Fang Chuning drank the medicine and fell into a deep sleep. Xie Jue was guarding him by the bedside. This was a rare experience. Fang Chuning was in better health than him. He was often sick. He was also often sick when he was in the Northern Barbarians. He also got sick several times after getting married. Every time, Fang Chuning took care of him personally. At that time, Fang Chuning also joked that he was an ice beauty who could break at the touch of a touch. He sounded a little displeased at the time, but now looking at Fang Chuning's pale, weak and sweating appearance, he finally understood the worry in his joke. Ah Ning also seemed to be broken at the touch of a touch. What kind of poison did he get?

He stayed with Fang Chuning until late at night, and finally thought of Han Ziqi. He called Yingyi, "The Sangnan royal family has a secret medicine that can cure hundreds of poisons. Go to Sangnan, take my token, and ask Han Ziqi to give me one." grain."

"Master, after I leave, you will only have Ying Er and one person by your side. Please transfer a few more people from Beijing."

"Don't worry, I will stay with Aning at Green Willow Villa during this period. You can go back and forth faster and you can be back within ten days."

Ying Yi thought for a while and nodded, "Yes!"

When he returned indoors, Fang Chuning opened his eyes tiredly and asked confusedly, "Who are you talking to?"

"You were dreaming and I wasn't talking to anyone."

"I'm sick, not deaf."

Xie Jue thought for a moment, "I was just begging the Bodhisattva in the courtyard to bless us both."

Fang Chuning raised his eyebrows, "You said the other day that you never believed in Bodhisattvas."

"I suddenly believed it tonight."

Fang Chuning, "..."

Xie Jue had walked back to the bed, pressed the corner of the quilt for him, and said softly, "It's late at night. If you feel unwell, just rest."

"I'm not sleepy after a day's sleep." Fang Chuning stood up. He was a little thirsty, but he was embarrassed to bother Xie Jue. But he took a look at the teapot and Xie Jue understood. He went over and touched the teapot. The tea was It has cooled down. The tea is not made from tea leaves. It is made from wolfberry, red dates, longan and several medicinal materials. It is most suitable for drinking when you are sick. Xie Jue put it on the stove to heat for a while, then poured a cup and handed it over. Give it to him. Fang Chuning looked at his slender and beautiful hands, a little dazed, "I seem to..."

I've seen this scene in my dream.

"What's wrong?" "Nothing."

Fang Chuning took the tea and drank it down neatly, "Where are all my maids going? How can I let you, a guest, serve me here?"

"Did I serve you well?"

It was just too appropriate, he was flattered!

"No, I'm just not used to it."

"How do the maids serve you?" Xie Jue asked lightly, "When you were sick, how gentle and gentle were you by your bedside?"

Fang Chuning shook his head, "No!"

"Is that to warm your bed when you are cold?"

"No!!" Fang Chuning was shocked, "How could I do something that insulted a girl's reputation?"

"That being the case, I can do everything the maids can do, so why can't I serve you?" Xie Jue said, "I rarely serve others. If you do something bad, tell me and I will improve accordingly."

Fang Chuning looked at Xie Jue's serious look and was even more at a loss what to do.

Beauty, we are not familiar with each other. It is really inappropriate for you to take such personal care of you. It is simply out of Sima Zhao's heart. Everyone on the street knows it. Everyone in Green Willow Villa knows what you are planning!

You are really not afraid of rumors at all!

"You..." Fang Chuning pursed her lips and said shockingly, "You are quite thick-skinned!"

During the Chinese New Year, there must be three days with more than 10,000 updates per day.

I have a flight to catch at 4 o'clock tomorrow, so I'll go to bed first.

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