Chapter 5 two?Eaten by you?
"Kach... Kacha..." One sound after another, the quaint brass mirror became more and more shattered until!
The mirror turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

Luo Jingyao just breathed a sigh of relief, but it turned out that there was a transparent crystal-like bead wrapped in the mirror, and it shot straight at her. Luo Jingyao hurriedly dodged and waved it with her hand, but she didn't expect that the thing came out of her palm When I got in, it didn't hurt. My palms swelled up, and then I didn't feel any more.

Luo Jingyao narrowed her eyes, she didn't turn off the mirror to let other species take advantage of it.

Mobilize your inner strength and look inside your body.

"It turned out to be pretty good, but it's a pity that you got into my palm without asking. This is not a good habit. Did you come out by yourself? Or did I force you out." She clearly saw the little bead flinch, and knew It's good to be afraid, if it gets directly into her mind, she will solve it no matter what.

"I'll count to three, if you don't come out, don't blame me, one, three."

The bead in the palm of her hand jumped up, and she could actually feel its resentment and grievance.

"Master, where's the two?" Eaten by you?I don't read much, so don't lie to me.

"Yo, who is your master? Have I admitted it?"

"I was originally your son, but you lost me."

"Yo! You're wronged, I'm not wronged by you, tell me."

It turns out that this is a new technology developed by a certain planet. They can choose their own masters. As a result, it is rather useless. When it comes to the human world, it becomes confused. It is accidentally captured and packaged by an evil consciousness. It is pitiful. Xixi was suppressed in the mirror and almost choked to death by the bloody smell.

Luo Jingyao helped it this time, so it directly chose Luo Jingyao as its master, lest it be suppressed again.

"You are so weak! You are still a new technology, and you can choose your own master. I didn't expect such a dish. I don't want you."

"Master, how can you dislike me, I can help you."

"If you dislike it, then you can dislike it. How can you do it? Why can't you? You are too weak to allow me to dislike it? What's the reason?"

"I'm very useful. I can sign in once every seven days. Maybe there will be a big gift bag. I can also hide things. Such a large space is yours. You can also exchange for super powerful treasures from our planet. Master, I Very useful."

"You are really useful, so you will not repay the grace of saving the government."

"Report, it's just that I'm too weak for the time being, and I need to sleep to recover myself. This is also to serve the master better, master, don't throw me away." Then the voice lowered until the beads in the palm of the hand became more and more transparent.

Luo Jingyao didn't expect that there would be such benefits, especially the system that can be manipulated. I don't know how I can squeeze the wool?

The sleeping system trembled.

Luo Jingyao was also tired, fell asleep on the bed, and He Lingyao, who had just fallen asleep in the west courtyard, spat out a mouthful of blood with a trace of gold dissipating in the air.

On the other hand, Luo Jingyao felt her whole body warm, and she fell asleep more and more.

They didn't notice the chaos of the people in the west courtyard at all.

The next day!

The head of the powerful eunuch next to the emperor came to the door and said that the emperor had an invitation.

It must be something that cannot be said in the court if he came to summon him as soon as he came to the court.

"I don't know what's going on this time." Her husband was worried at the border, and when he came back, she was also not relieved.

"Be careful that the wall has ears. If it's nothing, it's just one or two." The Duke replied in a low voice.

"The world is peaceful." Mrs. Guo said leisurely.

The Duke glanced at his wife who was arranging his collar.As expected of a girl who has been on the battlefield and discussed government affairs with her father-in-law since she was a child, she is keen on politics.

yes!The world is peaceful, but the military power in the hands of generals is an eyesore. The two of them, the son-in-law and his son-in-law, together hold millions of soldiers, can it not be feared.

The couple tacitly did not mention this matter again.

"Grandpa, Zhenxihou sent someone to bring it to the eldest lady to play with." The Duke of Zhen, who was about to go out and made up his mind, took the box from the butler and was about to send someone to deliver it to his daughter. Want to feel wrong.

What is given to the daughter will go directly to the daughter's yard instead of mentioning him.

The Duke turned around and went back to the house, and his wife was a little surprised when he saw it.

"But what did you forget to bring?"

The Duke shook his head: "Open it and have a look."

A round glazed lamp with a radiant base, and a huge luminous pearl inside. If it is at night, I don’t know how beautiful it would be.

Just when Grandpa Guo thought he was thinking too much, he saw a slight bulge at the bottom of the light box.The couple frowned at the same time, and pulled out a piece of paper as thin as a cicada's wing.

After seeing it, it was ignited and destroyed.

"Listen to father."

Zhenxihou is the father of the Duke's wife, and he could have been a Duke, but Zhenxihou was afraid that he would cause unnecessary trouble if he was promoted to another rank, so he would stay in this position for 30 years.

But troubles and catastrophes are sometimes unavoidable.

After two of the three sons were killed in battle, none of them survived, and one narrowly escaped death, his legs could no longer walk and he was depressed. Mrs. Zhenxihou almost left with her son in the blows of losing her son again and again. If Zhenxihou hadn't begged hard , and the youngest son is worried about the youngest daughter, she has already left with her son, instead of being sick and haggard in bed.


"Ma'am, the old lady is here to invite you."

As soon as Grandpa Guo left, people from Ning'an Hall came, aborted a labored mother, and temporarily couldn't see that haughty slave face, but the old lady also had a few big maids, all at 25.The old lady neither sent her off for marriage, nor let these maidservants comb themselves, and she didn't know what her plan was.

"Oh?" Mrs. Duke's half-smile is just such a word.The cashier, housekeeper, mother-in-law and others who came to settle accounts and ask about daily affairs lowered their heads, not daring to vent their breath, and just wanted to turn around and run away, afraid of hearing what they shouldn't have heard.

"Ma'am, let's go quickly, so as not to keep the old lady waiting..."

"That's not right, how can I make the old lady anxious, why don't you lead the way ahead."

Cold sweat came down Haitang's forehead, Madam's aura was so strong that she almost couldn't breathe, and her heart was even more terrified.

But looking at Mrs. Guogong who strode out with the maid and wife, Haitang didn't know whether she should remind her or not.

On Luo Jingyao's side, Gu Yubailu and the two girls once again looked at her young lady who was leaning on the big welcoming pillow with distress, her pretty face made them both distressed and shocked.

"Miss, you can let the slaves fetch the doctor." Gu Yu begged, her face full of anxiety.

"It's okay. I was just shocked yesterday. It's good to wait for two days. You should get used to me like this. Don't be nervous." The voice was so low that I could hardly hear it.

well!It's really not easy to get out of the house, if I knew she wouldn't be so weak.But I don't understand that she is not reconciled, the feeling of life and death being in the hands of others is not good.Last night, she solved a weird mirror and obtained a legendary system, but it was so weak. Feeling the pearl in her hand, Luo Jingyao secretly shook her head, when will she be able to squeeze the wool.

Luo Jingyao twisted her delicate eyebrows. In the eyes of the maidservants, it meant that their young lady had suffered a great crime.

It's all the old lady's fault, I really don't understand, what's not satisfied with eating and drinking, living a life of rich clothes, fine food and slaves?As for looking for something to do on the day when Grandpa Guo and the young masters return triumphantly, it seems that they scared the girls.Ben is a timid and filial person, he dare not speak loudly, how can there be an old lady who doesn't know how to love her granddaughter.

See, that's why she dared not tell them.

Another thing is that there are too many people, and she can trust them, but the more people she knows, the greater the risk of exposure.

She always felt that this capital would not be peaceful, as if it was the tranquility when the storm came.

"You all go down, I'll sleep for a while, don't let anyone come in and disturb you, I will call you when I wake up." Luo Jingyao now wants to pretend to be asleep and wait for her to go out for a stroll after the maid leaves. Listen to what happened in the past two days.

"Miss, you must tell me if you feel uncomfortable, wait..."

"Don't tell my mother, I'm used to it, so don't scare my mother, she is tired enough to take care of such a big family all day, let her rest more."

"Miss, it's okay if the servant doesn't say anything, if the one in the west courtyard can distract the lady, it won't be so early in the morning to call the lady over..."

"Bai Lu."

"Sister Gu Yu, I was wrong." But what she said was true, Madam has to work with the whole family, especially in the morning, so there is no need for Madam to give orders here and there, but Madam is not considerate at all.

"Miss, don't listen to Bai Lu. You take good care of her. A healthy body is better than anything else. Who is Ma'am? It's Wu Neng An Bang Wen Neng Ding Guo. It's just a mansion. Madam doesn't even care about it." , you can just take care of it with peace of mind, and the last thing you can do is to think about it today."

Gu Yu has always been steady, she is afraid that Luo Jingyao will think too much when she hears it, it will not be good for her health.

"Yes, yes, miss, this servant is just talking nonsense." Bai Lu also remembered that her lady's body is too weak to listen to such bad things, her face turned pale with fright, and she could catch up with Luo Jingyao The pale face caused by deliberately sealing the acupuncture points turned pale.

"I know, back off."

Luo Jingyao narrowed her eyes!It seems that they can't wait to get the things that Dad brought from the battlefield.Tut tut tut!Really shameless.Every day he plotted against their family, he had a good thing and was cheeky and didn't want to let it go.

Luo Jingyao got up quickly, her complexion quickly turned from pale to rosy and tender. She was wearing a cyan robe, with a jade crown to tie her hair and a jade belt to tie her waist. Her eyebrows were thickened. She lacked the cuteness of her daughter's family and added a touch of a young man. He has a heroic spirit, especially a pair of sharp eyebrows, and a faint evil smile on his red lips.

Pretending to force the folding fan is indispensable, and it is inserted in the girdle.

In a blink of an eye, Luo Jingyao jumped out of her yard, leaped over the wall and trees, and disappeared into the vast crowd.

"Did you see anything?" Luo Qingzhi was puzzled.

"It's gone in a flash." Luo Jingzhou also saw it, and her pair of handsome eyebrows frowned.

"Did you come from Lanyue Residence?" Luo Qingxue's heart tightened, and she ran out in a hurry, with a vague feeling of stepping forward.

"Go and see my sister." Luo Jing finished her empty words, and strode forward. As she walked, she rose into the air and flew towards her sister's residence.

When the three brothers heard what the elder brother said, they immediately chased after him with light kung fu.The servants in the mansion opened their mouths wide, looking at the heroic appearance of their young masters, they were very happy.The Duke's Mansion is good, they are good servants, but there are exceptions, such as Luo Jinzhong's room.

"Brother, last night there was chaos in the west courtyard, I don't know what happened!" Luo Jingzhou gloated.

"You can stop talking nonsense. If there is no barrel coming to us, just pretend you didn't find it." The most urgent thing is to go and see if my sister is okay.

The west courtyard didn't settle down until the middle of the night. Luo Jinhui's crying eyes were red and swollen. She sat beside He Lingyao's bed, holding her daughter's hand tightly. But last night, he vomited blood violently, and when he called the doctor, he just said that he was angry and bloody, and he just vomited it out. There is no good person who vomits blood.

However, Luo Jingyao didn't know about this.

This time, Luo Jingyao swaggered towards the busiest teahouse in the city. What she heard the most during this journey was the heroic deeds of her father and brother, and there was another person who only listened to his name and never saw his face Xiao Mubai, the Nine Kings of God of War.

Unexpectedly, the Invincible Myth was actually defeated in this battle...

What a pity!

It's just that father and brother came back, and they never mentioned it before her, that's right!In the eyes of the whole family, she is a delicate flower who can't be blown by wind and rain, but she dare not say such scary words in her ear. What if she is frightened?But this also led to the fact that after she came here, if she wanted to know something, she had to run out to hear it by herself, but no one in the mansion told her what happened outside.

What was said in the teahouse was the same as what she had heard all the way, but it was a pity that the Lord of War God of Beixuan, Xiao Mubai had been fighting the enemy since he was ten years old. And there has been no defeat in the past ten years, but he did not expect to be defeated in this battle, and he was also seriously injured and his legs were disabled.

What a pity, what a pity!
Somewhere in the palace, a handsome man in the palace sneezed a few times, frightening the servants around him to find the imperial physician.

This time Luo Jingyao returned to the mansion with her brows tightly frowned, and Da Shu Xiao Shu who was behind her also keenly sensed that her master was in a bad mood, so she fell far behind to protect her until she watched her master enter the mansion. The two of them just left in a flash. In this Duke's mansion, there is really no one who can hurt their master. They are very relieved.


"Luo Aiqing thinks that my son is not worthy of your Luo family daughter?" With a heavy Longwei, he rushed towards Luo Guogong.

Luo Guogong raised his eyes to look at the serious-looking emperor sitting on the upper seat, with an ugly look on his face.

He never thought that the emperor would notice his daughter. She was weak and young, and he always felt that no one could notice.

 I took a look today, and the new book list has been ranked. I want to thank the treasures who helped me rank

(End of this chapter)

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