Chapter 8 Marriage I'll Marry
The husband and wife looked at each other, and their eyes were moist. Their little daughter has been weak since she was a child. They are the ones who see it. When they don't hold it in their hands and take care of it, when they don't know it Here, as she grew up slowly, she was not ignorant because she couldn't go to school because of her poor health, nor was she ignorant of world affairs because she never stepped out of the house, nor was she defiant because of their doting.

She uses her eyes, heart and kindness to enrich herself bit by bit, keeping her feet on the ground, and never aiming too high.

Their daughter is excellent.

"Both father and mother know that Xiaoliu is a capable child. As long as you are safe and sound, what will father and mother do? We are all willing." Even in front of life, my children will always be their first priority bit.

Listening to the most simple wish, Luo Jingyao had no choice but to stretch her wrist in front of her father with a slightly coaxing tone.

The Duke of the country doesn't know why?
"Daddy, feel my pulse and you'll know." Then he leaned closer to the Duke of the country. People with inner strength can check whether others have inner strength by listening to the sound of footsteps or breathing. One is to detect the pulse.

What she has been doing since she was a child is how to restrain the fact that she knows kung fu in front of a master, and she has learned it so well that she wants others to hear the sound of breathing and footsteps, and they will hear what they hear, and they will not notice it. her real situation.

The Duke put his finger on his daughter's pulse with doubts.

"Daddy, use your internal energy to test it out." Luo Jingyao said with a smile, her internal energy practiced is domineering after all, hearing the name of the Phoenix Jue, she felt that it was practiced by a girl, and it should be very gentle, but it was indeed practiced by a girl , but it is not gentle, it is very domineering, the first contact, it is directly domineering in her body, and with the help of grandpa, she slowly guides it in.

But when she was promoted to the second level, it repeated the same tricks. She was already a bully, and now she got angry. Let's see who can resist who?In the end, although she won, she was bedridden for half a month and almost lost her position as young master.

Grandpa Guo opened his eyes suddenly, looked at his little daughter in disbelief, and checked again with his internal force. This time, he was not pushed out by his daughter's internal force, but he was also surprised by his daughter's deep internal force.

"How is it? Daddy, do I have the ability to protect myself? My intelligence is not bad, and my force can also crush many people. Daddy, can you rest assured now?"

"Okay, okay!" Grandpa Guo laughed, with tears in his eyes, his daughter's health was improving.

"Then can daddy tell me what you are worried about?"

"Xiao Liu, it's true that you have the ability to protect yourself, but how can parents watch their beloved daughter go into the fire pit? It's a big dye vat, and it's still a big dye vat that is burning with raging fire outside. "Grandpa Guo rubbed his daughter's little head and said.

"Daddy, don't you want me to enter the palace?" If she guessed correctly, the emperor seems to be almost 50 years old, right?Is there going to be a draft this year?

"Yes, now that you insist on asking me, I won't hide it from you. The Holy Majesty wants to marry you and the Ninth Prince." The Duke of the country clenched his hands.

"Ninth Prince? Which one?" Luo Jingyao asked in confusion. She usually goes out but she doesn't hear anything about the royal family. It seems that the royal family is more strict, and there are very few outsiders who know a thing or two, and the Ninth Prince is even more helpless. people mentioned.

The two brothers had just held the hand of the younger sister, only to find out that the younger sister had such a deep internal force, she was shocked, and before she could react, she heard her father say that the emperor wanted to give her 13-year-old younger sister and the Ninth Prince You're married, are you sure you're not joking?

Grandpa Guo glanced at the two sons, nodded, and then added to his precious daughter: "The Ninth Prince is the God of War Xiao Mubai who came back with Daddy this time."


It turned out to be him!After thinking about it in a blink of an eye, I understand, what is the emperor's idea?

She thought that the god of war that everyone said would be a prince anyway, but she didn't expect the emperor to be so picky.

Seeing his daughter stunned, the Duke thought he had frightened his daughter, so he quickly patted the weak daughter on the back.

"Are you afraid? Don't be afraid. How many brothers are you with your parents? Even before, I didn't want you to have anything to do with the royal family, let alone now. If it was before, I really avoided it." Unavoidable, at least he can protect you, but now..."

Grandpa Guo shook his head, he couldn't even protect himself, how could he be able to protect her little padded jacket, not to mention since this time, he understood that everyone above wanted to suppress Xiao Mubai How does this make him feel at ease to marry his daughter to him?That's why he wanted to let his daughter leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, and then find a way to get his sons out of the capital one by one.

But this stubborn girl won't listen to her!

"Father, if I leave this time because of this matter, there will be absolutely no good results waiting for you. I don't want to avoid this disaster because of me and let my relatives die."

"Sister, we are willing," Luo Qingzhi said in a low voice.

Luo Jingkong nodded aside.

"Big brother, third brother, I don't want to, there are other ways to get the best of both worlds, why not choose?"

"any solution?"

Except for Luo Jingzhou and Luo Qingxue who were settling accounts in the study, the Duke, his wife and the two brothers all looked at Luo Jingyao eagerly.

"Father, mother, brothers, if that time really comes, I will marry you."

Seeing that her family members were anxious, Luo Jingyao smiled and said, "I will risk the lives of my parents and brother if I leave. Make sure I get out without even being found?"

Several people shook their heads in unison. At that time, if they are really convicted, they will be gone, leaving their daughter alone, will they be able to live well?They have no way to know anymore, let alone help.

"But I'm married. With the wisdom of my brothers, you plan first and then act. If you are tired of the intriguing life in the capital and want to slowly leave the capital one by one and live your leisurely life, won't it be easier? A little bit, and I don't necessarily have a bad life." She is not a soft persimmon at the mercy of others.

She would rather marry a disabled person than marry a healthy one.

After that, there will be more places for activities.

To be honest, ever since she opened her eyes in this time and space, she just wanted to come to "care for the elderly", watch the flowers bloom and fall quietly, and sit and watch the clouds roll and the clouds relax.

Rich and free, healthy parents, good brothers, isn't this the best life?
In her previous life, she had worked hard for the sake of her family. As the young master, she did the work of the head of the family, letting her, a teenage girl, take care of the people below her who were ten, twenty, thirty, or even older than her. The elders in the school are really suffering. In addition to dealing with family affairs, they also need to learn knowledge. Use the first one in the family training, and there is no end to learning. After learning this way, I will arrange the next one for you immediately. She also needs to practice. The young master, the future Patriarch, must choose one to one hundred, otherwise he is not qualified to make decisions about the family...

this life!
I have to be busy again.

Hope she has some spare time.

Even... She can be bad!
"But you haven't thought about yourself, what will you do in the future, how can we bear it?"

"Brother, this is not a bad idea. I will be fine wherever I go, because I have parents and brothers, and my backing is very strong. I can attack and defend. So, what am I afraid of?"

"You are still young, you don't understand the privacy of the back house." Not to mention that it is the royal family.Gu's eyes were full of worry.

"Mother, please trust my daughter." Luo Jingyao snuggled up to Gu's side.

"Are you sure you won't leave?"

"Mother, I won't go."

One asked sincerely, while the other answered firmly.

"Okay, let's not go, our family will tide over the difficulties together." Mrs. Gu hugged her frail daughter. Although the daughter said that her health was much better, she was at a loss after all. If she didn't take good care of her, what would she do?

"Mother, can Lan Gu come back now?" Luo Jingyao blinked and asked.

"Okay, Xichun, let Lan Gu come back quickly, and be careful on the way."

"Yes, the servant girl knows." After Xichun received the words outside the door, she quickly went to the back door to look for Lan Gu. They could still hear the looming voice, and their hearts that were only tightly clenched were relaxed now, and a smile appeared on their faces involuntarily.

If the master is good, they are good.

"Ma'am, the magpie in the old lady's courtyard came to pass a message, saying that the old lady asked you to go to Ning'an Hall." Nian Xia walked in and said Fushen.

"I see."

Nian Xia went down to dismiss the magpies.

Luo Jingyao's three brothers and sisters frowned, as long as they came from the old lady's courtyard, there must be something going on.

It's not that they are unfilial, it's that there are really no good things, and good things don't happen to them.

"Big brother, third brother, do you know what happened?" Luo Jingyao was a little curious, didn't she go there early in the morning?
"I heard that Yilang Pavilion made a fuss in the middle of the night last night." Luo Qingzhi explained to his sister gloating.

"Do you know what the reason is?" Luo Jingyao became curious. He Lingyao and her were almost the control group. He grew up in good health and ate well, while she grew up sick and had no desire for food.

"I heard that he vomited blood in the middle of the night, and almost scared the people in Yilang Pavilion to death."

"Hematemesis?" What did that woman He Lingyao do to harm her morality?After all, since she got the mirror in her hand, she has been urging her to use its method to help people, so that she can get more benefits.

But it's a shame to want her to be a puppet, what a big face.

Fortunately, she solved it, but I heard that the system that should have been in her head is now in her hands, as if dead.I don't know when it will slow down.

"I heard that my sister-in-law looked for the old lady crying and crying, but the old lady ordered Anshenxiang because she couldn't sleep for the past two days, and she couldn't let the old lady make decisions for her. My sister-in-law found the second uncle and called the doctor to see it , but the sister-in-law was turned upside down in the yard, saying that some people in the house could not understand their mother and daughter, and some people wanted to kill them. He Lingyao took the place of her mother, and it was Luo Jinhui who really wanted to poison her. "

"Tsk tsk! What does that mean... Now that the old lady has sent someone over, did she find out who was the mastermind?" Luo Jingyao asked sarcastically.

Luo Qingzhi sneered, maybe trying to seize the housekeeping power from her mother in a different way.

This is interesting, Luo Jingyao looked at her mother.

Gu Shi was almost amused by the nakedness in her daughter's eyes, but she also had this intention, don't make trouble for nothing, she endured it, but if they are long-handed and want to make trouble, then it's not her fault.

The life in this Duke's mansion is so easy that they actually forget whose home it is!Since they are afraid that someone will murder their mother and daughter, they should just pack their bags and go home, so as not to make their mother and daughter worry.A married daughter, who stays with her daughter at her mother's house all year round, is not honestly shrinking, and sows right and wrong everywhere.

"The servant has seen the madam, the old man is here to invite..."

"This subordinate has seen the master, ma'am, the imperial decree from the palace is here." The butler Yan Zhong hurried over and said, trying to calm down the anxious look on his face.

The family looked at each other, and sure enough, the emperor couldn't wait until the next day.

Gu's notification went on, and everyone in the mansion went to the gate to receive the order.

As soon as the Duke of the State arrived at the gate where the incense case was placed, he saw Ming Shizhong, the eunuch next to the emperor, standing outside the gate with the imperial decree in his hands.

"Grandpa is overjoyed. This servant is here to congratulate you." Ming Shizhong said in a shrill voice, with a just right smile on his face, neither flattering nor condescending by relying on the emperor's power.

"I don't know where my joy comes from?" The Duke's anger was almost suppressed, and the fire almost burst out of his nostrils.

Ming Shizhong was taken aback for a moment, he didn't believe that the Duke of the State would not know what the happy event he was talking about, but when he thought about what the edict was for, he didn't blame the Duke of the State for speaking like this. It was a delicate doll that was really held in the hands of his parents and elder brother. Now that he was given a marriage to the disabled Ninth Prince before he was ready, one can imagine how angry the Duke was, but as soon as he proclaimed the imperial decree, he directly Pretending not to hear, read the imperial decree directly.

"The Lord of the Town received the decree: Blessed by the heavens, the emperor said: I heard that Luo Jingyao, the daughter of Lord Luo Bingang, the Lord of the Town, is virtuous and generous, gentle and honest, and has an outstanding appearance. Weak crown, good conduct, when you are suitable for marriage, you should choose a virtuous woman to match. When Luo Jingyao is waiting in Yu's boudoir, she and the emperor's nine sons, Wang An, can be said to be made in heaven and earth. The ninth son, King An, is the concubine. All the etiquette is handed over to the Ministry of Rites and the Qintian Supervisor to jointly manage the marriage.

Announcement at home and abroad, salty to hear it.


Congratulations to the Duke, please accept the order! "

(End of this chapter)

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