It felt weightless and light, and Wang An frowned unconsciously.

Just holding the person with both hands as if holding her upright, Luo Jingyao twisted her body uncomfortably. King An hurriedly hugged her and turned around to go to the inner hall.

Bai Lu and Guyu went out quietly and closed the door. The hall was silent for a moment, except for one person whose heartbeat was abnormally fast.

Thanks to Mr. Zhu's help, the trap box was opened. There were not only account books but also some letters between him and someone. Liu He was arrested without any effort this time.

King An interrogated him all night long, but Liu He still wanted to hide it and refused to shed tears without seeing the coffin. After King An released some evidence, Liu He turned pale and shrank in an instant, and the last trace of luck was gone.

"The guilty minister didn't understand." Why would the things he hid be in the hands of King An? It was foolproof. No one would have thought that he would hide things in the plaque in the concubine's courtyard. Because of the Song family's jealousy, the plaque was broken and the courtyard was abandoned. The Song family So jealous that I give up on the past.

But it happened that King An held it in his hands.

"Explaining the person behind you will leave a trace of your blood." This is a crime that implicates the nine clans, which is equivalent to rebellion.

"Daughters can't be considered bloodline. Instead of leaving them to suffer and be bullied, it's better to go to hell with me." Liu He said cruelly, knowing that there was no room for redemption.

"Oh, what a coincidence. There is a three-year-old boy in the last house in Tongxin Lane. He really looks like Mr. Liu." King An was wearing a dark brocade robe, a jade belt around his waist, and a dark green jade pendant. He looked dignified and cold and arrogant. , a pair of eyes twinkling with cold stars, and his tone was ordinary.

But in Liu He's ears, it was no less than a thunderbolt from the blue, his face was extremely pale, and his whole body was shaking unbelievably.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please, please let the child go. He is innocent. He is only three years old. He has not enjoyed the treatment of being a prefect's son. Please save him." Liu He lay on the ground, in the dungeon. It was so dirty that he knocked his forehead to the ground again and again, and his head was bruised and bloody in just two blows.

"The only one who can save him is you."

Liu He understood that he could only die in the capital and had to account for the people behind him, but...

"The guilty minister will come to Beijing."

King An ransacked Liu He's house, but he didn't have an extra tael of silver. Obviously, with the account books, it can be seen that all the people's wealth and wealth he plundered were handed over to his master behind him. The only pity is that there was no mention of that in the letters. There is only one name for a person, code-named "Qinglong", which shows that the person behind it is thinking, or he does not take the imperial power seriously.

King An left the dungeon. With Liu He's downfall, those who had an interest in him or who were complementary to him were all frightened, fearing that King An would liquidate him. From Liu He's case, we can see King An's methods. , doing important things in silence, King An's attitude obviously softened with their banquets again and again, but who knew that he was actually causing trouble behind and caught them off guard. He was still complacent and felt that the name of the God of War was not worthy of the name. After all, he is a military commander. Being brave on the battlefield does not mean he is excellent in other aspects. Who knows...

He is fierce and ruthless, with iron-blooded tactics, and when the evidence is in front of his eyes, he goes straight to jail.

The group that was bound together by interests fell apart in an instant.

"What's going on?" Luo Jingyao looked at the man who came slowly and asked.

"The people behind me don't know if they can dig it out." Now they are in the open, and that person is in the dark. Although Liu He is not a particularly important chess piece, they have provoked the people behind them. They are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Ming Guns are easy to hide, but hidden arrows are difficult to guard against.

The most important thing, neither of them mentioned, was that it was not clear whether the emperor could find out and whether he would act in accordance with the law after he found out. If the emperor suddenly thought of taking advantage of the people behind him, it would be a troublesome thing. Son.

"Can you probably guess it?"

King An took the tea poured by Luo Jingyao and took a sip: "He said the last thing, he will go to Beijing."

"That person is in the capital? But didn't he say that he has never met the person behind him, and that he has always exchanged letters, and even if he exchanged letters, no information has been exposed? Also, why did he do this? There is no percent With 90% certainty, can he really risk everything to follow the people behind him? Liu He is not stupid." Luo Jingyao analyzed. King An nodded, of course not. Under interrogation later, Liu He confessed that he had seen a jade pendant, which represented the prince's jade pendant.

Luo Jingyao clicked her tongue twice: "Is it credible?"

"Whether it is trustworthy or not, that is also the emperor's business. We just need to be on guard. The situation is unknown, so there is no harm in being more prepared."

"If that's the case, I wonder how many of these people are being used by others." Or is it just for them?

"By the way, Cao Yashu wants to meet Liu He."

"Let her go directly, Qingxuan is still interrogating the details." Qingxuan was interrogating Cao's arrest, and he came back early.

"Okay." Luo Jingyao asked Bai Lu to go over and inform him. Cao Yashu was waiting in the pavilion outside.

"What happened to those two families?"

King An knew without asking that Luo Jingyao was asking about tea merchant Lu and Qianzhuang Li.

"It's not urgent." They should have communicated secretly now. He is not in a hurry and has no wink. At most, he is just supporting other companies.

"Those who are rich will support themselves, and those who have no money will support themselves by raising funds. A merit stone will be used outside Jincheng to record their efforts, and a plaque written by me will be used in exchange for building resources..."

Luo Jingyao suddenly said something, and King An raised his eyebrows. The more he listened, the more he felt that this was a good thing and a good idea. He immediately took Luo Jingyao to the study room and asked Luo Jingyao to explain it in detail and write it down in his own handwriting.

"Have I ever said that I am lucky to have you?" King An said with bright eyes.

Luo Jingyao shook her head honestly, pursed her lips and suppressed laughter.

If this plan is feasible, then they can save a lot of resources.

Merchants pursue profit and fame, and finally give them a first-choice option to purchase or rent the commercial street when it is built.

"Then I tell you sincerely, I have been lucky for many lifetimes to marry you." Without that luck, how could she have a lifelong love?
King An's originally joking words turned extremely serious when he spoke them out.

"May I be the lucky one in your life." The road ahead is unknown and we are going through it together.

King An left in a hurry and asked his staff to see the detailed plan.

To put it bluntly, he just goes to show off, whose wife has his quick thinking.

After seeing it, all the gentlemen and others said that this plan was very clever. It was really a tiger father with no dog daughter. She was worthy of being the daughter of the Duke of Zhen Guo, Luo Bingang and Gu Xuanyu. She was a real daughter of a noble family and had the heritage of a century-old prosperous family.

(End of this chapter)

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