"Then does she know about the meeting between cousin and Song Ting?" Luo Jingyao asked, adding some tea for her second brother.

"I should know, because Brother Song invited me to hunt wild geese together. Naturally, we all know what the wild geese do." Luo Qingxue took the teacup and drank it to suppress her anger.

"Is that so!" Luo Jingyao was thoughtful.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Luo Qingxue put down the teacup and asked in confusion.

"Is He Lingyao a smart person?" Luo Jingyao said with a smile.She didn't believe that He Lingyao would do anything if he didn't do what she wanted.

"Are you hiding something from us? Why did Ming Wu rush to get married after she came back from the palace?"

"My cousin fell into the water in the palace and rested in the empress's side hall, and my mother also went in for a long time, I don't know what to say, my mother came out with a bad face, because the cousin has been in a coma , it's not easy for us to ask, and seeing how anxious Second Aunt is, we don't dare to ask." Luo Jingyao said quietly.

Several people heard what my sister said, and they realized that it must not be simple.

To say that Luo Mingwu's age has indeed come, there is no need to be so urgent.

"Second brother, you find an unfamiliar boy to go to Song's house to remind you, you say this..." Luo Jingyao whispered a few words in Luo Qingxue's ear.

Luo Qingxue raised her eyebrows and looked at her sister: "Do you have to say that?"

"Just in case, you must say this." Although there will be rumors for a while, but the false ones are false, and it will be enough to recover later.

"Do you need third brother to do anything?" Luo Qingzhi looked at his sister and asked.

"Third brother, you can let someone spread a few rumors." Luo Jingyao whispered a few more words in Luo Qingzhi's ear. Luo Qingzhi was keenly aware of her sister's white tender little hands, and he jumped. Eyebrows, looking at his sister with a half-smile.

Luo Jingyao chuckled, knowing that her third brother had sensed her plan, but she didn't stop, she just looked at the four good young masters in front of her with a smile.

Several people have their own strengths, and I don't know where the future sister-in-laws are!

"Okay, you guys go do it yourself. I'm going to the second bedroom to talk to my cousin about life and ideals." After finishing speaking, Luo Jingyao raised her hand, flicked her sleeves, and left gracefully.

The brothers looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and immediately split up to do what their sister told them to do.

And Luo Jingkong went directly to Mrs. Guogong to find out what happened in the palace.

"Is this okay?" Luo Mingwu looked at Luo Jingyao in surprise.

"Then do you have a better solution now?" As long as someone from the palace is sent, or the imperial decree is sent directly to the Duke's mansion, even if she is her father, the emperor's promises will not be invalidated.

To avoid trouble, it is better once and for all.

"However, the two of us had been climbing towers at that time, no matter how we tried to hide, we would still be noticed." Besides, 8 and the others did not hide themselves at that time.

"What does that matter? At that time you only had a slight symptom, but you didn't take it to heart. Who would have thought that it would become more and more serious?" Luo Jingyao didn't care.

"Make a decision quickly, if it's too late, it will be too late." She knew very well that the emperor's eyes and ears were in all parts of Beixuan country, and even several other countries probably had the emperor's nails.

They can hesitate, but He Lingyao can't.

Indeed, as Luo Jingyao thought, she didn't go into the Duke's Mansion, but saw that Song Ting, who was Luo Jingyao's husband in her previous life, exchanged Geng Tie with Luo Mingwu.

After a little thought, he knew the reason, and immediately let someone spread the word, waiting for the palace to issue a decree to reprimand the Duke's mansion, and pull Luo Mingwu to become an unknown woman of the old emperor...


Luo Mingwu's eyes widened in shock: "We..."

Luo Jingyao no longer wrote with water, but just nodded. After she came in and said hello, they used to know each other's names of rouge and gouache, and they kept writing on the table with their fingers dipped in tea, without saying a word at all. talk.

Because the last time the queen's order came down suddenly from the palace, and asked the mother to take all their girls to the palace for a banquet, she realized that the emperor's eyes and ears were also there in the Duke's mansion, but they hid it deeply, and the other thing was that they knew clearly There is such a person, but he can only pretend to be deaf and dumb, as if he doesn't know.

Because the master behind it is the emperor.

Luo Mingwu let out a long breath, nodded, and signaled her to listen to Luo Jingyao.

"Sister, you have to remove the makeup on your face to use mine. My shop is about to open, and the price will be higher when it opens. I will have to charge you money then." Luo Jingyao A delicate voice came from the room.

"Sister, can I miss your little money? Look at your stingy appearance, I'll take it off right away, I want to see how good-looking your face is, so that you can boast about it." Nothing." Luo Mingwu said with a giggle, and the room was very lively when she heard it.

"Hey, don't you believe it. When we entered the palace, I used it for my mother. All the ladies in the palace asked my mother how to take care of it? Otherwise, I wouldn't be so anxious to open the shop. Come on, this is the first shop my mother asked me to practice, and I must not screw it up." Luo Jingyao said while watching Luo Mingwu really remove the makeup on her face.

Luo Jingyao leaned close to Luo Mingwu's cheek and watched carefully, she exclaimed, immediately covered her mouth, and took two steps back.

I silently praised myself in my heart.

Owe her an Oscar.

"What's the matter? I look so ugly? As for scaring you?" Luo Mingwu was actually very nervous, but she could only follow Luo Jingyao's play, she believed that Luo Jingyao was not a targetless person.

When she was in the palace back then, Luo Jingyao told her to play by ear. At that time, there was only one sentence in her mind, no matter what, she must avoid the emperor, so she pretended to accidentally fall into the lake from the railing.

"Not really, sister, when did you get this face? Why do you feel like it's going to fester?" Luo Jingyao also pretended to be nervous and said worriedly.

He flicked the handkerchief calmly.

Luo Mingwu immediately exclaimed, rushed in front of the bronze mirror, and looked carefully, the more she looked, the more shocked she felt, but the more panicked her face became, her hands wanted to cover her cheeks but she didn't dare.

"What should I do? What should I do? How could this happen? I have been eating and using the same food as before, how could this be? Am I going to be disfigured?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, let's go to the doctor to take a look, it's okay, don't worry." Luo Jingyao comforted Luo Mingwu's panic.

The two acted and did a full set, and called the government doctor directly. After checking, they said it was caused by allergies, but they couldn't find the source of the allergies. They prescribed a lotion for smearing, but it would leave scars. There is no way to do it.

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