Chapter 33 Returning to the House, Please Reward
The old lady who had just raised the corners of her lips was pushed back by Luo Jingyao, her face turned dark immediately, and the corners of her mouth drooped, making her look even more mean and ruthless.

Luo Jingyao sneered secretly, don't think that when the old lady said this, she didn't notice the old lady's suddenly raised voice and the sound of footsteps at the door, the old lady's move was really too insidious, and she was always thinking of giving their brother and sister Digging.

Naturally, Luo Jingkong and the others with deep internal strength also noticed it. When they heard their sister defending them, they forgot about the old lady's eccentric words.

For outsiders, not worth it.

That's right, in the hearts of Luo Jingkong and the others, the old lady is an outsider, because the old lady thought of a way to make them die in each of their births, so that the mother had a difficult delivery and died.

But only Luo Mingwu really thought that the old lady was too angry and suddenly raised her voice.

"Okay, just figure it out." If she stays again, I'm afraid she will be able to send her old bones away. She has never seen such a treacherous person. It seems that she inherited her parents, and she has a heart in her bones. son.

"I don't know when the old lady will leave for home, we can arrange it in advance." Ming said, she said this on purpose.They just won't stay and want to go back home with her.

"Leave today." What else can I do?She couldn't keep these few people, and the only few people who could do things in her hands were folded into their hands. She regretted it and hated it, isn't it the secret guard?Why can't you deal with these few boys?It must be that the old guy deliberately gave her some useless ones, and the promising ones must have been given to his most beloved eldest son. Could it be that the eldest son was born by him, and the younger ones were not his children?Why are you so biased?

The old lady even hated the deceased old man.

Lamei Haitang and the others lowered their heads, trying to reduce their sense of existence as much as possible, they were afraid that the old lady would silence them, why did they hear this, it was simply shocking.

How could my aunt?
Was she motivated to take action on her own daughter?But there's nothing in the mansion to irritate her?

The only thing is that the Duke wants to send her back to his home, is it because of this?

The servants speculated one after another, and dared not say it out of their mouths, and they were not allowed to move their hearts!

"Then what about my cousin? Her wound is too deep, and she can't be bumped now. We don't feel at ease if we keep her, but if we let us take care of her, we are afraid that if we do something wrong, it will hurt my cousin instead. She did something bad with good intentions..." Luo Jingyao hesitated to speak, Luo Mingwu nodded beside her, she was really scared, the bright red blood made her dizzy just looking at her.

Luo Jingyao took a sneak peek at Luo Mingwu with a complicated face, isn't this girl very noble, don't you like her?what happened?Did you get a little clingy to her after you hurried back from the palace?
Or is she thinking too much?

In fact, it wasn't that she was thinking too much, it was because she was attached to her, how much Luo Mingwu hated and disliked Luo Jingyao before, now she trusted Luo Jingyao so much, and even developed a feeling of doting on Luo Jingyao.

"As long as you have the heart, I will leave Lao Mama to take care of Yao'er." The old lady curled her lips and said with a secret glance at Luo Jingyao and the others.

"It turns out that it's Mama Lao who is by the old lady's side. She must have done her best, and we are more at ease. With her here, my cousin will definitely not make a mistake." Luo Jingyao smiled softly, and patted her chest in reassurance. Said.

Mother Lao behind the old lady could hear that she was covered in sweat. She stayed because of the trust of the old lady, but even the doctor said that it would take 48 hours for Miss Biao to wake up, and she would even get fever in the middle. We all know that infection with cold and fever may kill someone, not to mention the bloody hole in Miss Biao's chest.

The young miss wanted her life for public revenge. Didn't she pay the price herself?How could the young lady still want to take revenge on her?

Thinking of this, Mother Lao became more sweaty on her forehead, and she repeatedly wiped the sweat with her sleeves.

Seeing Lao Mama's appearance like this, Luo Jingyao hooked the corners of her lips, and if she dared to stretch her claws on her mother, she would chop off those claws. I don't know how to ask, but if Wu comes in front of her mother, then don't blame her for being rude.

Luo Jingkong and the others also knew what her sister did, and the corners of their lips curled up, obviously agreeing with her sister's actions.

The old lady didn't find out what was wrong with Lao's mother.What's more, as soon as Qin Shun returned to the Yamen, he sent someone to tell the Duke of Guo all this, and the Duke of Guo was stunned when he heard it. For such a big event, the biological mother actually stabbed her own daughter?
This made the Duke of the country unable to understand for a while, what kind of hatred is it?Can you make such a ruthless move?
But he never imagined that this was the result of his daughter's painstaking effort to get his daughter, and his daughter took advantage of it to let He Lingyao mother and daughter eat their own fruits. If Luo Jingyao didn't find out about this, then the notification now is probably to let him go. Collect the body for your daughter!
"Thank you, Mr. Qin, for telling me about today's matter, and I will trouble you to go to the He Mansion and tell me about it." The Duke also said politely to the yamen servant.

He took note of Qin Shun's favor, but this matter must be brought to the He family, they have no right to intervene, and they don't want to intervene.

It is good that the Duke’s Mansion can support their mother and daughter. It is impossible to clear the obstacles for their mother and daughter. Since they have the ability to cause trouble, they should be able to solve it. Don’t rely on them for everything. The key will not be good in the end. I know the faces of the old lady, mother and daughter too well.

"Grandpa Guo is being polite, I'm going to tell Mr. He right now." The yamen servants became more respectful, and there were not many high-ranking and powerful people who could look up to them, but one of them was Grandpa Guo.He treated everyone equally, and never felt that he was superior to others. On the battlefield, the soldiers charged forward, and it was the Duke of the State who took the lead. He would eat whatever the soldiers ate. Support the Duke of the country.

"Excuse me." Grandpa Guo signaled the housekeeper Yan Zhong to send the yamen servants out, and brought a tip along the way.

"What's going on? Seeing that you are frowning, what worries you?" Mrs. Guo has been restless for the past two days. Although her daughter is taken care of by her sons, she has never been away from her for so long. This time What's more, it's the old lady who's following her. It's good that they don't get her into trouble. If you want those people to take care of you, it won't be raining.

The Duke didn't know what expression he should use to describe the matter now, but he still told his wife what Qin Shun had sent to tell him.

"How is this possible?" Mrs. Guo was also shocked for a moment, and immediately asked in doubt.

"I really can't figure it out." Luo Jinhui regarded her third daughter as her favorite in the mansion, not to mention that the old lady also went with her. If such a big thing happened, the old lady I didn't send anyone to say it, and I don't know what she thinks.

"Master Guo, you have to be ready. Luo Jinhui has gone in, and the old lady is probably on her way back. You have to think about whether to help or not, and how to help?" Mrs. Guo didn't believe the old lady. It's impossible to give up on Luo Jinhui. There must be another trick waiting. As for this trick, I don't know how to persuade the Duke.

"This matter can only be handled according to the law. As for the rest, it is the He family's business and has nothing to do with us." The evidence is solid, and I still want him to reverse the case. He doesn't have that much ability. Life is not life!
"I don't know if Yao'er is scared? This child has always been weak..." With the character of the old lady, she must still talk about the children she gave birth to. When it comes to this matter, the country The madam's mood became visibly irritable to the naked eye.

"Master Qin didn't specifically say so, so it should be fine. Don't worry. Since this happened, they might have to come back today. You, don't worry too much about anything. Relax, our family None of the children are bad."

Grandpa Guo sees it most clearly. In fact, his daughter is not in good health, but she is also quietly practicing martial arts and exercising her body. He is extremely intelligent, and he also discovered that he has the ability of photographic memory. This is the compensation given by God who can't see his daughter's frail body.

The Duke of the State believed it, because his daughter was left behind by an eminent monk of the Huguo Temple.

"Will the He family fight?" Mrs. Guo's brows did not relax.

"Climbing? Do they have that face?" The Duke also sneered and said.

If it wasn't for the fact that the He family didn't want to take advantage, they would have taken the mother and daughter back. Could it be that the old lady is reluctant to let her married daughter be her daughter-in-law, so she can stay in her mother's house regardless and give up her in-law's house? ?Not afraid of people's jokes.

However, the Duke’s Mansion is probably a joke now, because everyone has spread that the girl from the Duke’s Mansion, Jingui, is married and has to bring her children home for ten years. If the husband didn’t follow her back to her natal family , They all thought that the Duke's mansion was for the daughter to recruit a son-in-law.

But the person who said this also knew in his heart what character the old lady in the mansion had.Otherwise, I am afraid that my daughter and niece will be dragged down.

"Did you inform the He family?"

"Naturally let Master Qin's subordinates go down and inform them. After all, something happened to their family. Can he, He An, stay at home with peace of mind and ignore it?"

"That's fine." He didn't agree with the He family's approach, but they just saw the benefits. They really didn't bring up the matter of their daughter-in-law and granddaughter living in their mother's house in front of the Duke's mansion. What disapproval, as for going outside, as long as they still want to get benefits from the Duke's mansion, then they won't say that they don't want their daughter-in-law and granddaughter to stay in their mother's house, they shouldn't even hint .

And Lord Guo was right, Luo Jingyao and the others were already on the way.

Going back is much faster than going out, I don't know if the old lady can bear it?Now that He Lingyao has received her retribution, she doesn't know if the old lady will regret coming to Tianmen Temple?
But now Qin Shun is standing in the main hall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, with his head lowered, and the sweat on his forehead "tick, tick" fell on the floor tiles, fainting a small puddle of watermarks, and he could clearly see the underside of his eyes I don't know what the emperor means?He estimated that he had been standing here bent over for half an hour.

The emperor kept staring at Qin Shun below, and tapped the dragon case regularly with two fingers. His eyes were full of scrutiny and suspicion. He was thinking whether to reward or reject this matter?So reward, how should reward be?
"Back off!" The emperor showed mercy.

"Resignation." Qin Shun immediately saluted and then slowly exited the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When Qin Shun came out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he was blown awake by the wind. After leaving the palace gate, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and felt the sticky sweat on his back. Although he did not regret the reward , but he also knew that he was reckless.No one else, a little girl, can see clearly.

But Qin Shun was upright and upright, he was rewarded for his merits and punished for his deeds, and he had been conscientious in his post. Because of his skillful means, he had been praised by the emperor several times, and he almost forgot the saying that being with a king is like being with a tiger.

"What do you think is going on with Qin Shun?" But what does it have to do with Zhen Guo Gongfu?
The emperor seemed to be talking to himself, and the eunuch Ming Shizhong who was serving him became more and more cautious, and his breathing was a little lighter. He could only hear the sound of "ba da bada" resounding in the empty hall, making the silent The atmosphere was even more depressing, with that little eunuch and maid, her calves were trembling, and her teeth were clenching uncontrollably.

The emperor raised his eyelids lightly, Ming Shizhong made a clear gesture, and the guards outside came in and pulled everyone down, and there was a sound of begging for mercy in the hall, but just as soon as he said that, the guards quickly covered their mouths I took it down.

This time, six young lives came to an end.

"Let's draw up a purpose!"

After the emperor finished speaking, Ming Shizhong stepped forward quickly and without making a sound. After preparing all the necessary materials, he retreated behind the emperor.He lowered his eyes and waited for the emperor to write the imperial decree and seal it.

The emperor raised his hand and wrote down the imperial decree to reward Luo Jingyao. The imperial decree was bright yellow, and the emperor's expression could not be seen clearly.

This decree should be issued by him, and it will also tell the officials and the people that he is a democratic and sage emperor, with clear rewards and punishments. Since he has done something worthy of the community, he will reward it!But if he does anything that damages the people's country and the country, he will not be forgiven.

It can be seen that it is practical to let Qin Shun, an iron lump, come to ask for a reward. The emperor glanced at the detailed method written here, and nodded secretly. It is indeed a good way.

It's just that the extremely weak girl has such good luck?But luckily...

Fortunately, the emperor didn't imagine it anymore, but everyone knew that it was because Luo Jingyao's body was not up to par. If she was healthy, intelligent, and lucky, she would definitely not marry King An .

(End of this chapter)

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