After Fengyu became pregnant, almost all of her business was handed over to Chunlu, Thirteenth Niang, shopkeeper Su and others. She ate, slept and nursed the fetus every day. Dr. Zhou nursed her back to good health. Even if she had a poor appetite, she would eat more for the sake of the child. , and she didn’t have morning sickness. Xie Xun knew that raising a baby was boring, so he tried to spend as much time with him as possible. There was no urgent matter. All memorials were left to the cabinet. After dinner, he would accompany Feng Yu for a few laps in the hospital, and Feng Yu would return. She was lying on the bed. Although she was recuperating in bed, she didn't have to lie down all the time. Occasionally she would get up and move around.

But after raising her for more than ten days, she became very weak, suffered from severe morning sickness, and the little meat she finally gained lost weight quickly. Feng Yu originally wanted to take good care of her body and prepare for Dugu Jing and Fang Lingjun's wedding, but her morning sickness was so severe that the imperial doctor and Doctor Zhou both banned her from going out, and she had to rest in bed for nearly half a month.

When Fang Lingjun got married, she had no choice but to open the warehouse and send the dowry she had prepared long ago, eight boxes in total. Everyone knew that the queen and Fang Lingjun had a good relationship and could not come in person due to pregnancy, but they were still favored. Fang Lingjun naturally understood Feng Yu and had told her long ago that it was important to take good care of her health and not come to the wedding banquet.

Xie Xun listened to Lin Heli's advice and didn't show any particular concern about the wedding. The queen had already given him a heavy gift, so he disappeared. King Jingbei understands this kind of trade-off better than Dugu Jing. This wedding was very lively and grand. He did not choose to be low-key because Fang Chuning's funeral had just passed. The wedding was red and made up, which was the envy of all the ladies in the city.

Feng Yu felt a little regretful. If she hadn't been pregnant, she would have watched Fang Lingjun get married. This wedding was not satisfactory for Fang Lingjun.

She could only sigh, not knowing how her second brother was doing in Peony City.

Xie Jue rushed to Peony City quickly.

The first thing he did was to ask the soldiers to dig up the ruins of the temple. When he ordered people to raze the temple, he confirmed that there was no one inside. However, the high priest was cunning and cunning. Who knew whether he was hiding someone? Xie Jue believed Han Ziqi, so he rushed Return to Peony City and confirm whether there is anyone hiding in the temple.

The shadow guard felt that the master was a little crazy. Even if the high priest hid the person in the temple and razed the temple at that time, and after a few months, the body was cold, so what if he dug it up?

Xie Jue has been standing outside the temple. He has no regrets at all when he gave the order. Now he is a little sad. It would be better if he could be more careful.

The ruins of the temple were dug for three days and three nights, and Xie Jue stood beside them for three days and three nights, never sleeping a wink.

Fortunately, there were no bones.

He almost went through the ruins of the temple again, and Xie Xun's mind was settled. "Look for the remnants of the high priest in the city. Whether it's through coercion or inducement, find one or two people. I have something to ask."


Xie Jue knew that he had missed the best time to find the remnants of the high priest. It was difficult to find him now, but he didn't want to give up. This was the only way he could find Fang Chuning.

If the high priest's men took him away, and Aning was seriously injured, at least he would not be able to leave the city. Was he killed or imprisoned? What do you want to do again?

"Send people to check the medicinal materials sold by the major drug stores in Kyoto in those days. If there are any clues, and... and..." Xie Jue calmed down desperately, "Check the palace again. Are there other exits?"


The shadow guards wrote them down one by one. Xie Jue thought about many possibilities that Fang Chuning was still alive, but he never thought that Han Ziqi had lied to him. (End of chapter)

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