Xie Jue took the children to the longevity palace to see Feng Yu. Feng Yu’s belly was bulging and she was weak. She had a poor appetite except for one or two months during her pregnancy. She looked weaker than before pregnancy. Xie Xun felt like she was growing up. Especially the older the month, the more worried she becomes. She is afraid that Fengyu will not be able to survive the birth, so she seeks a miracle doctor in the private sector to prepare. Now that she is in the third trimester of pregnancy, in addition to nursing the fetus, she walks in the hospital every day and tries to force herself to eat more. , even after trying so hard, the effect was not good. Looking at her, Xie Jue was a little worried that she would not be able to survive the birth. Originally, he planned to spend the New Year in Beijing and leave if there was news from Jiangnan. Now it seems that he will have to wait until Feng Yu gives birth. .

Feng Yu also knew that she looked scary, but she would comfort Xie Jue. She comforted Xie Jue like this every day, and it had become a habit. Apart from her poor appetite, she didn't have any discomfort on her body, which made her feel more at ease.

The palace banquet was being prepared by the Chief of Ceremonies. After Feng Yu saw it and found no problems, she ordered someone to arrange it. This year, Feng Yu did not attend the palace banquet. She only listened to the sound of firecrackers in the longevity palace, and could occasionally hear it. With the sound of silk and bamboo orchestral music, the palace banquet must have been very lively. When the ladies entered the palace, they were not required to meet the queen. Only Su Yuejiao came to the longevity palace to accompany her. Feng Yu did not seem lonely. She was heavy, indeed. It is also not advisable to attend.

Su Yuejiao went to Xiangguo Temple to ask Feng Yu for a peace charm every month, and Feng Yu accumulated many of them. This was her mother's wish, and she would not refuse.

Everyone in her family hopes that her pregnancy will be safe and sound, and Fengyu herself also hopes that it will go smoothly.

The sea in Beining was clear, the sea in Beijing was calm, and the whole capital was prosperous. Feng Yu felt that the snow scene was more beautiful than in previous years.

There are many lanterns of different shapes that are unique to the Lantern Festival hanging in the hall. Xie Xun was afraid that Feng Yu would be alone in the Longevity Palace, so he ordered people to make them for her. Feng Yu would think of her sister at this time of year.

Before she left the capital with Xie Xun, Feng Shu would prepare all kinds of lanterns for her every year to coax her. Because it was cold on New Year's Eve, she could only be trapped in the small courtyard without leaving the house, and all the excitement Festiveness has nothing to do with her, so every New Year's Eve and Lantern Festival, she misses Feng Shu especially.

If she didn't have to deal with the trivial matters and palace banquets during the New Year as a queen, she would rather miss her sister quietly. Su Yuejiao looked at the lanterns in the courtyard and thought about Feng Shu.

"People's fate is determined by God. Auntie, it's time for you to let it go. Shu'er and the eldest son have reunited under the spring. If they wish, they are safe and healthy, and they are considered complete."

Everyone has scars in their hearts, and so does Feng Yu. Being too late to save Feng Shu was the pain she experienced in her midnight dreams. She still cries until she sobs in her dreams, so she loves Ruyi even more.

Su Yuejiao hoped that Feng Yu could let go of her pain.

"Mom, I'm fine. I'm very happy. Although I will miss my sister, I won't be immersed in the pain. There are such a few days every year. I want to miss her unscrupulously. She knows her well and hopes that I can do it without restraint. Live carefree, I know.”

"That's good, just leave it to time!"

Feng Yu smiled and nodded. The mother and daughter sat in the palace and looked at the snowy scene outside. The fire made the palace as warm as spring.

"The imperial doctor said that my pregnancy looks like a daughter." Feng Yu couldn't help but smile, "It would be great if my sister was reincarnated as my daughter. I could do my best to pamper her for the rest of my life, doting her to the point of being lawless and doing whatever I want. She is the happiest little princess in Beining."

"Nonsense, the imperial doctor has confirmed that she is a princess?"

Feng Yu said, "It sounds like, although I also want a prince, the princess is also very good. Zhixu is afraid that he doesn't want me to have another child. He was more nervous than me during the pregnancy. He couldn't sleep at night. He was in a panic even if he had the slightest pain. , I’m afraid that the prince’s life will be lost.”

"Bah, bah, bah, don't talk nonsense. You won't know until the birth whether it's a boy or a girl. Although the imperial doctor is experienced, he may not be able to separate a man from a man." Su Yuejiao still hoped that she could give birth to a prince, "When I was pregnant with you, If you have a good appetite, you can eat a cow, and the same goes for pregnant with your sister. A daughter is like a mother. If you feel so uncomfortable, you might be pregnant with a prince."

At the palace banquet, Xie Xun also told Xie Jue about Feng Yu's pregnancy.

"My mother-in-law has a weak body. This pregnancy was thrilling. I lost a lot of weight and nothing tasted good. I just planned to have this child, regardless of gender. The imperial doctor said that most of them will be princesses. Second brother, if you want it, you will have to work hard. Clicked."

"No wonder you asked Taifu Zhang to educate Ruyi. Let's wait until Ayu gives birth safely." Xie Jue said, "Besides, why did you ask Taifu Zhang to educate Ruyi?" After all, he is someone who has befriended Yu Wenjing, so Xie Jue is a bit Exclusion.

"Yu Wenjing didn't learn well. It's because of his poor character. This has nothing to do with the old man. There's nothing wrong with the old man's knowledge. I'm an old master of the Three Dynasties. I can rest assured."

"Old Master Zhang is already old and Ruyi is still young. I don't want Ruyi to be taught to be a rigid idiot. I'll find a younger master to teach him."

"I've hired the old lady, but I can't resign."

"I didn't say I wouldn't let him teach. I have one class every three days. Just ask the teacher."

"Come on, I understand. Ruyi complained to you, saying that the old lady punished him to behave politely. Are you distressed? Second brother, you can't spoil your child like this, you will spoil him. In the future, he will know that complaining is useful, and he will soon be a Little complainer."

"I'm talking about you. When you were a child, you went to the Imperial Academy to complain to your grandfather every two days. You said that the master slapped you on the palm and punished you to copy scriptures. You even complained that your homework was too heavy. You didn't grow crooked, and Ruyi didn't learn anything. I’m not worried about your essence.”

Xie Xun, "..."

Even if he is a noble, he will still be lectured by his brother at the palace banquet, which makes Xie Xun feel tired.

"You're so worried, come and teach me."

As long as the second brother doesn't leave, anything can be said.

"I can't teach him." He didn't know what kind of naughty children he would teach. Moreover, his temper was too paranoid and he was not suitable for educating a prince.

Xie Jue has a clear understanding of himself, and he will only teach a tyrant.

"The child does not teach, the father too……"

Xie Jue looked over with a sharp look, which was very warning. Xie Jue shut up and said, "I said the wrong thing. Ruyi is the most well-behaved, sensible and polite person."

The palace banquet lasted until the end of the year. Xie Xun and Xie Jue took Ruyi and Mingzhu back to Changshou Palace to stay with Feng Yu. Su Yuejiao had already left, so Feng Yu specially took a nap and waited for them to come back and stay together with her. Several members of the family sat cross-legged on the warm bed and played leaf cards. Every year, a fixed part of the New Year's Eve celebration was playing cards. Xie Jue and Feng Yu were always the winners. Xie Jue could not calculate, nor could he defend Feng Yu. He always loses. This year, even if there is a pearl, Xie Jue and Feng Yu have a tacit understanding and deliberately let go, Xie Xun is still the big loser.

The Ruyi man, Little Guida, tutted and said, "Uncle, you are so stupid."

Xie Jue and Feng Yu couldn't help laughing.

Xie Xun, "..."

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