When Luo Jingyao said this, the brothers also fell silent, thinking, what should they do if the second uncle disagrees?
Because they all knew that the second uncle wanted his cousin to marry someone powerful, and he didn't care if the marriage went well or not.

Although this meeting was quite urgent, and they didn't know what happened to it, they knew that the mother's concern must be something they had to do.

"Brothers, I have an opinion." Luo Jingyao laughed narrowly.

"What's your opinion?" Several people also looked at Luo Jingyao eagerly.

"Second Uncle, just leave it to Daddy!" Never dare to have any rebellious thoughts, it's better to have it, so that Daddy can take care of him.

Luo Jingyao thought maliciously.

My second uncle was taken care of by the old lady, and others are both civil and military. He is not diligent in limbs and simple in mind. The key is to be ambitious, with a heart to climb dragons and phoenixes, stupid, bad and selfish.

The brothers looked at each other and gave their sister a thumbs up. If you want to say who is your second uncle most afraid of?Naturally, they were afraid of their father.

Don't look at the Huan of the second uncle jumping up and down, the old lady used to support her, but now that the old lady is grounded, naturally she has no reliable backing, and will be even more afraid of their father.

"Then do it like this." It's better to startle.Luo Jingzhou clapped her hands.With his own father around, the second uncle who promised to abuse him would cry like ghosts and howl like wolves.

"I also asked my servants to keep an eye on the second bedroom. It wouldn't be beautiful if it ruined today's good atmosphere." Luo Qingxue's fan flapped gracefully and calmly again.

"Second brother, you are really thoughtful." Luo Jingyao flattered her.

"It's just a precaution, it's not worth mentioning." Luo Qingxue looked at her younger sister with smiling eyes. Since she walked outside, her younger sister has become much more lively.

"Brothers, they're done chatting, can we go see mother now?" Luo Jingyao pointed to the two people who got along well not far away.

"Indeed, let's go there now, and it's time to see off the guests." It's over, so naturally we won't stay any longer.With Song Ting's nervousness towards Luo Mingwu, he must be thinking that the sooner he gets through the door, the better.

On the side of Mrs. Guogong, under the witness of the official media, the two sides exchanged Geng Tie.

In fact, according to the rules, from the steps of accepting, asking for names, Najib, accepting, asking for a date, and welcoming in person, the current situation of Luo Mingwu is not allowed. Regarding Luo Jinhui's matter, he just took advantage of the chaos to grab the time.

And today, they are directly at Najib's step.

And Song's mother also saw Luo Mingwu, she was very satisfied with this quiet, elegant and dignified future daughter-in-law, but she didn't have anything good for the future daughter-in-law, when she saw the silver bracelet bought by her son in her hand, she immediately Take it off and put it on Luo Mingwu's wrist.

"Don't hold it against me, this is the best in me." She can give the best to her future daughter-in-law and grandson's mother.

The Duke's wife and the Chu family naturally understood this meaning.

Luo Mingwu accepted it with a blushing face, she didn't dislike it, it was the elder's wish.

"Thank you, auntie, it's beautiful."

"As long as you like it, as long as you like it, Tinger will try to give you the best in the future." In fact, she knew that it was a bit rude for her to say such words now, but she really couldn't hold back, and she also liked this daughter-in-law very much.

Hearing what Song's mother said, Luo Mingwu couldn't hold it back, and secretly glanced at Song Ting, unexpectedly meeting Song Ting's eyes, the corners of his eyes turned red with embarrassment, and he didn't dare to lift the door to look again.

Song Ting showed a silly smile, Luo Qingxue and the brothers turned their eyes away without seeing it.

Luo Jingyao quietly hid behind her mother and snickered.

The official media is also very happy, it is too easy for her to get the money.

The two families were very happy in their hearts, and they were full of expectations for such a marriage. The Duke's wife even sent Mother Song and the others to the second gate.

And when Song Ting walked to the gate, he was about to discuss with Luo Qingxue about hunting a pair of wild geese.

He saw a weak woman at the gate, her eyes were full of shock, she looked at him as if she knew him.

Song Ting frowned for a moment, he was sure he didn't know this person.

"Brother Run, can I go hunt a pair of wild geese with me some other day?" Others have some, and he wants to give his sweetheart a share.

"Of course it's possible, we'll see you another day." Luo Qingxue was happy for Luo Jingyao, although this marriage was urgent, luckily the choice was right.

"Brother Run stay here." After Song Ting finished speaking, he helped his mother and left the Duke's Mansion.

Luo Qingxue glanced at He Lingyao with no expression on her face, turned around without intending to talk to her.

"Second cousin, did I do something wrong? Why are you ignoring me? I just want to see my grandmother." He Lingyao felt uncomfortable, why did this happen?

"What have you mother and daughter done? You should be very clear why you pretend to be so innocent. Why don't the old lady worry about the girl of the He family? As the old lady of the Duke's Mansion, can we still abuse her?" Luo Qingxue Said coldly, his whole body was covered with ice scum.

"Cousin, what do you mean? I don't understand." He Lingyao turned pale, but asked calmly.

This matter has already happened, even though it was Luo Jingyao's life that they plotted against at the beginning, she was the one who ate the bitter fruit, isn't it enough to even it out?
"No, you are very clear, it's only because of your selfishness that you feel that this matter has nothing to do with you." Luo Qingxue understood it very clearly, without mercy.

"Go back! What the clan elder said before was not just a joke."

"Cousin, can't I come and see my grandmother?" How can you be so selfish?She didn't come to see them, she just missed the old man who thought of her from the beginning to the end.

"Because of the viciousness of your mother and daughter, the old lady was grounded by the ancestors. If you can ask the ancestors to lift the grounds of the old lady, then I can tell the old lady to let the old lady go to He's house to kiss you. It's impossible to enter the gate of the Duke's Mansion, don't even think about it.

He Lingyao heard Luo Qingxue's blunt words, and couldn't help but take two steps back, looking at Luo Qingxue in disbelief, and then at the tall and majestic gate of the mansion.

She never thought that the threshold of the Duke's Mansion would be so high, so unreachable.

Luo Qingxue didn't care about He Lingyao's expression, she just gave way and closed the door of the mansion, not seeing it for nothing.

"Second brother, what's wrong?" Who made you angry?What is that look?
"When I went out to see Aunt Song and the others, I met He Lingyao. She wanted to come to the door, but I refused." Thinking of their mother and daughter wanting their sister's life, and now they still want to come to the door without any guilt, he feels in his heart?I can't wait to tear them to pieces.

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