Although Luo Mingwu knew that Luo Jingyao had a way, but now it was inevitable, she also panicked, how much harm it is for a daughter's family to be ruined, but her expression became more and more real.

Luo Jingyao's eyes signaled that she was fine and would be fine, but when Luo Mingwu received it, she burst into panic and cried, kicked out the doctor and the maid like Luo Jingyao, and flung herself on the bed by herself , crying loudly, the listener was sad and smelled it and couldn't bear it.

The two agreed that they did not tell Mrs. Chu about this, because Mrs. Chu is sometimes unreliable. It's not that she will harm her daughter, but that if she thinks it's not serious or acting , she can't show how sad and painful it is.

Just in case, let's not talk about it.

After hearing the rumors, the queen in the palace sent someone to tell the emperor. She did not forget the emperor's previous intentions, but the affairs of the Duke's mansion happened one after another.

But I have to say that she breathed a sigh of relief, although she is only a second-bedroom girl, she has no separate family and lives in the same mansion, and she still wants to win over the Duke's mansion for her imperial son to use.


When Luo Jingyao was in the second room, she was keenly aware that someone was watching their every word and deed in the dark. Although her current Phoenix Art is not as exquisite as in her previous life, she is very sensitive to everything, especially watch.

Luo Jingyao pursed her lips, with a sad face, she walked back to Lanyue Residence with heavy steps, and then went to Liuguang Courtyard.

And Luo Jingyao was right, since Song Ting came to the Duke's Mansion to exchange Geng Tie with Luo Mingwu, someone has already brought this matter to the emperor's case.

The exclamation of her and Luo Mingwu just now, and even the fact that Luo Mingwu kicked out the doctor with her because of the scars caused by disfigurement, also followed closely and sent to the emperor's case.

The emperor's fingers tapped on the imperial case, with an indiscernible expression on his face.

The queen sent someone to say it before, and the disfigurement happened right after.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that they were deceiving him.

The seeds of doubt in his heart immediately took root and sprouted. Even the queen suspected that he had ulterior motives, whether he wanted to win over the Duke's mansion, so he didn't explain it to the Duke's wife. Otherwise, how would the woman whom the emperor likes have the courage to choose a son-in-law?

It's just that he subconsciously forgot that at that time, he only wanted to get people and not give titles, because Luo Jin had ignorantly ridiculed the Duke's daughter for marrying a useless person.

"Duke Zhen's daughter has always been weak. Since she has given her a marriage to my son, it's better to have a healthy body. It's not good that she won't even have an heir."

"It's Your Majesty, Your Majesty is merciful, and this old slave has arranged for the imperial physician to come to the house for a consultation." Whether it is true or false is naturally clear.

"Well, that's good. By the way, I will also have a diagnosis for the daughter of the second wife. I heard that disfigurement will leave scars. My daughter's family has scars. It's not beautiful."

"It's an old slave, so let's arrange it." Ming Shizhong didn't understand before, but now he knows that the emperor is a drunkard, and he also saw that the two things in a row were placed on the emperor's case .

Ming Shizhong confessed to his apprentice and asked him to take the imperial physician to the Duke's mansion.

The Duke's wife had just informed her elder son of her conjecture when she heard that the imperial physician in the palace had come to diagnose and treat her daughter's body. The perceptual power was astonishing, but it was her daughter who understood that, just in case, if it wasn't for her daughter who had arranged everything in advance, the emperor's action would definitely catch them by surprise.

And He Lingyao, the white-eyed wolf, is really nothing.

"The slave has seen the Duke's wife, the eldest son, the sage said, and he is here to bring the imperial doctor to treat the future Princess An." The eunuch's unique sharp voice wanted to sound.

"Your Majesty is free of courtesy, and my wife thanked His Majesty."

"Come on, I'm going to invite the eldest lady."

"I also asked my lord, can I let my niece and daughter have a diagnosis and treatment together?" Mrs. Guogong raised it first, and the little father-in-law was surprised for a moment. Before he had time to speak, Mrs. Guogong hurriedly Hastily asked aloud, it can be seen that the face of the second bedroom eldest lady is probably really ruined.

"The benevolence of the Holy One will not reject the love of the Duke's wife for his nephew."

"Then Mr. Lao will wait here for a while." Mrs. Guo asked someone to invite Luo Mingwu over again.

Luo Jingyao was wearing a long pink dress and a thin cloak. She gasped at every step and coughed at three steps. She was helped in by two girls, Bai Lu and Gu Yu. The pink clothes did not complement her pale complexion. Look better.

Thin body, weak figure, pale and bloodless cheeks.

Seeing Luo Jingyao's poor body, the little father-in-law also shook his head secretly, but he was just a rootless slave, and he backed away silently, letting the imperial hospital go forward to diagnose and treat Luo Jingyao's pulse.

"Miss Luo's body has suffered from a loss since she was a child. It was brought out from the fetus. The lack of qi and blood is even worse. The congenital constitution is too poor. This body needs to be taken care of. Although there is no major disease, it is very important for Miss Luo. For me, this is already the biggest obstacle to the body, you have to take good care of it, otherwise it will affect your lifespan, the old man prescribed a few prescriptions, mainly warming and tonic." The Tai Hospital was walking to the side, and prescribed the prescription Mrs. Duke gratefully took it and handed it to the servants around to grab the medicine, and wiped tears from the side sadly.

The little eunuch and the imperial hospital were also a little sympathetic, but the Duke and Madam should have known it for a long time, and their comfort was of no avail.

Luo Jingyao comforted her mother at the side, and only now did she know that her acting skills were inherited from the Duke's wife.

At this time, Luo Mingwu also walked over with a face of reluctance, with a veil on her face, so she couldn't see the lower half of her face, but above the eyes and above the forehead, there were mostly herpes, which were already festering.

Luo Mingwu burst into tears before saying a word, looking pitifully at Tai Hospital Zheng with expectant eyes.

"I would like to ask the imperial physician to take the pulse of my poor niece. I don't know why, but her face has so many swellings one after another." Mrs. Guo said with a sad face.

"Cousin, cousin, don't be afraid, the imperial physician is highly skilled and will definitely heal you without scars." Luo Jingyao walked slowly to Luo Mingwu, stretched out her hand to support Luo Mingwu and comforted her, But she was really panting all the time when she said this passage.

Hearing that everyone was anxious and worried.

"I trust the imperial physician." Luo Mingwu tremblingly placed her hand on the pulse pillow arranged by the imperial physician, and the servant girl covered Luo Mingwu's wrist with a handkerchief, and then let the imperial physician feel the pulse.

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