Inside Peony City.

Xie Jue bought a yard that was vacant after a wealthy businessman moved. After settling in, he took the shadow guard to the temple. The temple was some time away from the palace. He destroyed the temple in the palace that day. The pagoda was still standing. Sang After Nan Miemen's death, the number of people praying for blessings increased day by day.

When the reality is full of chaos and bloodshed, perhaps only the void gods can give a bit of strength and courage, so the people who have not moved here prefer to come to the priests.

This is a temple outside the palace that provides blessings and sacrifices to the people. It is different from the one inside the palace. This is the place of faith for the people.

When Xie Jue came to the nine-story pagoda again, his mood was different from that day. When he had a long conversation with the high priest, he could not detect his thoughts at all. He was curious about this nine-story pagoda, which was regarded as a god's residence by the people of Sangnan. He wanted to climb up to take a closer look but was rejected. When he returned, he told Fang Chuning that after Sangnan returned in the future, he would definitely take Fang Chuning to the nine-story pagoda. Come for a spin, Fang Chuning laughed at him for being angry with the high priest, what was so strange about this nine-story pagoda.

Xie Jue walked all the way up from the bottom floor. The first floor of this pagoda is dedicated to worship. The second floor is filled with books on the origin and development of the priest Sangnan. The third to eighth floors are actually empty. Only long-lasting lamps are lit, and the walls are colorful. In various paintings, priests and gods are depicted in the paintings. The royal family and the people are all servants of the gods. Because the priest's court was taken over by Xie Jue, the ever-burning lanterns in the pagoda were all lit by the abbot of the temple, even if Sang Nan surrendered. , they are still believing priests.

On the highest floor, the paintings were more colorful. Xie Jue was surprised that the woman in the painting on the wall... was actually his biological mother. Perhaps that was not the mother in his memory, but the mother when she was younger. She was dressed in the palace attire of the Sangnan royal family. She was cute and cute. Next to her was Du Fang, who was wearing the white robe of the high priest. He just looked at the portrait and looked like his childhood sweetheart. , a talented man and a beautiful woman, Xie Jue felt a surge of anger in his heart, turned around and ordered Ying Yi, "Shovel the painting!"

He did not allow his biological mother to have the slightest connection with the high priest. It didn't matter whether they were childhood sweethearts or whether they had been his biological mother's lover.

The high priest has been trapped in the past for so many years and has never come out. The lush past has long since become a memory, but for the sake of memories, he dragged thousands of people to be buried with him.


Xie Jue stood with his hands behind his hands and stood on a high place overlooking the Peony City. Standing here, he could see the whole of the Peony City, which made it even more prosperous and gentle. This was the first time he used gentleness to describe a city full of flowers, small bridges and flowing water. , Chunliuqiuju, even the common people look gentle and kind.

This is the city where his biological mother was raised, so he was trapped in the palace for several days. He never ordered the city to be destroyed, nor did he go against the people. But this city... If Fang Chuning can't be found, it will be a nightmare for his life. What will happen to him? Where was it taken? It took him less than half an hour from leaving Chaoyang Palace to turning back. The palace gate was heavily guarded. Even if he was taken away, he would not be able to leave the palace and could only be trapped in the palace...

and many more!

In the palace!

Xie Jue seemed to realize something. He quickly threw down the stairs and rode back to the palace. He sent someone to check if there was any other way out of the palace. The construction of Sangnan Palace had not been long. In less than a hundred years, there was only one passage to the outside world. In fact, this It is also relatively common that for the safety of the emperor, an escape passage will be built in the inner courtyard of the palace. If extreme situations such as forced palaces occur, people can escape. If Han Ziqi knows an escape passage, it does not necessarily mean that there will be no other passages. The guards at the palace gate were very tight that day, and no one came in or out after being surrounded by Ningzhou cavalry. If the high priest took Fang Chuning away, he would have to hide in the palace and never get out of the palace. The guards at the palace gate for the three days he was unconscious were all Ning. The state cavalry will never let anyone go without his order.

If Fang Chuning were alive, he would definitely be in the palace!

He was negligent!

Xie Jue felt a little pain in his heart. It was because he was confused by caring and did not think clearly. Or maybe he was burned to pieces by the fire in Chaoyang Palace. He was emotionally unwilling to accept that Fang Chuning was burned to death in Chaoyang Palace, but intellectually , he also understood that Fang Chuning was in danger, and the conflict between emotion and reason made him lose his judgment and did not send anyone to search carefully. If he had searched carefully at that time, Aning would have been found if he was alive.

King Sangnan's concubines and children still live in the palace. Xie Jue ordered the palace to be sealed off and searched one by one. The shadow guards focused on searching the relatively remote and uninhabited palaces in Sangnan Palace.

If someone was hiding in a palace that was inhabited at that time, it would be impossible to hide it. Under such high-pressure circumstances, if Fang Chuning could be handed over, Xie Jue's anger would be calmed, and the peace talks would still have a chance. If he can't hand it over, then no one knows the whereabouts of Fang Chuning.

In addition to the search, Ying Yi was also familiar with the palace. He asked someone if there was anything strange found in the palace that night. At that time, the palace maids and servants were running around. If they saw something or heard something, it was normal. Every clue was very important. Ying Yi wasn't sure if this was all in vain, but if he could find something, it would at least give his master some comfort.

But Ying 2 and 3 had no hope. If he was the high priest in the situation that night, he would definitely kill Fang Chuning if he hated the royal family and his master.

Unexpectedly, the shadow guard actually found an abandoned palace, where Fang Chuning's wine bottle was left. There was a wine bottle hanging on Fang Chuning's waist all year round. Even if someone else's water bag is filled with water during the march, he may also be filled with wine, and he is addicted to alcohol. Such black wine bottles are also very common and can be seen everywhere, but Xie Jue is determined. This is what Fang Chuning discussed. The wine flask was found under the table in the abandoned palace. The place was relatively hidden, and it looked more like someone had thrown it in deliberately. The shadow guards had followed Xie Jue for many years, so they naturally knew Fang Chuning and immediately reported to Xie Jue. .

Xie Jue held the wine flask that had long been covered with dust, and felt a mixture of sadness and joy in an instant.

With such a slim hope, he rushed back to Peony City from Kyoto, looking for clues about Fang Chuning like a needle in a haystack, constantly begging to give him a little hope, a little clue, as long as he was sure that Fang Chuning was still alive, and the hard work paid off. Finally he found it.

Xie Jue couldn't help but think, if Fang Chuning had been imprisoned here, leaving the wine bottle behind was to tell him that he was still alive. Since he was still alive, where would he be taken? Why didn't the high priest's men kill him?

"Looking for him, we must find him at all costs!"

Since the person is still alive, Xie Jue is relieved. Aning is not a soft persimmon who can be manipulated by others. He is seriously injured and cannot walk. It is normal to be trapped for a while. When he recovers, he will definitely try his best to leave a message for him. What Xie Jue is now unsure about is where Fang Chuning will be taken.

What does the high priest want to do?

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