Xie Xun was wondering whether Han Ziqi would lie to him. Han Ziqi said that he saw Fang Chuning at the palace banquet. Later, when he settled down with his concubines and returned to Chaoyang Palace, he did not see Fang Chuning, but he could see Fang Chuning fighting. Ningzhou Iron Cavalry. At that time, he tried his best to stop the fighting between the Forbidden Army and the Iron Cavalry. Han Ziqi didn't lie, so he didn't see Fang Chuning when he came back?

He didn't know the specific situation at that time. He only knew that many people were involved in the fire in Chaoyang Palace. Fang Chuning was seriously injured when he sent his second brother away, and he might also be involved in Chaoyang Palace. But Xie Xun couldn't help but think, what if Fang Chuning was hidden by Han Ziqi? Does he have any motive to hide Fang Chuning? But what's the use of hiding the seriously injured Fang Chuning?

This is a good bargaining chip. If he has hidden Fang Chuning, he should use it to negotiate terms now. If he doesn't negotiate terms, then he will naturally have no chips. Xie Xun had never had a good impression of Han Ziqi. He always felt that he was insidious and cunning, but no matter how cunning and insidious he was, he would never lie about this matter. He would rather Han Ziqi had a bargaining chip and Fang Chuning was still alive? He had just hinted to Han Ziqi that if Fang Chuning was alive, he would appropriately satisfy all his requests. However, although Han Ziqi was looking forward to it, he was unable to do anything. Xie Xun knew that he did not know whether Fang Chuning was alive or dead.

What can he say besides calling him a piece of trash?

Xie Xun asked Zhang Boxi to send someone to watch Han Ziqi's every move. What if something happened? Although the possibility was relatively low, he still wanted to give it a try.

After Fang Chuning's funeral, everyone in the Fang family stayed behind closed doors, and the commander-in-chief did not go to court in the morning. Feng Yu sent people to give Fang Lingjun many things, which was a way of telling everyone that as long as Fang Lingjun had this relationship with the queen, no one would dare Ignoring the Fang family, even if the general removes his armor and returns to his fields, no longer in charge of the Jiangnan garrison, the Fang family's status will still remain strong.

After Han Ziqi returned to the post house, he couldn't sleep at night and couldn't help but ponder Xie Xun's words. Xie Xun's words obviously gave him a hint that if Fang Chuning was alive, the terms of the peace talks could be relaxed appropriately. Jun's heart was as deep as the sea, and he couldn't help but ponder the second meaning of Xie Xun's words.

"I think you already know whether the rumors about Fang Chuning and the second brother are true or false. I won't tell you more. Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing also told me about what you did along the way. I think you also feel it. Sang Nan I can accept the initial conditions for the peace talks, and they are also very beneficial to you, the Han family. You can enjoy supreme honor and supreme rights in Sangnan, and the local government officials will also respect you. You want to take back these powers. No problem, the only condition is... Fang Chuning is alive. My second brother is getting thinner day by day, and I am always worried, wishing that Fang Chuning could fake his corpse and return to life, and my second brother could also get his wish, even if... he was rescued and his whereabouts are unknown. At least I have one thought. You know nothing about what happened in the Chaoyang Palace and the inner palace of your royal family. Han Ziqi, you really disappoint me. If you can make His Highness King Yan feel at ease, what you want, I will promise it to you."

He pondered Xie Xun's words almost word for word.

It turned out that Xie Xun had known about Fang Chuning and Xie Jue's affairs for a long time. Those rumors were somewhat true or false. Xie Xun also knew very well that what he cared about was Xie Jue's safety.

He didn't want Xie Jue to be immersed in pain and never come out.

Did Xie Xun imply that he could lie to Xie Jue?

But once a lie is told, it is irreversible. Where can he conjure up Fang Chuning and give it back to Xie Jue? He really didn't know whether Fang Chuning was alive or dead.

Xie Xun was worried about his brother, but he didn't dare to make the arrangements himself, so he could only hint him to come.

Even if a false news was given to Xie Jue, saying that Fang Chuning had been rescued and might still have a chance of survival, Xie Jue would not be so lifeless.

Even if Fang Chuning can't be found, there is still hope.

Even if it was exposed in the future, Xie Xun could still clean himself. He did not explicitly ask Han Ziqi to deceive Xie Jue, so deceiving Xie Jue was his idea alone and had nothing to do with Xie Xun.

In order to give Xie Jue a hope, Xie Xun did everything he could. Han Ziqi envied the feelings of the Xie brothers and felt that he had suffered an unreasonable disaster.

How insidious!

How vicious!

He was caught in a dilemma, should he choose to lie to Xie Jue, or choose not to understand Xie Jue's hint?

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