Chapter 11 Purpose·Retreat as Advance·So it is
"Yeah, I know, you practice martial arts and think you can hide it from me, silly girl." Mrs. Guo dotingly nodded her daughter's forehead. She even knew that her daughter ran out secretly, let alone practiced martial arts secretly. It's just her She thought her daughter would practice martial arts because she was unwilling to be weak all the time, but she didn't expect her daughter to become famous in practice. She still can't believe it, and she's afraid that all this is just a dream.

Her daughter, that is the soaring phoenix, if not for her poor health, her grandfather would have sent her to go to the military camp to exercise in a man's disguise.

after all!That's how she grew up.

Thinking about it, Mrs. Duke laughed.

Luo Jingyao was stunned!
"Let's go, I'll take you to tell your father and your brothers to make them happy." They will no longer be worried. Before, they thought that their daughter's health was only effective, but now it seems that her daughter thought of a way. Never get sick for no reason again.

Luo Jingyao saw that her mother's energy and spirit had changed, and she happily followed behind, never taking a step or panting on purpose.

But she thought it over, she still had to be weak outside.

The East Courtyard was beaming, because the person they cared about the most had recovered and would never get sick again.

The brothers surrounded Luo Jingyao and asked her to talk about the formation on her clothes. This kind of formation was something they had never seen before, and it was perfect for protecting themselves or their family members.

And Luo Jingyao also thought of a way for her to make money, that is to use protective formations on clothes and accessories, and do it with individuality, otherwise she will be tired.

And the west courtyard was overwhelmed with surprise and chaos, everyone wanted to show their best side in front of people, this was the queen's banquet, if it was possible, it could reach the sky in one step.And the most indispensable thing for this banquet is the beautiful clothes.

The embroiderers in the mansion were afraid that what they did was not amazing enough, so they wanted to look outside, and there were not many people in the embroidered pavilion outside.

The queen's banquet, as long as the rich girl has enough status, she will go.If you want to make it first, you have to increase the price.But where do they have so much money?

Even if it is Luo Mingwu, when people talk about the daughter of the Duke's Mansion, they also refer to Luo Jingyao. As for her who lives in the Duke's Mansion, because her father is just a small principal, she wants to participate in the banquet unless she is at the same level as her father. Either she is lower than her father, or she wants the Duke's Mansion to help her invite her, or the eldest aunt takes her there.

It was the first time she went to the queen's banquet.

This made her nervous, excited and apprehensive.

But when she thought about He Lingyao and Luo Jingyao who had never been out, she straightened her back.

It doesn't matter that Luo Jingyao is the daughter of the Duke's Mansion, she is not as good as her, as for He Lingyao!It's nothing more than an outsider who used to live in the Duke's mansion.

When Chu took Luo Mingwu to the old lady's yard, Luo Jinhui's mother and daughter were already there, which made Chu even more unhappy, because she remembered what Zhou's mother had passed on to her, and even the maids and servants could understand it. It was kept in the dark.

It has to be said that Luo Jinhui's mother and daughter are very powerful.

Anyway, she didn't admit that she was stupid.

"Why do you all come to me today?" The old lady held the Buddhist beads in her hand and smiled lovingly. She liked the kindness of the younger generation.

"Grandmother, Wu'er misses you, so naturally I came to see you!" Luo Mingwu knew that they wanted to get what they wanted, and the old lady's support was indispensable.Luo Mingwu stepped forward with a smile on her face, and pressed the old lady's shoulders.

The gentleness, delicateness, and moderate strength made the old lady close her eyes and enjoy it in comfort.

He Lingyao's mother and daughter's eyes flashed. It seems that their purpose is the same.

But it doesn't matter, it's not her money anyway.

Luo Jinhui smiled at Chu's lips with a soft and flattering face.

In the past, when they saw her, they would pull her to talk about family affairs affectionately and talk about Gu's style of doing things, but today, Chu's seems to have not seen her, which made Luo Jinhui frowned, thinking in her heart, but who did she listen to? Why don't you pay attention to her?

But although she won Chu's effortlessly, it's impossible for her to break free now.

"Tell me, you guys are here today, but what's the matter?" The old lady didn't think that she came to accompany her old lady because she had nothing to do.

"Mother, isn't there a decree from the palace to ask my sister-in-law to bring a few girls to the palace for the spring banquet? If my sister-in-law didn't notify us, we just want to tell you so that you can be happy too." Her daughter It can be regarded as a chance to stand out. Anyway, in her opinion, no one can compare with her daughter, and her daughter is only inferior in her birth.

but!They can still figure it out.

"Ms. Gu is quite reasonable this time. I know that I will notify you in advance so that you can get ready. The clothes and jewelry of the daughter's house for this palace banquet must not be sloppy." Not a reasonable and generous person, but a caring person.

Chu clearly saw the corners of Luo Jinhui's lips curled up, and she became more and more sure that what Zhou's mother said was true.

She really made a mistake in coming today. If she wanted to show her favor to sister-in-law, then she should not come here today, and no, she should not come to see the old lady, but to discuss with sister-in-law. Slowly, The distance between them can be dissolved.

Chu made up her mind not to mention what they had thought before today.

Although Luo Mingwu saw her mother's color, she didn't understand what was going on, but it didn't prevent her from listening to her mother. Knowing that her mother would not harm her, she immediately shut up and fell silent.

Anyway, they are here, if He Lingyao has them, then her own granddaughter will definitely have them too.

"Grandmother, my mother and I are here today to say goodbye to you." He Lingyao bit her lips and said with lowered eyebrows.

"What's the matter? Who showed your face? Or?" The old lady's face immediately fell, and she secretly guessed in her heart that what the Duke and the others said made her daughter and granddaughter so sad.

"No, grandma, my family is very kind to me. Isn't this the queen's edict? I am often in front of you, and you have to spend money on food and clothing. Our mothers are also very sorry. Daughter of the He family, it should be my father who should come out, I just thought, let my grandma buy clothes for me when I go back today, and I also want to tell them to make grandma and father happy."

"I'll just say, what do you think about all day long? Why do you divide the inside and the outside so clearly? Can this house lose your share? How much can you spend on a daughter's house? Since the queen If the empress asks Mrs. Gu to take you there, then she will definitely take care of your clothes and jewelry, so don't worry."

As soon as the old lady heard that she wanted to embarrass the He family, she immediately disagreed. The old lady of the He family is not a good person. In addition, the He family does not have the background of the Duke's Mansion, how could it be possible for the granddaughter to buy clothes and jewelry on the table? .

She didn't want outsiders to laugh at the granddaughter she raised in front of her.

"What? She just notified and didn't mention this?" The old woman raised her eyes and asked.

Luo Jinhui and He Lingyao's mother and daughter looked at each other: "Sister-in-law is in charge of Zhongfu, it's normal to forget for a while." These words are equivalent to acquiescing to what the old lady said.

This is a fact.Mrs. Gu never mentioned making clothes for them.

"Is there any reason for this? She is still ignorant? Do you know that this embarrassment is the face of the Duke's Mansion? It's really petty and embarrassing. Why don't you take advantage of the money? She holds the huge Duke's Mansion in her hand. Now She has to suppress the girls in the mansion to make two sets of clothes under special circumstances."

"Haitang, call the eldest lady over here." The old lady held her identity and said in a cold voice. The prayer beads in her hand did not make her look kind, but her old face was distorted.

"It's the old lady." Haitang turned around and hurried towards the Liuguang courtyard.

"Mother, is it not good for you to do this? Does this make the sister-in-law think that we, the mother and daughter, are the ones who are sowing discord? We live in the Duke's mansion with a shameless face, and we say that we are disgusting. Actually, it's up to me Said, it's time for our mother and daughter to go back to the He family, but I... can't bear to part with my mother." Luo Jinhui said softly and anxiously, with tears in her eyelashes, very pitiful.

"It's all my fault, and it made my grandmother get angry because of me." Compared with the eyes that looked at everyone like ordinary people before, He Lingyao now has a little more popularity.

Squeezing the handkerchief to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, she squatted softly, lying on the old lady's lap.

The old lady was very distressed, and gently touched the top of He Lingyao's hair with her hand.

"How can I blame you? If she is angry, she will come to me. There is no need to vent her anger on innocent people. This is her mistake. She can prepare clothes and jewelry for her daughter, so why can't she remember?" Prepare a copy for your niece and niece? Could it be that the Duke’s Mansion can afford a share for both of you?”

Mrs. Chu pays special attention to what they say, listening to it like this, it is really amazing, I hope she will feel happy to follow them to talk about the rights and wrongs of Mrs. Guogong, but the more she listens to this, the more uncomfortable it will be.

For two outsiders, those who are dissatisfied with this and that are dissatisfied are shameless enough.

It's no wonder that the Duke's wife doesn't want to see these two people, she is a hungry glutton, thinking about everything.

There is a share of their second room here, and as the wife of the country, she will definitely not be taken advantage of and contribute money and efforts for the two, so maybe what is spent now is the second room's share?

Would she like to mention to her husband that they can manage their second room share, as long as there is no separation on the surface, they are still a family, and they can still rely on the Duke's mansion, can't they?

The more Chu thought about it, the more feasible it became.

East Court!

Haitang's arrival interrupted the harmony of the family, and after saying what the old lady said, the happy atmosphere among the family also dropped to freezing point.

The west courtyard always poured cold water on them when they were happy, and she really didn't want to bear it for a moment.

"You haven't been feeling well for the past two days. Go to rest and see what's going on for your husband?" The Duke of the country couldn't bear to let his wife go back and forth. After such a thing would never happen again, the Grand Duke with a smile on his face now had a gloomy face, and the storm was about to come, with dark clouds overwhelming the top.

"No, how can I use you guys for this back house matter? When I really can't solve it and get tired, then it's time to show your courage as husbands and sons. You are our mother and daughter The backing of the two must be good." Mrs. Guo smiled lightly, waved her sleeves, and took the maids to go to the West Courtyard to see what they were up to.

Luo Jingyao immediately got up and followed, but she had to learn a little bit, and naturally she wanted to help her mother, so as not to be bullied by those firewood wolves, tigers and leopards. Although she couldn't hurt her mother, she was disgusting anyway.

"Father, can't we separate?" Luo Jingzhou gritted her teeth and asked her father.

"Parents don't want to separate the family, not even the stepmother, unless she volunteers to separate the family." Grandpa Guo explained to his son looking at the scene in the yard.

"But it's not that they took advantage of us, and they made things difficult for mother and sister again and again. Dad, don't you get angry after seeing it? Mother is the woman you married back with eight sedan chairs. Having children, my sister is what you have been looking forward to since my elder brother. Now you are being bullied by them. You say that you are a dignified prince. You fought the enemy bravely on the battlefield. You are so brave. Why are you so frustrated at home? What about it?" If his mother and sister were not here, he would have gone out for a long time, since staying in the barracks is better than watching those people here.

But now a few of them can really realize their wishes and do their own things.

"It's not easy to take advantage of your father and me. You guys are still too young. You should learn more from your old father. Sometimes what you see with your eyes is not real. "The Duke said to his sons confidently with an inscrutable expression on his face.

"What do you mean? Dad, can you explain it more clearly? I don't understand what you are saying, which is specious but not inscrutable!" The brothers looked at each other and motioned Luo Jingzhou to continue asking.

They are also curious, the cost of the West Court is higher than theirs!
"Your grandfather told us at the beginning that what he earned in his life will be shared equally between me and your second uncle, but after a hundred years, whoever earns it will get it. Naturally, it depends on the brotherhood." On the surface, let me help them as much as I can. I don’t say that they can help me, but I just say that they keep their own place, and I can give them a share when I eat meat! Since they are jumping up and down for nothing, then this They don't even have to drink the soup, and they still want to take advantage of me!" When the Duke said this, he was extremely indifferent, which shows that the promise was not happy at that time.

It is indeed true that the Duke of the State did not want to inherit the position of Marquis before, because he knew that if he succeeded, it would be equivalent to inheriting everything linked to the Duke's Mansion. He found it troublesome because the wife he married was an unloving Hongzhuang loves to be armed. She likes to live a free life instead of living in a small backyard and fighting with the women in the backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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