Han Ziqi finally chose to come to the palace to see Xie Jue. Xie Jue did not want to interact with the Han family, so he did not see Han Ziqi. Han Ziqi also hesitated in front of the door for a quarter of an hour, and finally made up his mind and said to the housekeeper, "Please tell King Yan, I have news about Fang Chuning, if he doesn't see me, I will go back."

The housekeeper didn't dare to delay when he heard that, but Han Ziqi regretted it as soon as he left. Choosing to deceive Xie Jue also had very serious consequences. If Fang Chuning really died in the fire, how should he deal with the aftermath? He was extremely uneasy when he chose to deceive.

He thought about it, did some mental construction, and also had his own way of saying things, which was not a lie.

The housekeeper came out and took him to the study. Xie Jue had been in the study all day. When he saw Han Ziqi, his expression was cold. After the housekeeper went down, Xie Jue got straight to the point, "Han Ziqi, I am not in the mood to deal with you. If you dare to say anything, Lie and I will kill you!"

This may be the first time that Xie Jue has spoken to Han Ziqi so rudely and without modifying his words. Everyone knows that this is his taboo. If Han Ziqi dares to violate it, he will not be polite.

Han Ziqi was calm. You can't regret making a decision. Some things can only be moved forward, not backward. "Sang Nan has negotiated peace, and we will get the end we deserve. Our family can save their lives and live and work in peace and contentment in the future. Why should I lie to you." When I returned to Chaoyang Palace that day, I saw you being escorted away. At that time, Fang Chuning was still fighting with the Imperial Guards in Chaoyang Palace. As soon as you left, I came back. I even called you at that time, do you remember? "

Xie Jue had long forgotten it. The situation was too chaotic at that time. He was very worried about Fang Chuning. He also knew that he could only help Fang Chuning if he escaped from danger. Behind him was Sang Nan's entangled Forbidden Army. Even if he heard someone calling his name The Sangnan Forbidden Army was also angry.

But if Han Ziqi told the truth, then Aning was really still in Chaoyang Palace at that time.

A glimmer of hope ignited in Xie Jue's heart, "What happened next?"

There was a hint of hope in his tone.

Han Ziqi said, "Fang Chuning led the remaining Ningzhou cavalry to fight the enemy hard, but they were outnumbered and were forced to retreat to the fire in Chaoyang Palace. Some of them were indeed caught in the fire, but Fang Chuning was not. He was shot by an arrow. Later, the high priest sent someone to take him away.”

"Are you serious?" Xie Jue clenched his fists.

"If there is any lie, you can kill me at any time, but I really don't know where the high priest took Fang Chuning. The situation was too chaotic at that time. Very few people in the imperial army listened to my orders. They were all bewitched by the high priest. I know When you came with the Ningzhou cavalry, we couldn't escape, so I had no choice but to turn back and take my family members away."

Xie Jue slowly walked into Han Ziqi. In terms of force, Han Ziqi was actually on par with Xie Jue, but in terms of height, he was slightly different. When Xie Jue came slowly, he felt a strong sense of oppression. Like a thin, cold knife pressed against his neck, Han Ziqi lost the courage to even look at him.

terrible! This was Xie Jue who was about to explode in a calm state. Others seemed so calm, but in fact it was not the case. He could feel Xie Jue's rage.

Han Ziqi felt guilty because he lied. He did not see Fang Chuning being taken away by the high priest, but he did tell part of the truth. Fang Chuning was still alive at that time, and he was indeed shot by an arrow and fell to the ground. Not knowing whether he was alive or dead, the flames from the Chaoyang Palace almost rolled up his robe. Therefore, Han Ziqi felt that Fang Chuning should have been buried in the sea of ​​​​fire. He confronted the high priest and cursed, but was unable to do anything. The high priest advised him to make arrangements. The concubines and princesses leave, otherwise everyone will be buried in the palace. The high priest wants to destroy the royal family, so how can he kindly warn him to take the concubines and princesses away. He arranged gunpowder in the secret passage and wanted to bury everyone in the royal family alive in the secret passage. Before he left, Fang Chuning fell to the ground, and Han Ziqi had no idea what happened next.

Xie Jue suddenly grabbed his throat, forcing Han Ziqi to raise his head and look into Xie Jue's eyes. There was a smile in his eyebrows, which seemed to be joyful and crazy at the same time, "Are you lying to me?"

"I didn't lie to you!" Han Ziqi's heartbeat was racing and he was feeling guilty and nervous. He could only desperately recall the details to save his life. He knew that if he couldn't tell more accurate information, Xie Jue might kill him. He didn't want to provoke a madman, "I When we turned back, we did see that Fang Chuning had been hit by an arrow, he was covered in blood, and by the way, one of the jade pendants on his waist fell off at that time."

Xie Jue's fingertips were trembling. Fang Chuning had carved a concentric jade ring for him when he was in the Northern Barbarians. He always wore it on his waist. After returning to Ningzhou, Xie Jue reciprocated and prepared a pair of concentric jade pendants for him, but his It was jasper, and Fang Chuning was white jade. When Fang Chuning protected him and left, he took a surprised look and indeed saw a jade ring falling from his waist.

The next moment, Xie Jue used force and almost strangled Han Ziqi's throat. He roared with red eyes, "Why didn't you say anything then? Why?"

Han Ziqi was pinched by the throat and couldn't breathe. His face turned blue and he couldn't help but struggled desperately. Xie Jue suddenly let him go. Han Ziqi lay soft on the chair and breathed greedily. He was in shock. His neck was almost broken by Xie Jue. .

"I'm not sure about his life or death. Even if I told you at that time that you couldn't find Fang Chuning, you would still think that I was lying to save my life or making conditions. I didn't want to cause trouble. You sent people to search everywhere in the palace. I I also sent people to search for her, and I was thinking that if I found him, maybe I could be a favor and you could forget about it, I hope Fang Chuning is alive more than you do!"

"You're so ridiculous!" Who in the world looks forward to Fang Chuning's life more than him? He can even exchange everything he has, identity, status, power, honor and disgrace, as long as he has it, "Why do you say it again now?"

"We have always been cousins ​​by blood. Even if you don't want to recognize us, we are still brothers. Xie Jue, the overall situation of the peace talks has been decided, and I don't want to have another enemy. There is no benefit at all in the Han family becoming enemies with you. Why not give you one?" Favor. I also hope you can find Fang Chuning, and the Han family can live a better life in Peony City. I didn’t tell you when we were in Peony City, but I was really not sure of his whereabouts. The high priest hated you to the core, and really took Fang Chuning away. , he is also in danger!"

"If he wants to kill An Ning, just throw him into the fire. If he takes him away, he will definitely not kill him. You should have told me in Peony City!" Xie Jue's face turned pale. If the high priest took away An Ning, where would he hide? When he killed the high priest, he didn't reveal it. When he killed all the priests, they didn't reveal it either. When he shoveled the temple in front of them, the high priest even smiled, and Xie Jue suddenly felt cold all over.

Could it be that...he killed Aning with his own hands?

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