Chapter 34 Bestowing Princess Yong'an
"How is King An these days?"

"Returning to the Holy Lord, King An has left the city for the past two days to go to the Tianmen Temple not far away to relax." Ming Shizhong said respectfully, with lowered eyes, he did not even dare to look at the emperor's face, and his heart was extremely nervous.

"Oh, why?"Is there anything that needs to be reported or requested to Buddha?
Ming Shizhong lowered his body again: "In the past two days, the eldest lady of Zhen Guogong's mansion is in this temple." Ming Shizhong naturally knows what to say, he will not say too much, let alone say less, how to say it , naturally say what you hear and say what you see, and you will not speculate or speak nonsense.

"Did he contribute to this matter?"

"It is said that King An sent someone to report to the Yamen. He said that he accidentally learned that the old lady was in the temple. He was afraid that there would be a murderous monster in the temple, which would scare the old lady, so he left."

"Besides this, did he participate in the whole incident?"

"When King An waited for Master Qin to arrive at the temple, he left directly without saying a word, and returned to Prince An's Mansion that day." This few words meant that he did not speak to the people in the Duke's Mansion.

Thoughts flashed in the emperor's eyes: "Ask her, what reward do you want." Then he waved his hand, signaling Ming Shizhong to take someone to announce the decree.

Ming Shizhong retreated respectfully, wiped the sweat from his forehead, opened it and took a look at the imperial decree, hoping that the eldest lady of the Duke's Mansion would be smarter.

And Luo Jingyao had just returned to the mansion and hadn't arrived at her Lanyue residence, the head housekeeper Yan Zhong notified her to go to the front to receive the order.

Luo Jingyao slightly raised her eyebrows, it turned out that Qin Shun really invited her down.

For this reward, it was actually dispensable to her, but it was Qin Shun's kindness, and she would naturally remember it, but she didn't know what reward the emperor gave her.

Except for a few people who went to Tianmen Temple, the people in Zhen Guogong's mansion didn't know why the emperor rewarded Luo Jingyao.

Everyone also looked at Luo Jingyao in doubt.

Some people are surprised and some are worried!
Especially for the old lady, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. This is not good news for her. Her daughter has entered the classroom, but Luo Jingyao has been rewarded. What is the reason for this?

Before, she dismissed what Qin Shun said, and she didn't bother to listen carefully, because she was worried about her daughter and granddaughter. During this journey, whenever she thought of what Qin Shun said before to reward Luo Jingyao, she scoffed.

But now she was startled, this was the control group, the better the family of the wicked, the worse the two she gave birth to.

Ming Shizhong saw this girl from Zhen Guogong's mansion who was bestowed to marry An Wang again. Compared with the last time I saw her, today she looks more prosperous, her temperament is better, and the little girl has begun to show her charm.

Ming Shizhong saw that everyone in the Duke's Mansion had arrived, and remembered the question the emperor asked him to ask, and immediately looked at Luo Jingyao and asked: "The Holy One is enlightened, give Miss Luo a chance to ask for a reward, I don't know what Miss Luo has? Do you want to make a request?" Ming Shizhong asked in his characteristic high-pitched voice.

Luo Jingyao was taken aback, looked up at Ming Shizhong suspiciously, and immediately lowered her head, but Ming Shizhong saw the doubt in her eyes clearly, and nodded secretly.

Hearing Ming Shizhong ask Luo Jingyao like this, the old lady became excited, this is really a good opportunity, as long as Luo Jingyao asks to release her daughter, then what's the point of not wanting other rewards?
The old woman anxiously winked at Luo Jingyao who was kneeling beside her.

The eyes are about to blink and cramp!
This must be because the Holy Majesty gave them a chance to be upright and ask for her daughter to be released for the sake of the Duke's Mansion. If this opportunity is not seized now, when will it be?This was what the Holy Majesty meant, if Luo Jingyao didn't understand and messed up, the Holy Majesty would definitely have a problem with their Duke's Mansion.

But no matter how she winked, Luo Jingyao kept her head down and didn't see it. Even if she saw it, she wouldn't be as the old lady wanted. She is not the Holy Mother for the person who wants to put her to death, so why would she want to dislike him? Just to know the murderer?
"Your Majesty is enlightened, Jingyao can't..." The old lady didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning was very clear. Mrs. Guo and the Lord knelt in front of her, and frowned.

I'm sure the emperor is testing again. If his daughter really makes any request, the emperor will definitely not like it. I'm afraid that the old lady will confuse some words behind her. If the daughter doesn't understand, she will immediately make some excessive request. Don't say too much. Today, just If Luo Jingyao dared to mention it, she might be in trouble.

"Returning to my lord, it is already a great blessing for my daughter to be rewarded by the Holy One. How can my daughter have other requests?" Luo Jingyao said respectfully. With Mrs. Guogong, Luo Jingkong and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, and the only two people who are dissatisfied are probably the old lady and Luo Jinzhong.

Luo Jinzhong only found out what happened at Tianmen Temple today. When Ming Shizhong asked this question, he was also full of hope. How much he hoped that Luo Jingyao would speak out what they wanted, but he didn't expect Luo Jingyao Jingyao was so dishonorable and flattering, he despised having such a niece.

Ming Shizhong smiled and looked at the family kneeling on the ground calmly. He could tell the difference between all the emotions in their eyes, but this house of the Duke of the country is really not to be underestimated. There is no surprise or joy. With a calm face, but doubts in the eyes, it should be that they don't know why Miss Luo was rewarded by the Holy Majesty!Ming Shizhong, who had figured it out, immediately launched the imperial decree and chanted loudly.

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor said: I have heard that Luo Jingyao, the daughter of Lord Luo Bingang, is a prudent, diligent, gentle, and good-natured person. Today, she also offers a good fingerprint method to solve the case. It benefits from the community. This is a meritorious deed." This piece is a model for a boudoir, and I appreciate it very much. I specially bestowed Jingyao of the Luo family as the first-rank Princess Yong'an, and gave: six pieces of silk and satin each, two boxes of gold, silver and jade wares, two boxes of gold, silver and emerald jewellery, from the South China Sea. Six dendrobiums of pearls, a pair of jade ruyis, and two sets of the princess's exclusive costumes. Here you go!"

"Princess Yongning accept the order!" Ming Shizhong handed the imperial order to Luo Jingyao with a smile.

"Yongning accepts the edict to thank you, long live my emperor, long live, long live." Luo Jingyao respectfully received the imperial edict with both hands, and she was very satisfied with her loyalty. With the title, what is the difference from before?
"Your Excellency has worked hard, please have a cup of thin tea in the house." The Duke extended his hand to invite Ming Shizhong.

The smile on Ming Shizhong's face became more sincere, he repeatedly waved his hands to refuse, and told the Duke of the State that he would go back to take care of him, as long as the Duke of the State lived up to his intentions.

For the father and daughter of this country to address him as an adult, this makes him feel a lot more comfortable, although they are indeed castrated, but!No one like them likes to be called a eunuch.

It's also just that in the room of Grandpa Guo, they have never called him father-in-law, or the manager or anything. Every time they see him, they will call him an adult, which makes him feel that he is also a normal person.

The chief steward, Yan Zhong, didn't need to be explained by his master, so he immediately stuffed something into Ming Shizhong, the great eunuch next to the emperor. , directly left the Duke's Mansion and returned to the palace to return to his orders.

Before Luo Jingyao got up with the imperial decree in her hand, the old lady got up and scolded Luo Jingyao: "You shallow-sighted, vanity-loving thing, how can the eldest lady of the Duke's Mansion humiliate you?" If you fail, do you have to get the title of princess? Your aunt still suffers because of you in prison, but you don’t think of her at all. The Holy Majesty asked you to mention what you want. Could it be that you have given your aunt a long time ago? Have you forgotten?"

As soon as the old lady said these words, the servants in the mansion all stared at Luo Jingyao. They had already heard what happened in the mansion today, but they never thought that it had something to do with the eldest lady. What does it matter, what does the eldest lady want to do with her weak little body?She doesn't have that ability either, I really don't know why the old lady scolded the eldest lady so much.

Besides, the eldest lady is now the princess, but she still has a title, because the eldest lady is capable and offered a good plan, so she deserves this reward.

Look at the boxes of things that were brought in. The servants in the mansion helped to carry the things to Lanyueju. This was given to the eldest lady by the Holy Lord, and it belongs to the eldest lady. The difference is that you can still get a reward, but when the old lady said this, she was so frightened that she froze on the spot, not knowing whether she should carry the things down or not.

"Old madam..." Yan Zhong saw the people outside the mansion looking around, and immediately wanted to remind the old madam to go back to the inner courtyard first, no matter what?The holy decree has been issued, as long as anyone is dissatisfied with the holy decree, no matter what method you use, your expression and language are not happy, but if you hear it in the ears of the holy one, you are dissatisfied with him.

But before he finished speaking, the old lady flicked her sleeves and glared: "Bold slave, if the masters are talking, then you have to interrupt, why don't you go down and receive the punishment?" Yan Zhong, a running dog, is targeting that evil family for everything. , it would be good to take this opportunity to have a look.

Yanzhong knelt down immediately, he was not afraid of the old lady's anger, because his master was the Duke of the country, but today he had to kneel, the servants in the mansion and the people outside the door would all be watching, if today he If there is even a hint of disrespect to the old lady, the Duke's reputation of being unfilial will spread throughout the capital.

And following the butler's kneeling, the guards at the door immediately closed the main door, so that the people outside could not spy on it.

The servants in the mansion also immediately performed their duties, standing in their posts and pretending to be deaf and dumb.

The most important point of being a servant is that you should not be negligent when you should be sharp, but you should not hesitate when you need to pretend to be deaf and dumb, so that you can live for a long time.

"Old lady, just like I told you before, it is a great blessing to be rewarded by the Holy One. I really can't make other requests, and I don't understand how to be vain after being rewarded by the Holy One. Eyelids Shallow eyes? Then so many people who have been rewarded by the Holy Spirit, do the old lady also think that they are people with shallow eyes? Shouldn’t that be the approval of the Holy Spirit for our work? If I am awarded by the Holy Spirit today, the old lady I'm not happy in my heart, but I hope the old lady will forgive me. One more thing, why did my aunt suffer? What does this have to do with me? If she didn't stab her own daughter, causing cousin He to be unconscious, how could she be punished by the governor of Shuntian? Detention? With such conclusive evidence, why does the old lady rely on me?" Luo Jingyao said clearly, neither humble nor overbearing.

Looking at the angry and blue-faced old lady with her clear eyes, Luo Jingyao was also curious, how did her grandfather marry such a stupid old lady who couldn't figure it out? Can it be ignored?Look at the one who stirs the wind and rain in the mansion every day, saying that she has received the emperor's reward but has shallow eyesight, so what is the thing that the old lady thinks about their big house every day?She has never seen such a person taking advantage of enough advantages and bringing her children with her.

"Luo Jingyao, what kind of status do you have? Is there any respect for the old and the young? Boss, do you just watch Luo Jingyao be big or small, lawless? This is the good daughter you have taught, even my grandmother Put it in your eyes." The old lady's crutches thumped on the floor, her eyes were on fire, and she wanted to ask the Duke to teach Luo Jingyao a lesson.

"Yeah, brother, it's okay for you to kill the enemy in battle, but you are really not satisfactory in educating your children. You know, everyone is prosperous and everyone is hurt. How can you feel at ease and don't care if something happened to my sister? What my mother said before is indeed It's serious, but as a junior and a granddaughter, Luo Jingyao shouldn't refute to her mother. Could it be that this is what the elder brother and sister-in-law mean? Yes! What do children know?" Luo Jinzhong said sarcastically, not letting go This is a chance to give the duke a hat.

The angry Chu rolled his eyes, and was supported by his daughter to stand aside. Luo Mingwu never thought that her father would actually participate in it, and the request made by the old lady was unreasonable. Of course, it was his fault that the emperor could ask such a question. Reasonable, if the cousin really made the request without knowing how to measure, I am afraid that today's reward will not only be worthless, but she will also have to be punished.

This is all prosperity and one loss.

A truth that even she understands, she doesn't understand why grandma and father don't?
"This lady also wants to ask, how did the old lady educate her daughter? As for letting her attack her own child? Don't you usually hold it in the palm of your hand for fear of falling, or hold it in your mouth for fear of melting? What is this? What is the reason? Who meant it?" Mrs. Guo directly returned the words to the old lady, before she had time to ask her daughter what happened in Tianmen Temple?Why do the old lady and the others keep slandering her daughter?
She really treats her family as a bully.

"Gu Shi, you are presumptuous, who told you to talk like that?" If it weren't for the large number of servants, the old lady would have wanted to slap the Duke and Madam.

But she also didn't want to think about it, is the Chinese Kung Fu man a soft bun that she can round and flatten?Of course not.

(End of this chapter)

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