This year has passed smoothly, and good news has come from all the major clans in Beijing. Some are getting married, and some have given birth to a baby. Even the wind and snow in Kyoto this year are lighter than in previous years. The major clans also gradually surrendered to Xie Xun's rule. Although they did not have the influence of the Yuwen Dynasty, the clan's foundation was still there. This was something that no emperor of any dynasty could shake. They still had their own unique influence.

Xie Xun and Xie Jue also understood the truth that things must turn against each other. They did not continue to suppress the clans, but gradually gave them preferential treatment. Therefore, the monarchs and ministers in the previous dynasty were harmonious, and Beining was very stable. Only the twelve states entered a very chaotic and difficult period. Because the people of the Northern Barbarians all moved to the Twelve States after the New Year, there was a blood feud between the people of the Northern Barbarians and the Twelve States.

Because more than half of the soldiers of the Ningzhou Cavalry came from the Twelve Prefectures, and over the years, in order to resist the Northern Barbarians, the Twelve Prefectures had lost batch after batch of men. They are fathers, sons, or the most favored grandsons in the family. They once had ten houses and nine empty houses, all because there were no men in the family, and their bloodline was ruined. Empty cities also appeared in the once prosperous twelve states, so there were many people in the twelve states. He hates the people of the Northern Barbarians.

But millions of Northern Barbarians moved into Beining. Except for the Twelve Prefectures and the newly surrendered Sangnan, there was actually no place for them to live and work in peace and contentment.

The most fertile southeast part of Beining is controlled by clans, and the city is rich and populated. It is almost impossible for the northern barbarians to enter the southeast city, and it will only cause greater chaos. The people of the Northern Barbarians can only enter twelve states, and they cannot be arranged too close to Ningzhou to prevent accidents. They cannot all be concentrated in one or two cities. How to arrange the people of the Northern Barbarians was once a headache for the cabinet and Xie Xun.

After Sangnan surrendered, it was indeed possible to arrange for some people to go to Sangnan. However, originally Sangnan was rich and the population was too large, and the per capita land was decreasing year by year. It was not suitable for the people of the Northern Barbarians to go there. After thinking about it, only the twelve states were the most suitable.

The Twelve Prefectures have a vast territory and rich resources. Due to years of war, there are wastelands everywhere and no one is cultivating them. They are in urgent need of men. Beining needs a large number of people to fill the gaps caused by years of war in the Twelve Prefectures. Therefore, the Northern Barbarians can only be assigned to the Twelve Prefectures. , this group of people who live in the ice and snow all year round endure hardships and stand hard work. Neither the cabinet nor Xie Xun are worried about the restoration of prosperity in the twelve states. It is only a matter of time. What needs to be resolved is the conflict and chaos caused by the strong folk customs. There was an extraordinary wave a year ago. The great turmoil was actually caused by the local aborigines and hatred. The imperial court sent people to regulate the situation. When the northern barbarians moved into the twelve states, the cabinet sent people everywhere to do ideological work for the people.

There was a civil servant in Beijing who was hit on the head by a commoner because of his ideological work. He lay in bed for three months and almost lost his life. The imperial court later issued many preferential policies for the twelve states, including tax exemptions and expansion of individual land cultivation. The imperial court certainly did not have real money to subsidize the area, so the imperial court promised that all the people in the twelve states would receive dividends from the minerals mined from the northern barbarians. One of the ten gems mined would be shared equally among the twelve states.

The riots a year ago were finally suppressed. After the year, the northern barbarians gradually united. Taking Xizhou City as an example, the aboriginal people were mostly bandits. Both men and women were tough and quick-tempered. They had about eight of the best lands in Xizhou. With tens of thousands of people, Feng Yu built the once barren empty city very well.

Xizhou was originally a large city that could accommodate 800,000 people, so it arranged for nearly 200,000 Northern Barbarians to move in. This caused a huge conflict between the aborigines and the Northern Barbarians. The aborigines felt that the Northern Barbarians were almost overwhelming in numbers, and the entire The resources of the city were all over-utilized. Feng Yu wrote to Nangong Heng and asked him to serve as a thinker for the people. The effect was not very great, and the conflicts that should have occurred would also occur. Therefore, Xie Xun sent many generals from the Ningzhou faction to the west. The state should try its best to mediate and prevent the northern barbarians from being too arrogant and causing too much chaos.

Even so, Xie Xun received an urgent report from the generals. Later, he sent the brothers of King Jingbei, who were also men from the Northern Barbarian royal family, to the Twelve States. The Northern Barbarian soldiers were relatively obedient to the royal family, so The situation has improved slightly, and there has been some bloodshed.

The chaos continues, and it still requires the efforts of successive generations. Different from the chaos in the northwest, the current situation in the southeast is very stable, the government is popular, the weather is smooth, and the constant joyous events in Beijing dilute the bloodshed in the twelve states.

Spring has begun in March. The snow in the capital has melted and the spring flowers are blooming. But everyone in the palace is on full alert. The Imperial Hospital is on standby all night. The delivery room of Changshou Palace is also ready. Feng Yu may give birth at any time. Xie Xun even goes to court. They were all restless, and their hearts were all focused on Feng Yu.

All the courtiers are looking forward to Feng Yu's pregnancy. It can be said that the wives at home are not so concerned about giving birth. The Beining clan attaches great importance to bloodlines. Now the Xie family lacks a legitimate heir, even though everyone knows that Xie Xun intends to make Ruyi his successor. Crown Prince, they all hope that the Queen Mother can give birth to a prince for Xie Xun. Even the Lin family has the same mentality. Although Ruyi and Feng Yu are both heirs, they will support the legitimate heir. Xie Xun will usually support Ruyi. Block those rumors, but people's aspirations are not controlled by one person.

On this day, Xie Xun was in the morning court. Aunt Chang from the Longevity Palace sent someone to report that the Queen had abdominal pain and had entered the delivery room. Xie Xun didn't even go to the morning court and hurried back to the Longevity Palace.

He saw a woman giving birth during the snowstorm in Beijing. The situation was critical and terrifying. He rushed back to the longevity palace with a pale face, but did not hear Feng Yu's cry. Just as he was about to enter the delivery room, he was stopped by Grandma Chang. Most women were taboo about having men accompany them during childbirth. It was mainly because it was dirty and unlucky, and they would rush into men. However, Xie Xun ignored the waiter who was blocking her and entered the delivery room.

Feng Yu was half lying down, being fed sugar water by Qiuxiang. The imperial kitchen specially made the snacks into thumb-sized ones, which are most suitable for replenishing strength during childbirth. One bite at a time, Feng Yu's face was facing the sky, her hair was wet with sweat, and it kept sticking to her cheeks. There was no blood left and she looked extremely tired. She was covered with a thick red quilt and was attended by two experienced midwives. When she saw Xie Xun coming in, Feng Yu almost choked, "You come in and do it." What?"

"Auntie, does it hurt? How do you feel?" Fengyu's waist and abdomen were covered by a red quilt and could hardly be seen. Xie Xun held her cold hand, as if he wanted to pass on all his strength to her.

"Get out quickly!" Feng Yu pushed him away, feeling embarrassed and not wanting to face you. She had just passed the labor pain and was waiting for the next burst of pain. The midwife said that it was her first time to give birth and it was still very early before the actual birth. She will be in pain for a long time, and it will become more and more painful. She can't bear the first wave. If the pain worsens, she will be extremely embarrassed, and she doesn't want Xie Xun to be here with her.

"I won't leave. I will stay here with you." Xie Xun's eyes were full of her, "I have dragon energy to protect my body. I will definitely keep you mother and daughter safe."

Feng Yu, "..."

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