She is really a fool if she doesn't understand after hearing Hanci.

"That... are you worried about me?"

After speaking, he lightly tugged Jiang Yuyan's sleeve.

Jiang Yuyan snorted coldly and didn't speak, obviously acquiescing.

"Oh, isn't it just a broken bone? How big..."

"Yu Yan, are you here?"

Halfway through Han Ci's speech, Xiao Yumo walked over from not far away.

The words that came to his lips changed with the trend: "Oh, the fracture must be serious." After speaking, he seemed to be unsteady, and fell into Jiang Yuyan's arms.

Jiang Yuyan firmly held her waist, then turned around and carried her on his back.

[Hahaha, I found out that I have double standards, why do I love green tea so much when I talk about it]

[I really vomit, Wen Hanci is too pretentious, it’s also pretentious that he won’t break a bone]

[Woooo so touched, my master Yan is finally not a single arrow]

【So Master Yan and Hanci just changed the program to spread dog food】

Of course Xiao Yumo noticed Hanci next to Jiang Yuyan, walked over, glanced at Hanci and asked concerned: "What's wrong with you, Hanci, are you injured?"

Hanci sighed regretfully, and nodded: "Yes, I have a broken leg and I can't walk. You won't be angry if you let your teammates carry me?"

Xiao Yu was so angry that he almost vomited blood, would she be angry? Couldn't she see it?
Do you have to ask such an obvious question again?
"Of course it doesn't matter." Xiao Yumo showed eight standard teeth, which can be called a textbook of smile.

[Hahaha, sure enough, tea is still tea, but my family is full of words]

[Renmei Luziye, my sister in society]

Jiang Yuyan walked for a while with Hanci on his back, and happened to meet Su Raoxue who was looking for Hanci, seeing Hanci on Jiang Yuyan's body, Su Raoxue's expression changed, and she hurried over and glared at Jiang Yuyan: "What are you doing?" of?"

Jiang Yuyan, who was innocently lying on the gun: "..." He hasn't asked why he left Hanci alone, and she has learned to question him?

Just as Jiang Yuyan was about to refute, the Hanci behind him said, "No, no, I accidentally fell into a pit, and it has nothing to do with him."

Then he gestured triumphantly to his backpack: "We're first, it's done."

Su Raoxue has no time to care whether their team is number one or not. If it wasn't for Hanci to grab the flag, she would be one step behind, and Hanci would not be injured.

"The program team will definitely see the news of your injury. Rescue may come soon." Although this is "Survival on a Deserted Island", it is a program after all, and director Xu Long should not be so unkind.

But Han Ci waved his hand, and said indifferently: "It's all right, there's no need for rescue, I'm fine."

Xiao Yumo, who was on the side, heard it, and said rightly: "Didn't you say that your leg is very serious? Will it be healed so soon? I think we should wait for rescue."

Sure enough, she is a stupid woman, just now she said that she was serious, Yu Yan probably sympathized with her so she carried her behind her back, but now she said that she was not serious, how long did it take to reveal her truth?Yu Yan will definitely see through her tricks.

But it's good if rescue comes, so she can't record this show, and Yu Yan's gaze will definitely return to her again.

That's right, it was "Hui", she believed that he was only interested in this woman for a while, and he belonged to Xiao Yumo from the beginning to the end.

"Whether it's serious or not is up to you. I'll go with you when rescue comes." Jiang Yuyan said in a deep voice.

And the assistant director in the observation room on the other side saw the serious slurs in the camera, and his whole heart raised his throat, but Director Xu hasn't said anything about arranging rescue until now.

Is it possible to really ignore it?

"Director, when do you think we will arrange rescue?"

The assistant director asked cautiously. He still had a glimmer of hope. He hasn't made any arrangements until now. Maybe Director Xu forgot.

Xu Long looked at the connotations in the camera, his expression didn't change, but he heard the people around him speak and frowned: "What? Was it because I didn't speak clearly at the beginning? I said, this time we have to do It is a truth, and now it is just a test of their adaptability."

Then a message popped up on everyone's mobile phone: Everyone was injured during the operation. Unless life-threatening, no rescue will be given. If you are not satisfied, you can apply to quit the recording.

This news was synchronized with the live broadcast. When netizens saw this news, there was a lot of scolding on the Internet.

[What does it mean not to rescue unless it is life-threatening? 】

[This is just a show, why do you have to be so serious? 】

[If there are any sequelae left, can the program group afford it? 】

[All the artists who participated in the recording of the show, do they know how to deal with fractures? 】

[I didn't like Xu Long from the beginning, and now it's even more annoying]

Jiang Yuyan's face darkened when he saw the news, he held his words in one hand, and clenched the phone with the other. After the news came out, he didn't think much, and said directly: "Then We'll just quit."

He can afford the liquidated damages, but what is a mere liquidated damages compared to her legs?
As soon as Jiang Yuyan finished speaking, a pear bump was smeared on his head: "If you want to retreat, you should retreat than pull me."

Although she didn't like Xu Long's style of doing things, she vaguely remembered that there was such a clause in the contract when she signed it, but everyone probably didn't believe it at the time, so she didn't take it seriously.

What's more, she has promised Song Xing that she will record this variety show in its entirety, and she cannot withdraw.

This can be regarded as a compensation for Song Xing.

Then he whispered a word in Jiang Yuyan's ear, Jiang Yuyan's face looked better now, and he turned around and asked, "Really? Did you lie to me?"

Nodding confidently.

Isn't it just a broken bone?She wasn't injured by any spell, if she didn't want to win the game just now, she would have healed her leg in the hole.

"Carry me to the camp." He said arrogantly.

After speaking, he glanced at Xiao Yumo provocatively.

Isn't that just a teammate?What is she talking about?
She admitted that at this moment she badly regarded Jiang Yuyan as her provocative tool.

It's just that she wasn't worried about Jiang Yuyan's physical strength, he had half of her cultivation, and this short walk was no problem for Jiang Yuyan.

Xiao Yumo, who was following Jiang Yuyan, bit her lip. She didn't know how far their camp was from here. Looking for the flag along the way made her physically and mentally exhausted, so she asked Jiang Yuyan to give her the flag, and she brought it back to the camp by herself. .

The other two teams also returned to their respective camps in frustration. Luo Sihang couldn't hold back and kicked a stone from the sole of his foot far away: "All the flags I bought with dignity are gone! None of them are gone!"

Destroy it, he wanted to quit.

Wen Hanci is the biggest bug in this show.

Today [-], [-] (one chapter) will be issued first.

I posted two chapters last night, but Chapter 1 was blocked. It was just posted this morning, and the order is not messed up.

There are still four chapters, the time is uncertain~

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