Chapter 12 Want to open a warehouse?the public

Another one, he is a majestic man, and he wants to make contributions and earn a family business for his wife.

He believed that he could earn another knighthood without any drag.

The fact is that, within two years of his succession to Marquis, he was promoted to the position of Duke of Chaopin.

At that time, Luo Jin was not good at martial arts (now he is also useless), and he pretended to be noble and extraordinary every day, thinking about the Marquis every day, but the old Marquis and the emperor did not agree that Luo Jin should be the useless successor. He could push Luo Bingang to the position of marquis.

And his request to inherit the throne is what he said before.

Because of his stepmother, he knew to be on guard since he was a child, and it was right.

"This... will they agree?" Luo Jingkong asked in surprise.

"What can I do if I don't agree? This is the emperor's oral order!" He is not a fool, and he must find a strong witness. Naturally, there are several adults in the court.

"Father, doesn't it mean that my grandfather doesn't love you?" Otherwise, what he must have said is that the two brothers complement each other, how can there be a brother who only asks the elder brother to help the younger brother?Could it be that the younger brother has been muddy and unable to support the wall, and the elder brother is also unable to do the same?

Grandpa Guo glanced at his silly son.

"Parents will always favor the weak one." It's not that they don't love him, they naturally love him and have high hopes for him, but they also have requirements, and it's just that he should take care of Luo Jinzhong more.

If they are of the same father and the same mother and can get along with each other, he will naturally take care of them, but a half-father and the same mother are trying to stumbling him. He was bullied by their mother and son at home, how could he take care of him?What are you kidding?
He is not stupid!

If you can get by, you really think they can handle him.

It's been a long time, do you think the previous proof doesn't exist?Now this heart is getting more and more, and the appetite is getting more and more dissatisfied.

Here Luo Jingyao, mother and daughter, also entered Ning'an Hall.

"Auntie is well!" Luo Mingwu hurried forward to salute, she knew very well who their second room was relying on!Although the old lady's favor is indispensable, they are nothing without the protection of the Duke's Mansion.

Mrs. Chu also greeted her and called her sister-in-law, which made Mrs. Chu couldn't help but look at Mrs. Chu more.

It was the first time that this calm and respectful greeting was greeted with a title.

Because the Chu family has always looked down on her because her man is the old lady's biological son, and always wants to seize power from her. Luo Jinzhong is also always preparing to be the Duke of the country.

The Duke's wife curled her lips ironically.

Luo Jinhui, mother and daughter He Lingyao obediently saluted the Duke and Duchess.

This made the unhappy old lady even more disgusted.

With a "bang", a teacup fell to the feet of the Duke and his wife, mother and daughter.

"What's wrong with the old lady? Why are you so angry?" Mrs. Guo asked with impatience in her eyes.

"You are asking knowingly, tell me! Are you dissatisfied with the empress?" The old lady really wished that the Duke's wife would die suddenly.

"Please be careful, old lady. I have always kept my duty, and I have never overstepped the rules. Why is the old lady dissatisfied? Could it be that the old lady wants to get along with the whole family in the Duke's mansion just to vent her anger?" ?” Mrs. Guo’s words made the old lady jump!

Luo Jinhui and the Chu family were also pale with fright, vaguely resenting the old lady's unrestrained speech, which almost killed them.

"If you're not dissatisfied with the empress, then you are dissatisfied with the old body!" The old lady's face was ashen, she knew that Gu's bitch had always been sharp-tongued.

"I really don't know what the old lady means by this, can the old lady speak clearly?"

"Okay, you are still here pretending to be innocent. You are really my good daughter-in-law. You really should let the world see how you, as a daughter-in-law, treat your mother-in-law?"

"Of course my wife won't look like a shrew." When Madam Guo raised her chin, she wanted the world to see the old lady's face!With an indifferent face, she sat directly on the armchair, and Luo Jingyao quickly followed her and sat on her mother's lower head.

The Duke's wife was originally a military commander, and she followed her father in the military camp since she was a child, and she disguised herself as a man to fight against the enemy. Very boring.If she's in a better mood, she can still handle it for a while, but if she's in a bad mood, she won't be hypocritical.

"What do you mean?" The old lady was so angry that her chest heaved!Call her a shrew?How can there be such a junior?

"May I ask the old lady to explain why she is looking for this lady?" Even if it's a big deal, she yells for her to come over!If you don't count the things in their house, they will die.

Seeing all of them suffering from pink eye disease, they are almost going crazy.


Luo Jinhui hurried forward, bowed softly and said: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, it's all our mother and daughter's fault that made mother angry, please forgive us, don't care about mother, mother is old, I can't stand getting angry again and again, it's not good for my health."

"Oh, since it was started by your mother and daughter, isn't this anger directed at you? Why is it directed at innocent people?" Mrs. Guo deliberately did not follow Luo Jinhui's words.

"You still have the nerve to say that the empress asked you to take the girl from the mansion to the palace for a banquet, but you only care about your own daughter and don't care about other people. You are not afraid that the world will poke your spine and let the world see our country. Is it a joke from the government?"

"It's because of this kind of thing again. Didn't you check it out yourself before, old lady? Didn't you say that the clothes of the embroiderers in the mansion are too rigid and not suitable for girls? Then which embroidery shop do they like? Wouldn’t it be enough to go to any embroidery pavilion? Could it be that such a small matter has to be handled by my wife? If this small matter needs to be finalized by my wife one by one, then the following women in charge Can it be sold?"

The old madam fell back in anger, if she didn't need money to buy it, then she would have gone to find it long ago, why bother to ask her, it's really getting more and more tricky.If Gu's betrayed the women in charge because of this incident, she would not be hated to death.

"Cousin and cousin don't like the clothes made by our embroiderer?" Luo Jingyao blinked her eyes, her face was innocent and serious.

"Cousin, you misunderstood me. It's just that it's too late for the embroiderer in the mansion to make the clothes for the three of us. I just thought about finding a small shop outside to do it." He Lingyao smiled softly.

"Then what is there to argue about? That small shop can make clothes for my cousin and cousin, that's what I wish for. Why bother making troubles in the house because of trivial matters? My mother manages such a large family of hundreds of people. How can food, clothing, housing and transportation be without the hard work of my mother, she never said that suffering is not tiring, on the contrary, people who eat, drink and worry about nothing despise this and that, as far as I can see, life is still too comfortable I'm free!" Luo Jingyao unceremoniously returned what Luo Jinhui said just now.

The old madam, who looks for things every day and never does anything, has no qualifications to compare with her mother.

As an old lady, she is still a stepmother, so to put it bluntly, she is a bit more noble than a concubine, so she should stay in the backyard and behave herself, instead of doing nothing to make trouble.

I thought I was an old lady and wanted to handle this and that!
Also very petty, just want to pamper myself.

After all, she was born as a concubine.

He Lingyao choked!She never thought that Luo Jingyao, who was always sick, would say it so mercilessly.It's just a matter of saying that they eat dry food, eat and drink for nothing every day, and still think this and that.

He Lingyao could only suppress her anger. Naturally, she didn't want to find a small shop. Can the clothes made in a small shop be worn?It might as well be done by the embroiderer in the mansion.

She can only bear it now, and when Luo Jingyao is useless, she can clean it up however she wants.

"What kind of material did my cousin make?" He Lingyao seemed not to have heard the irony in Luo Jingyao's words.

Luo Jingyao saw the eyes of He Lingyao's mother and daughter clearly, and smiled with her lips curled up. This is really cheeky.

"The embroiderers make clothes for the rich ladies and nobles. It depends on their personality, appearance and temperament. They don't want to wear exactly the same clothes, but they are suitable. Cousin should choose the color you like. The color that suits your temperament is the best. Good." Sure enough, I started to inquire about what color and style she was wearing.

Luo Mingwu wanted to go forward to say something, but Chu's sharp eyes quickly grabbed her, and the mother and daughter stood aside and watched.

"Okay, there will be. From now on, the girls' clothes will be made together, no matter whether they are made in the mansion or outside, so as not to have differences in the future. That's okay, the girls' clothes are more complicated, and they have to be matched with matching ones." Jewelry and accessories, if you don’t hurry up to make them, I’m afraid it will be too late, Mrs. Gu, you should first find someone to tailor clothes for Ming Wu and Yao’er.”

The old lady's eyes flashed, and she pretended to be ignorant of her daughter.

The first thing to bear the brunt is to make a decision on the banquet. Today, Luo Jingyao's mother and daughter are sharp-tongued, and she has a lot of opportunities to clean up.When her granddaughter and granddaughter fall into the eyes of nobles, are you afraid that there will be no way to deal with the mother and daughter of the Gu family?
"I don't know where you guys want to go to do it? But which embroidery room have you chosen? If you have already chosen, you can ask the embroiderers to come and tailor the clothes, and the bill will be handed over to the housekeeper." Anyway, how much did the west courtyard cost? She let the accountant remember clearly who spent the amount of silver taels for what reason, since they wanted to squander it ahead of time and live a poor life, she would naturally not stop it.

The old lady had a smug look on her face, thinking that she had captured the Duke's wife, she was ready to make an inch of it with a glance of the corner of her eyes.

"The clothes are missing, and there will be no time to make this jewelry in a while. You should open the warehouse and let the two girls go and choose it by themselves." Why would you wear silver for a sick man?What's the use of being so nice?If the emperor hadn't pitied them for giving Luo Jingyao a marriage, Luo Jingyao probably wouldn't be able to get married in her whole life.

"This madam will open a storeroom in the public house to pick out for the girls in the house." Madam Guogong said casually.

"I'm talking about the East Courtyard." The old lady gritted her molars and said every word.

"Then don't bother you, my sixth son, I will naturally prepare for her." Mrs. Guogong pretended to be stupid.

"Who said her? I'm talking about Ming Wu and Yao'er."

"Oh! If we open the public warehouse, I will ask the housekeeper to write down what I have taken, so that it will be convenient for later settlement. If it is ours, ha ha!" Are you kidding, they have several warehouses in the east courtyard, and she will open any one. No, she saved the rewards for the children before they were born, and each child has their own warehouse. She doesn't care how many warehouses they have, anyway, this is what she gave to the children Dowry and dowry.

It's not for others to worry about.

The old lady: "..." If she wanted to open the public warehouse, would she even say that?What is she fussing about?
"Old madam? Have you thought about whether you can choose the public warehouse? If you choose, my wife will ask the accountant to fetch the booklet. After looking at it, I will ask the servants to pick it up. If you don't choose, I will leave first."

"Wait, those years in the public house are old, and the luster is not high. You should open other warehouses first." If he refuses again, he will give her a step down instead.

But she didn't want to think about it, if the Duke's wife hadn't been a tough one, how could she find ways to dig into other people's private treasury.

"How about opening the old lady?" Mrs. Guogong smiled half-smile.

"I'm talking about anyone from Kaidongyuan." Her heart was bleeding when she said that, she thought that if those evil species were sent to the battlefield to survive, they would be crippled, but she didn't expect them to survive. He has repeatedly made military exploits and received constant rewards, but this bitch Gu Shi will not reveal a single bit of it, all of which are sealed in the treasury she gave to her children.

It is said that military generals have simple minds, but she may not, otherwise she would not have opened their own warehouse for those evil breeds since they were young.

Now I guess it's almost impossible to fit in it!
"This makes no one go out and say that there is no reason for any aunt and aunt to open their own private house to choose nieces and nieces. Do they have no mother or grandmother? It's not my turn to be an aunt, right?" Madam sneered unmoved.

"The East Courtyard also belongs to the Duke's Mansion." The old lady was very angry.

"I didn't say it wasn't from the Duke's Mansion." With her husband, there is the Duke's Mansion, and even the East Courtyard where the Duke lives is not from the Duke's Mansion, so who does it belong to?

"Then what do you have to excuse?" The whole mansion is the mansion of the Duke, and the things in the warehouse are also considered as the mansion of the Duke.

"But because it belongs to the Duke's Mansion, why should other people reach out?" In another sense, they can be regarded as a different kind of family.

She thanked Grandpa Guo for his wisdom countless times, otherwise she would not have been so upright. Grandpa Guo and his son have made great achievements in battle, and the family fortune they have fought for is probably squeezed out by the word "filial piety".

"Presumptuous, Mrs. Gu, you are not filial, we have no separation."

 The house leak happened to be raining all night, Zai Zai caught a cold, and the power at home was cut off. I don’t know if it will be better tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)

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