Chapter 9 Jealous of Her Good Fate
The head steward flicked his fly whisk, and said in a high-pitched voice, his eyes swept over the crowd kneeling below, and when he saw the little girl next to Mrs Gu, Ming Shizhong, who had seen all kinds of concubines in the palace, also had his eyes lit up No wonder the Duke and Duchess are reluctant to part with it. If it were him, he would also be reluctant to part with it.

I really didn't expect that this color is so amazing, it's still small, if it's done in time, one can imagine how overwhelming it is.

The Duke of the country held back his anger: "I accept the order."

Luo Jingyao sensed the gazes falling on her, but she didn't want to show up under unknown circumstances. Since she would marry An Wang, there would be more opportunities in the future.

"My father was too shocked. Forgive me, father-in-law, and invite the mansion to have a cup of tea." Yan Zhong directly stuffed a purse into the emperor's capable eunuch Ming Shizhong.

Ming Shizhong put it into the sleeve pocket calmly, pinched it with his fingers, and he knew what was inside, with a more amiable smile on his face.

"No, our family has to answer the emperor."

"Then don't dare to delay the important matter of the father-in-law, and you are also happy." Yan Zhong stuffed another red envelope.

After dismissing the eunuch who passed the decree, Yan Zhong wiped the sweat from his forehead. His master, he put his displeasure on his face. If he didn't know his master well, he would have thought he was so ignorant Woolen cloth.

But if the emperor is serious, he will find fault, my lord.

The displeasure on Grandpa Guo's face was naturally not hidden on purpose, he showed it directly, and it was also his true expression.As for whether it will be known by the emperor?He wanted to let the emperor know.

Holding the imperial decree of marriage in his hand, the Duke of the State glanced at his daughter who was not taking it seriously, but he also had a headache.

But what Luo Jingyao thought was that this bestowed marriage would seal the king, and the word "An" was still there, so she had to think more.

An idiom instantly appeared in my mind, that is to keep one's place.

This is interesting, a crippled prince can't keep his own law and make waves.

It can be seen that the royal family has no father-son relationship.

The emperor's heart is indeed small and cruel enough.

The Ninth Prince Xiao Mubai also received the imperial decree. The imperial decree probably means that he has become an adult and has a concubine. He can leave the palace and open the house after the Qin Tianjian calculates a good date to get married.

"Master!" Forbe called out sadly.

"I will drag her down." The scar on Xiao Mubai's face ferociously occupied most of his cheeks, he lowered his eyes to look at his weak legs, and clenched his fists.

"Master? It will be fine, and we will find it soon."

"The bones are broken, how can we connect them together? Don't waste your energy, let someone come back." When he gets married, he should be allowed to go directly to the fiefdom.

He was also tired of this place.

It's just that the daughter of Lord Zhen Guo has been wronged.If it's someone else, he doesn't care, but Lord Zhen is kind to him...

Uncle Fu secretly wiped his tears. He is a suave, talented, and well-fed little master...


The old lady was helped up by Luo Jinhui and He Lingyao, she couldn't hide the gloating in her eyes, one disabled and one sick, isn't it a match made in heaven!
"I will be the royal wife in the future. I have to learn the rules and etiquette that I didn't learn in the past because of my poor health. Otherwise, I will lose the face of the Duke's Mansion when I go out."

"The old madam also said that it's the Duke's mansion that loses face, you've been worrying too much." Mrs. Gu was already feeling very uncomfortable, but the old madam added fuel to the fire.

"Presumptuous! What do you mean by saying that?" The old lady didn't expect that Mrs. Gu would be so disrespectful to her.

"Did I say something wrong?" Gu's eyes swept away, and her lips curled up ironically.

"Are you going to drive me away? You are disobedient and unfilial." The old lady almost died of anger, but when she thought that Luo Bingang earned the duke title of this country, she felt guilty again.

"This is what the old lady said, but this lady didn't say it." After finishing speaking, Mrs. Gu pulled her daughter to prepare to leave. Her daughter, what's wrong with the rules?Can it be worse than the one born by the old lady?

"Stop, I have something to say, come here." After speaking, he didn't know whether it was anger or fear that Mrs. Gu wouldn't come, so he turned around and left.

"Elder, sister-in-law..." Chu Yingrou brushed her hair and was about to say congratulations, but when she saw Gu's bottomless eyes, she choked in fright and lowered her head to be hugged by her daughter Luo Mingwu. He quickly followed the old lady's footsteps.

Luo Mingwu pursed her lips and smiled, and nodded to Luo Jingyao. In the past, she was envious of this cousin, but now, she doesn't envy her at all, and even pity her. If Wang An was before, she would definitely be mad with envy. , the current King An, the noble daughter of the aristocratic family is not pale when she mentions it, she is afraid that such a "good thing" will happen to them, now it is all right, everyone can rest assured.

Luo Jingyao smiled back, as for what was on her mind, it was unknown.

Luo Wenbo is particularly afraid of this uncle, and also of these cousins. He doesn't get involved in their affairs, as long as he has money to spend. As for the others, there are grandmothers and parents, so he doesn't need to worry about them at all. .

"Brother, congratulations, you will be Wang An's father-in-law in the future, you can't forget your brother, support your brother and nephew more." Luo Jinzhong said happily.

"Am I short of your food or your drink? You are so envious, let Luo Mingwu get married, why don't you need me to support you, you are superior." The Duke of the country is not polite at all, he has already treated this family. Disappointed, relying on him to eat and rely on him to drink, and even pick and choose and throw dishes and bowls.

"Then how can I do that? King An is disabled now... Or is it that the elder brother dislikes the current King An and is dissatisfied with the emperor's will?"

Luo Jinzhong's words made him feel guilty, because he wanted to directly trample the Duke to death, and his heart could be punished.

"That's not what I said. Isn't it because you dislike it here? It's really unbelievable that a little daughter of the chief executive dares to dislike the emperor's son. I don't know who you think your daughter will marry. Master!"

After the Duke finished speaking, he didn't care about Luo Jinzhong, who had a pale face and swayed legs, and strode away with his sons.

The unkind eyes of Luo Jingkong's brothers made Luo Jinzhong even more angry.

He is an elder, a bunch of bastards.

And the conversation between Duke Guo and Luo Jinzhong also appeared in the emperor's imperial case.

He can think of the attitude of the Duke of the country, that is a stubborn one, if he is happy, he still has to be on guard, but now it shows that he is loyal to him, the emperor, but, what is it...

It's scary!

As for the brother Grandpa Guo, he doesn't have a good impression.

This also made him unhappy, but also reassuring.

It's best to handle such a shit stick.

It's just that it's his business if he doesn't like it, and if other people look down on it, then they look down on him as the emperor.

"I passed on my word of mouth, Luo Jinzhong's daughter... Forget it, let's drive to Jingren Palace."

Ming Shizhong bowed to get out of the way, and the emperor started to go directly to the queen's palace.


"What does the old lady mean?"

Gu looked at Luo Jinhui who was wiping away tears, but she didn't look at He Lingyao who was silent.

"Boss, what do you mean? You are just three brothers and sisters. You are the boss, and you are also the Duke of the country with a heavy army in your hands. But in your own mansion, my poor Hui'er mother and daughter almost died."

The old lady directly ignored Gu's complaints, and made excuses with the Duke who had nothing to say.

Gu's smile was half a smile, since that's the case, then she can rest easy, and the mother and daughter sit and drink tea.

"In the old lady's opinion?"

"I don't mean anything, I'm just afraid that if I say it, people will laugh at you, the dignified Duke, and you can't understand the affairs of your own house, alas! I am also worried about you, so..."

"Pfft..." Mrs. Gu really couldn't hold it back, the pretense of asking for something is enough, and there is still a foreshadowing.

She has dealt with the old lady for more than twenty years, but she is too clear that the old lady has a purpose, but she doesn't know which one it is.

"Presumptuous, are you laughing at me? Do you still have any rules? There was an accident in Yilang Pavilion last night. What do you, the head wife, eat? If it weren't for the second child, you would have to collect the body of my poor grandson today. "

"That's because you have good control, old lady. It's strange that such a big matter has not been reported to the east courtyard at all. Oh! By the way, even if the old lady wants to collect the body, it will be her granddaughter."


"Old lady, save yourself and just talk about the purpose."

Gu's indifference made the old lady shudder.

"Boss, are you just watching Mrs. Gu contradict me?"

"Then what should I do? This Duke's mansion is so unsafe, so we should go back and forth wherever we go." The Duke's sharp eyes looked at Luo Jinhui, who had twinkling eyes.

Luo Jinhui was startled, and anxiously tugged on the old lady's sleeves, so she didn't want to go back. The Duke's mansion is well-fed and well-clothed, but the servant man's mansion depends on He An alone. She is not used to living in a tight life with a salary.

She doesn't want to go back, she still wants to bring her two daughters with her. When she reaches the age, she has to find a husband and son-in-law, and she has to rely on the face of the Duke's Mansion.

He Lingyao also shrank his pupils.

She was sick this time, and memories that she had never experienced appeared in her mind in a daze.

There, she is also the daughter of the He family, but she and this cousin are in the control group. She is in good health, but she is married to a scholar from a small family. , was tortured to death by her mother-in-law.

As for this cousin, she also married a scholar, but the family lived in harmony all her life, and her husband was admitted to the top of the new department, and joined the cabinet when he was less than 30 years old.

Although the cousin is not in good health, she has a good life, and her husband and son-in-law love her very much, and the backers behind her are getting bigger and bigger.

Gradually, He Lingyao's eyes turned red, Luo Jingyao's fate was very good.

So good that she can dream of it.

Now it is even more counterproductive because of the loss of treasures.This treasure protected her from lightning in her previous life. She thought it had dissipated in the world, but she didn't expect to sense it when she was still a baby. After all, it had a soul contract with her.

She snatched it from the little baby, but the treasure was only a weak and incomplete weapon spirit, saying that it had caught a strange thing, and then attached itself to it and used a mirror to disguise it, but she didn't expect that it was lost that day. She couldn't find it all the time. Last night, there was a hint of connection, but it was suddenly cut off in the middle of the night, causing her to vomit blood directly.

If it was before, she would definitely sense it according to the contract, but because this is a mortal body, and the spirit of the weapon is less than three-tenths, it has been devouring the nutrients it said to complement itself.


Without it, how could she take away Luo Jingyao's good luck? Even if she had Luo Jingyao's lanugo, it still needed meson.

Now the lanugo has been used up long ago, and the weapon spirit has dissipated.


What He Lingyao didn't know was that it wasn't because she lost the treasure, but because Luo Jingyao directly got rid of the harmful thing.

And Luo Jingyao didn't even know that He Lingyao had her heart set on her.

Luo Jingyao has been paying attention to He Lingyao, seeing He Lingyao's excited and resentful expression, Luo Jingyao's lips curled up.

"What are you talking about? Are you trying to drive your sister away? It's not that you don't know the situation of the He family. Your sister has never suffered in her life. How can she persevere? As a brother, you don't know how to take care of her." she?"

"Since the old lady looked down on He An so much, why did she marry her back then? After all, He Anke was just a joke back then."

"Then how can it be the same?" I thought he was promising, but after 20 years, he is still a servant. It's really useless. The sister-in-law at home is not good, and the mother-in-law is even more sweet-hearted.Poor her daughter.

Mrs. Gu and Grandpa Guo watched coldly.

Chu Yingrou wanted to say something, but she was afraid that Mrs. Gu would not show her face, so she could only bear it.

Luo Jingyao looked over and met Luo Mingwu's eyes, Luo Mingwu nodded.

Luo Jingyao smiled, she didn't miss the disdain flashing in her cousin's eyes.

This is fun.

"Not to mention anything else, does Yao'er's poisoning have something to do with Gu's? If she wasn't serious, how could she get food poisoning."

"It's still the same, the Duke's Mansion is dangerous, so go back to the Minister's Mansion, is there no home or something, do you have to stay in the Duke's Mansion with a knife hanging over your head?"

There is no need for Mrs. Gu to distinguish, she has her own husband to protect her.

Luo Jingkong said with a sullen face, "Is the old lady sure she was poisoned?"

"Can the doctor's diagnosis still be wrong?"

"It's just right, I passed the doctor over here, and asked him to explain in detail what kind of poison he was infected with?"

"Boss, is your family trying to force me to death? If you say it today, I will definitely do what you want."

Everyone heard what the old lady said, the Duke's family felt more and more heavy and angry, and the brothers and sisters of Luo Jinhui had a bottom line in their hearts.

If Grandpa Guo doesn't want to gain the family's reputation, then he has to put up with it.

Similarly, the old lady's wishful thinking was also in vain.

very good!

Today is another day of nothing.

The old lady wanted to use an excuse to take advantage of the Gu family, but was blocked by the old man who said where to go and where to go.

Waiting back to the east courtyard.

Grandpa Guo took his sons to discuss matters.After all, he hadn't forgotten that his daughter was married to King An.

"Mother, we need to use our strength to fight." Borrowing a knife to kill someone.

Looking at the old lady's appearance, He Lingyao's mother and daughter probably never thought of going back to their own house.

"Six children!"

"Mother, I've grown up. I'll know sooner or later. I don't take the initiative to harm others, but I also don't want to be harmed for no reason."

(End of this chapter)

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