Chapter 6
"Your Majesty, my beloved daughter is still young, so I'm not going to make a promise to her right now." Is Ren your son? I really think my son is a favorite.Luo Guogong was so dissatisfied that he almost showed his dissatisfaction on his face.

"Most of these people are patriarchal. It seems that Luo Aiqing is patriarchal. After all, she is the only daughter in the family."

The emperor's inexplicable words aroused Luo Guogong's heart. He didn't think that the king of a country would say some nonsense inexplicably. He was a general, but he was not a reckless man, and he also had the reputation of a Jinshi.

"Reporting to the emperor, I don't favor sons over daughters, but my beloved daughter, who is young and weak, otherwise I will love more." Which of his children does he not love?Each of them is the flesh on the tip of his heart.

"Oh, that's how it is. No wonder I don't see the daughter of Aiqing's family at every banquet."

"The beloved daughter of the subject has been weak since she was a child, and I would like to thank the emperor for being considerate of my subjects."

Luo Guogong talked about the beloved daughter of a minister, hearing the emperor's forehead faintly bulge with blue veins.

"But your beloved daughter should be 13 or 14, right? In two years, she will be too old."

As soon as the emperor said this, the Duke of Guo knew that someone must have listened to the emperor's ears. Otherwise, where would the king of a country find the time to investigate the little girl of the minister's family?

As soon as the emperor said this, Luo Guogong didn't know what to say. His daughter was indeed 13 years old. If he denied it, that would be deceiving the emperor, but he really didn't want his daughter to marry so early, let alone marry into the royal family. , This is not a reward, it is obviously a punishment.

He doesn't mean to look down on Xiao Mubai, he is very optimistic about young talents who have both ability and political integrity, personable, upright, mind and martial arts, and a good-looking talent.

But today is not what it used to be. A healthy person before, he didn't want his daughter to marry. The reason was that Xiao Mubai was born in the royal family. Well, the emperor is suppressing the two of them. If the emperor insists on this, he would rather hand over his military power and become a farmer than let his daughter suffer.

He is loyal!It is the people who are loyal, not the royal family.

He is not a fool.

He can be selfless for the country, but he will not use his family to be selfless.

"Reporting to the emperor, the minister's daughter is indeed 13 years old."

"Aiqing is really blessed! All sons and daughters are brave and good at fighting. Although Aiqing's daughter has not seen her, but with the appearance of Aiqing and his wife, one can imagine how beautiful the girl in the family is. Although she has Illness, but you can take care of it at a young age.”

"I'm terrified. Dogs are only able to get by a little bit, so I dare not use the metaphor of dragon and phoenix among people." It can be said in other places, but you can't use dragon and phoenix among people in front of the emperor. Even if the emperor said it himself, he would have to hurry self-deprecating.

"Okay, don't be self-effacing, take these back and let the child recuperate and recuperate, step back!"

The emperor waved his hand and signaled the eunuch next to him to give something to Luo Guogong.Luo Guogong has not let go of his heart, looking at the ganoderma lucidum, snow lotus and ginseng in his hand, there is no joy in his eyes, let alone he does not lack, even if he lacks, he does not want to be bestowed by the emperor like this.He just hoped that the emperor could put this matter on hold for a little while, so that he could think of another way.If it didn't work, I sent my daughter away, far away, and asked my sons to take care of her.

When Luo Guogong exited the hall, a swaying beauty came out of the inner room. She fell delicately on the emperor's lap, stretched out her jade hand to draw circles on the emperor's chest, her eyes were as soft as silk, her cheeks were full of fat.

"Your majesty, my concubine doesn't understand." Xiao Mubai's legs are already crippled, if there is a favorable Yue family, wouldn't it give him a chance to stand up?After finally pulling down the altar, she was not reconciled, and dared not speak out blatantly.

"The harem is not allowed to engage in politics." The emperor said in a cold voice. He took the initiative to tell others that it was two different things to ask others to come to him.

The delicate beauty fell to the ground, her gorgeous skirt clinging to her body, her beauty was faintly visible when she knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty, the concubine has no such intentions. I beg the emperor to spare the concubine for the sake of concubine serving you for many years."

This woman is Leng Guifei, the most favored concubine in the harem. At the age of 40, she has a graceful figure like a girl and a face like an angel.

"What about people... Just remember the rules." The emperor condescended.

"The concubine thanked the emperor." The imperial concubine raised her watery eyes, knowing that the emperor had let her go.

The emperor felt weak from this look, and patted his own dragon leg. Concubine Leng sat softly on the dragon leg with a wink. When she was happy with the service, the emperor took the initiative to tell Concubine Leng. After hearing this, Concubine Leng said, In my heart, I secretly called the emperor treacherous and cunning.

This is to put Luo Guogong on the fire. If Luo Guogong agrees to marry his daughter to Xiao Mubai, it will make the emperor jealous. If Luo Guogong refuses and does not want to marry his daughter to Xiao Mubai, then the emperor will He would think that Luo Guogong has two hearts and even looks down on the prince, so what is he looking for?
And the only thing that can make the emperor stop staring at them is that Luo Guogong agrees to marry his daughter to Xiao Mubai, that trash, and then hand over the military power.

The emperor is really killing three birds with one stone!

Not only did he get rid of Duke Luo and Xiao Mubai, who had high meritorious service, but he also took back his military power.

She thinks this way now, but she can't say that in her mouth. Besides, what the emperor has done is really pleasing to her heart. The son born to a lowly maidservant has a higher reputation than her son, and even once overwhelmed her. The current emperor, not to mention the other princes, has to be said, far beyond his reach. His prestige in the army is even greater than that of the emperor sitting on this high seat.

"Your Majesty, you are so wise. With a sage king like you, why don't we in Beixuan not be prosperous and strong? Our Beixuan has a strong army, a vast land, a prosperous country, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Your name will be immortalized forever."

"Hahaha, it's still Aifei's small mouth that can speak."

"But I'm afraid Luo Guogong and the others will come up with other methods. Because Luo Guogong loves his daughter, he may not necessarily want to marry his daughter to the Ninth Prince. In addition, the Ninth Prince's current appearance is even more worrying."

The emperor thought for a while, and felt that what Concubine Leng said was right.

"I understand, you go back, I will go to your place at night."

"Yes, my concubine is retiring, and my concubine is waiting for the emperor!" After finishing her words with winking eyes, the imperial concubine twisted her waist and left in a very good mood. After all, that trash Xiao Mubai will never turn over from now on. Not to mention marrying a concubine who I don't like and who is sick and crooked, it will be difficult even for children in the future.

Oh my god, it's really God helping me to think so!


As soon as Luo Jingyao returned to the room, she quickly changed her clothes, opened the door and walked out, otherwise she would be suspicious.

The moment you go out!The spiritual energy in his body seemed to be drained in an instant, and he became weak and lovable.

"Miss, are you feeling better?" Gu Yu brushed and sat up from the ground, looked at Luo Jingyao nervously and asked, with her eyes up and down, she carefully observed Luo Jingyao, afraid that her lady might feel uncomfortable. I am afraid that my family will worry and do not speak out.

In the eyes of Gu Yu and the maidservants, Luo Jingyao is just a porcelain doll, which must be held and protected carefully.

"It's much better, let's go see mother." I don't know how angry mother is with the group of people in the west courtyard.

Luo Jingyao gloated a little.

"Madam takes care of the account books. A few young masters came over to ask the servant if they saw anyone, and if the lady is okay. The servant said that the young masters took a look from the window before believing the servant." Gu Yu carefully supported Luo Jingyao and said. with.

Luo Jingyao froze suddenly, she was careless, before her brothers were away, but now it's different, her Lanyue Residence is in the middle of her brothers' residence, fortunately she covered her with a pillow just in case clothes.

I really want to pat my chest, but the two maids on the left and right have no hands to pat.

Waiting for a chance to reveal it to the brothers, so as not to scare them, but, what excuse does she use?correct!You can only use your talent to stop everyone's mouths.

He moved his fingers secretly, and then tapped lightly on the back of his hand.

Da Shu and Xiao Shu watched carefully, nodded slightly, and disappeared after a swipe.

Luo Jingyao breathed a sigh of relief, and put a few more books under the bed.

"Little sister, is your health better?" Luo Jingkong took two steps forward and looked carefully, looking at her pale little face, she was angry and worried, and blamed those restless people in the West Courtyard.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm fine. I've gotten better recently, and I don't feel any tightness in my chest after sleeping." Luo Jingyao was slowly recovering her body, but the symptoms she mentioned were indeed from the original owner.

"Yao'er misses her mother?"

"Naturally." Luo Jingyao nodded seriously.

"Come here to accompany your mother to read the account book. If you are interested, do you want to play?" The Duke's wife was very happy to hear that her daughter's health had improved.

"Mother, my sister is not fully recovered and can't be tired. It's so tiring to look at the account book." Luo Jingzhou felt distressed first, and stepped forward to pull her sister behind her to protect her, as if the Duke and Madam would snatch her. It used to be mediocre.

Mrs. Guogong glanced at her son with a half-smile, then at the other sons who also expressed disapproval, and took a deep breath.

"Boy, it's right that Yao'er is not in good health and can't be tired, but your mother is not young, and she has more energy than energy. From now on, this account book will be handed over to you. You can't let your mother down, let alone let you Do you know that my sister is tired?"

brat!I can't cure you anymore.

After speaking, the sons were dumbfounded and left the seat coolly, pulling himself a smile, Yan Yan's daughter left.

Why don't you keep your son if you have a son?

The opera in the Yilan Hall is not good or the flowers in the garden are not beautiful enough. Besides, she can accompany her little Jiaojiao to see the private treasury they gave to their daughter.

After a while, Mrs. Gong and Mrs. Guo thought about what to do every day.As for the sons who stayed in the study, who cares about them, they are not very good at strategizing on the battlefield and carrying guns to kill the enemy. A few of them are well-known, and few brushes can be admitted to the Jinshi, if they are not afraid...all the champions will be admitted.

"I didn't expect that my mother would be so naughty." Luo Jingzhou looked at the account book and said helplessly.

"Hurry up, who told you that you can't talk." Luo Qingxue shook her head with a smile on her face, her mother was venting her anger.

"Have you noticed my little sister's clothes?" Luo Qingzhi squinted his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking, and rubbed his clean chin with his big white hands.

"What do you mean?" Luo Jing took the time to raise her head and asked, and the other three brothers also agreed to focus on Luo Qingzhi.

Luo Qingzhi didn't answer, walked to Zhuo's case, rolled out a piece of rice paper and began to draw, trying to think of the lines in his mind.

"This is... formation?" Luo Qingxue frowned. Although he was not proficient in formation, it was also because there was a brother who studied formation.

"Like a formation but not a formation." It's very strange, what kind is it?Luo Qingzhi frowned, he didn't want to waste time on the ledger now, he was going to study it.

"I'll go back first." Luo Qingzhi rolled up the drawing and left, leaving the three brothers looking at each other.

"Why don't you ask my little sister directly." Luo Jingzhou didn't understand why something so complicated that she could know right away was so simple?
"I don't know if my little sister knows the difference in my clothes." Luo Jingkong was worried.

The brothers were also silent. Asking face to face felt that they did not respect the younger sister enough, and if they didn't ask, they were afraid that the younger sister would be taken advantage of by others without knowing it.

"My mother manages such a big family, so I must know which house made or sewed the clothes of the masters in the house. This is all done by my mother." Luo Qingxue said to Luo Qingzhi's back.

Luo Qingzhi paused, turned around and headed for the destination.

"Second and fourth, I'll leave these to you guys. Eldest brother has something to go out." Luo Jingkong flicked the robe that didn't have a single wrinkle, and walked out with her hands behind her back.

"Boss, slow down." Seeing your anxious appearance, what's the matter?It's not to find the little sister.Luo Qingxue said without raising her head.

"Pfft!" Luo Jingzhou couldn't help laughing.

Luo Jingkong's face flushed, and it was too embarrassing to be pointed out by his younger brothers to escape from the concubine, but it was impossible to just let him stop, and he disappeared after a few swishes with his long legs.

Luo Qingxue snorted coldly, everyone was clever, but the two of them were honest.

Luo Jingkong followed behind Luo Qingzhi unhurriedly, and finally found the mother and daughter in the Tinglan Waterside Pavilion. The Tinglan Waterside Pavilion was built along the artificial lake, half on the ground and half in the lake, as if volleyed in the water , surrounded by beautiful scenery of flowers and bamboo forests.The mother and daughter enjoyed each other lying on a chaise longue, and the gentle breeze was blowing their jet-black hair.The mother is dressed in sky blue and dignified, the daughter is tender yellow and pretty, her pale face is covered with fine powder, and the accessories in the silk silk dress are jingling when the wind blows.

"I met my mother."

"Come to find your sister." Mrs. Guo sat up, poured a cup of tea for her son and pushed him over to motion for him to sit down.

"Third brother looking for me?" Luo Jingyao was surprised, and immediately sat upright, very obedient.

"How does mother know?" Luo Qingzhi grinned.

(End of this chapter)

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