So if Jiang Yuyan can find all the flags of their team, and they can find five in total, she and Jiang Yuyan's two teams will be tied for first place.

Director Xu only said that the one with the most flags of his own team wins, and it probably has nothing to do with the flags of other teams. Hanci was about to take out a talisman to heal his injury, when suddenly a flag was lying alone diagonally behind her. .

It was Huang Qi, and Hanci's eyes lit up, so in this way, Jiang Yuyan has at most four faces.

She counted the flags of the other teams carefully, and no team could find more than five other flags, so as long as she stayed in the pit until the end of the game, they won.

There are still 10 minutes before the end of the game.

Hanci smiled, and was not in a hurry to go out. She even wanted someone to help her seal the hole, so that people outside could not find her.

They are sure to win.

[Help, since I watched this variety show, the corners of my mouth haven't let go. Is Hanci ready to go out?]

[I said earlier that her fortune-telling face hurts?If you really forget it, won't you find that there is a pit here? 】

[Families pay attention!High energy ahead!I just took a look at Master Yan’s live broadcast room, Master Yan came here alone]

[I seem to smell a familiar smell]

【Aren't you concerned about Hanci's leg injury?Falling from such a high place must have hurt you】

Jiang Yuyan did come in this direction, and when he arrived at a relatively open place, he finally persuaded Xiao Yumo to split up with him. They walked for so long, except for some wild rabbits that occasionally passed by, they didn't find any danger.

And specifically told Xiao Yumo not to go too far with him, Jiang Yuyan finally felt the joy of walking alone.

【Master Yan, hurry up and take a look at the pit ahead, your words are waiting for your rescue】

[Don't turn around, don't look back, please go straight ahead]

Jiang Yuyan probably heard the call of the barrage, and he really walked forward in a straight line. He looked forward carefully, and it seemed that there was a pit. With Xu Long's character, maybe there was a flag in the pit. Not sure, Jiang Yuyan made up his mind and walked forward.

He lifted some grass above and looked down, which almost gave him a heart attack.

"Why are you down there?"

Hanci was drowsy below, and the sudden voice startled her, seeing the person above, she took all the flags into her arms protectively: "Don't come here, just stay there. "

Hanci glanced at the phone, there are still 10 minutes, as long as she delays for 10 minutes, she will win.

Hanci's eyes were erratic, trying to find a reason, he stumbled and said, "Well... I think it's too hot up there, so I want to come down to cool off."

Because of being thrown, Hanci had some mud on his body and scratches on his hands. Jiang Yuyan frowned, only thinking that she was trying to save face, and she was embarrassed to say that she fell, and continued: "Take care of me right there. Take the rope and get you up."

The pit was probably dug on purpose by the program crew, because there happened to be a rope in their backpack, so he took it out, threw the rope down, and said, "Can you come up if you try?"

Hanci's eyes were the same as usual, Jiang Yuyan didn't realize that her leg was broken.

Seeing the rope being thrown down, Han Ci was not in a hurry, and began to try to find a topic: "What do you think our next mission will be? By the way, where is your partner?"

Didn't he form a team with Xiao Yumo?Didn't you go together?

But Jiang Yuyan only cared about her body at the moment, and said impatiently: "We'll talk about anything later, come up quickly."

Hanci turned his head to one side, and said with some anger: "No, I'm still a little hot, I'll go up later, you answer my question first."

Jiang Yuyan's concern was chaotic, he didn't understand why she still had time to talk about other things, so he could only answer one by one: "I don't know what the next task is, Xiao Yumo and I will split up."

"Oh." She nodded clearly, and continued: "But she is a girl, what if she falls into a pit in danger like me? Why don't you go find her quickly. "

Jiang Yuyan was completely angry: "I don't know if she is in danger now, but I know you are in danger now."

Then he thought of something and his face changed: "Did you hurt your leg and can't get up?"

Hanci glanced at the time, and it was still 2 minutes away. He didn't answer Jiang Yuyan's words, but put the flag in his bag, and then said: "Yes, my leg seems to be broken, but don't worry, I'm fine."

After finishing speaking, she was about to stand up, but before she could stand up, Jiang Yuyan jumped down directly.

Connotation: "..." Does this person have some serious illness?
When Jiang Yuyan heard that her leg was broken, before he had time to think, his body moved first, and he got down from the top, looking at Hanci's leg: "Then why didn't you say it earlier? What are you trying to do?"

Jiang Yuyan's tone was filled with anger, he was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jiang Yuyan.

This was the first time he spoke to her so loudly, didn't she just delay for a few minutes?What is he mad about?

Jiang Yuyan didn't respond in a vague way, and directly picked her up in a princess hug, and said, "We won't be recording this show, and I'll send you to the hospital first."

Hanci suddenly realized what he was going to do, her face changed, and she immediately got off Jiang Yuyan. Her right leg was broken. When she got down just now, her right leg hit the ground. Hanci's leg was in pain, and her face turned pale. Jiang Yuyan was about to ask Without words, he hugged Jiang Yuyan's waist and said, "I'm fine, if you don't believe me, take a look."

After speaking, he flew out from the ground and landed firmly on the ground.

She knew that Jiang Yuyan had been practicing exercises recently, and he was afraid that he wanted to use lightness exercises to bring her up just now, but she didn't want other people to know about Jiang Yuyan's affairs.

Today's human society is no longer what it used to be. They believe in science more. Of course, science is not wrong, but some things are still unacceptable to them.

Up to now, there are still a lot of negative news about her ability on the Internet, and she doesn't want these negative things to appear on Jiang Yuyan.

Jiang Yuyan naturally understands the subtle approach, but she shouldn't risk her own body.

"Do you know what you're doing? Go to the hospital right now."

What kind of bullshit is Survival in the Wilderness, I won't record it anymore.

Before Xici could speak, a message came from their mobile phones: "The game is over, please return to your respective base camps and wait for the staff to check the number of flags."

Seeing this news, Jiang Yuyan finally understood why Hanci was able to come up just now but kept looking for various topics.

"You've been wasting time just for this game?"

Is she so indifferent to her body?

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