If the plan is feasible, ask someone to find a suitable opportunity to raise money.

Cao Yashu also drove to the prison and successfully met Liu He.

The moment he saw Cao Yashu, Liu He understood.

"You gave the thing to the prince." Although he was asking Cao Yashu, his affirmative tone told Cao Yashu that Liu He already knew that she had handed the evidence to Prince An. After all, everyone in the Liu family was in jail. But she is the only exception.

"Since you have guessed it, you must know why I did this?" Cao Yashu did not deny it. Her eyes were calm, without sadness or joy.

Liu He neither admitted nor denied: "I consider myself to be very kind to you and love you very much. Why do you do this?"

"You know why you love me so much. What's more, you treat me differently from Liu Huier. Why don't you give this kind of love to Liu Huier? I still have a happy family without your interference. My My mother will not become someone else’s concubine from being a wife, and my father will not die in the bandits because of your grudge, leaving us mother and daughter as food in the mouths of jackals, tigers and leopards. What you call good is like Like arsenic.”

"When did you know about it?" This matter is obviously foolproof. It is obvious that this daughter should pave the way for him and make his future broader and brighter, instead of becoming a prisoner like today. Who knows what kind of torture is waiting for him?
"Do you think you can hide it from the truth, and the wife who sleeps with you can really watch her husband pamper other people's wives without any regrets or jealousy?" When I think of Song, she is also the foundation of the insider. Cao Yashu gnashed her teeth with hatred in her heart. Even if her whole family was sent to prison, she would not be able to forgive her hatred.

Liu He was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter: "Hahaha, hahaha, you are still too naive. Now that we have ended up like this, what is the use of sowing discord? I can let go of any hatred. "

"I can't let go." Cao Yashu said through gritted teeth.

"You can't let go? What can you do? It's not just us who did this." Liu He smiled sarcastically. Sitting on the rotten straw, he was wearing prison clothes, but he didn't take Cao Yashu seriously. He had always controlled this. Even if his "daughter" escaped from the cage, he didn't think she was very capable. It was just that she was instigated to rebel after knowing that she was not his biological child. He admired King An, but also hated King An. Even if he became Can't a cripple live in peace and contentment? No wonder the superiors are afraid.

Cao Yashu was shocked and reached out to grab the prison bars: "What do you mean?"

"If you want to know, check it out yourself. I killed your father and took your mother as my concubine, but you grew up eating the food of my Liu family. No matter how much I have, it's not yours. He is not a good person, just a white-eyed wolf." Liu He was angry, he really looked away. If he had known that he would end up like this because of this "daughter", no matter how beautiful she was, he would strangle her to death without hesitation.

Liu He's words made Cao Yashu almost sick. "Okay, I'll investigate, but I have to avenge you when you forced my mother to do something." Cao Yashu snorted and said word by word.

"What do you want to do?" Liu He felt uneasy. If he had known better, he would not have provoked this lunatic.

"Master Liu, as a parent official, has committed a heinous crime. As Master Liu's family members, they are equally guilty. Their food and clothing are all plundered from the common people..." "What exactly do you want to say?" Liu He interrupted Cao Yashu.

"If the state officials set fires, the people can naturally light the lamps, take them from the people, and use them for the people. Since your family members have already been fed and clothed, use them for the people. What do you think, Mr. Liu? My proposal Are you okay?" Cao Yashu watched Liu He's expression change. On the contrary, she had a sickly smile on her gorgeous face. She pinched the white and slender fingers of the handkerchief, covered her delicate lips, and laughed forward and backward.

"How dare you." Liu He's eyes were about to burst.

"What can I not dare to do? You are just a prisoner now. What awaits you may be death by a thousand cuts. What can you do to me?"

"My lord, they will not agree to your doing this." Liu He felt uneasy and said stiffly. It would be better to die happily than to live in ruins and linger.

"I won't tell the prince and concubine. After I've finished my work, I'll go and apologize, ah! By the way, I didn't want to do this originally. After all, why do women bother women? But Mr. Liu makes me really disgusted. , and your good wife and daughter have bullied me for so many years, and their lives have been hanging by a thread again and again, which makes me have no reason to show mercy.

Alas, what's the point of fearing death? The most terrifying thing is that life is worse than death. Mr. Liu, you will get your wish soon. Listen carefully here to my revenge. I will let your family members taste the sins my mother suffered, and I will naturally pay back a hundred times. "

Cao Yashu flicked her sleeves, turned to leave, and then turned around sharply: "Master Liu's wives, concubines, and daughters are all raising their delicate skin and tender flesh in the house. I don't know how many times I can take them. It's really necessary." It’s a bargain for the death row inmates inside.”

"Devil, devil, you are a devil. Your parents are both honest people. Why are you such a different person? If you dare to do this, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost."

"Should honest people die? Should they be bullied by you? Life is worthless? Haha, people are much scarier than ghosts. Like you, like your wife and daughter. However, if you really want to die, then I can help you. Yes, if there are eminent monks, there will naturally be evil monks. Master Liu, do you know what evil monks are? They can make your house uneasy, and they can also make your soul fly away.

Let me tell you kindly, the evil monk likes the kind of person who clearly made a mistake, but still feels that everyone is sorry for him, and is unwilling to die like this. In the end, it condenses into a ball of resentment, thinking that he is special. He bared his teeth and claws to seek revenge, but the evil monk threw down the talisman and was blown away. He will not be able to reincarnate in the next life. Mr. Liu, are you afraid? "

Liu He was stunned. How could such a beautiful and soft woman say such vicious and heartless words?
It was obviously not like this before? How could this woman still look submissive and obedient to her father under his nose?
It is said that it is better to cultivate kindness than to give birth to kindness. How many days did the Cao family only raise her? Isn’t he the one raising them? Without the woman he hired to arrest Cao, how could Liu Lijuan have grown up in fine clothes and fine food? Although there will be twists and turns, isn't it because he is protecting it? Why is there such a deep hatred?

Before Cao Yashu laughed and left Liu He's cell, she actually bribed the cell leader and put Song and Liu Huier into the cells of several death row inmates.

(End of this chapter)

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