick-bodied. She wouldn't worry if he was beaten, and he wouldn't be embarrassed if he kicked out the palace maid and eunuch.

"Go and get fucked!" Feng Yu calmly ordered, but she couldn't help but wonder in her heart, her second brother was going to do some private business. What private business was he doing?

Lin Xiao said that Fang Chuning was alive and his body was not seen. He might have been burned to death in Chaoyang Palace, but no one saw Fang Chuning being burned to death in Chaoyang Palace with his own eyes.

Second brother doesn’t think Fang Chuning is still alive, right?

But the Fang family is going to hold a funeral for Fang Chuning. This is what Fang Lingjun wrote to her today, and the letter also said that the Fang family does not want Xie Jue to go to the funeral, and Fang Lingjun will cause any unpleasantness, so I hope Feng Yu can be tactful. Di told Xie Jue, but Feng Yu was still worried about how to talk about it.

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