Thanks to Fujiang Fat Brother, Big Brother Feilong, they are indeed not clever, Brother Rikdum for the reward!Ridiculous thank you for letting go of the smoke!happy!


Hearing what Minister Li said, Xiaoqiang suddenly felt uneasy, and he said excitedly: "Minister Li, don't say that, isn't it still inconclusive? I agree with the Prime Minister's opinion, first put that special agent named Hu Guang Arrest her for interrogation. Regarding Meng Sisi, I have been with her for a while, and I really don’t think she is a bad person. Let’s investigate further. Take a step back and say, even if she is a spy, it is not your responsibility. I can only blame me for not seeing her clearly."

Minister Li could see that Xiaoqiang really had feelings for Meng Sisi, and he couldn't help but moved with his unchanging face, "Xiaoqiang, your Uncle Li will definitely investigate clearly, never Wronging a good man. In the final analysis, the problem lies with me, you are inexperienced, and my work should be more prudent."

At this time, the "Chairman" was the most relaxed, and he didn't seem to think it was a big deal. He was smoking a cigarette, and looked at Xiaoqiang who was struggling with a girl, restless and uncomfortable, as if I was watching a romantic modern drama. [

The "Chairman" gently knocked the cigarette butt off the ashtray, squinted his eyes and nodded relaxedly: "Well, I think we should investigate first, I have seen that Meng Sisi, and the Prime Minister has seen it too, welcome We all greeted her at the banquet when the scientists returned to China. This girl looks good, and her conversation and behavior are very decent. She is indeed a student who graduated from the noble school of Zhongxi Girls’ High School like the three sisters of the Song family. She later The Jinling Women’s College I studied in is the Jinling Women’s University, and her principal, Mr. Wu Yifang, I met her at last year’s Political Consultative Conference.”

The Prime Minister's eyes lit up when he heard the words, the old man seemed to understand the meaning of "Chairman", he suddenly smiled and said: "That's true, these two schools are still very famous, this little girl is also very good at studying in these two schools. Personal talent. If she was really appointed by the Kuomintang to get close to Xiaoqiang, I think Lao Jiang gave us a small gift. How about it, I will ask Sister Song and Sister Wu to talk to her. Hu Guang is still there Hand it over to Minister Li."

The "Chairman" nodded, and said kindly: "This girl is still young. If she was coerced and used by the Kuomintang reactionaries, and there was no blood debt in her hand in the past, we can happily accept Lao Jiang as a gift. We In China now, there are too few highly educated people, and even fewer highly educated women. In this matter, I think the Prime Minister’s method is good, weakening the enemy and strengthening himself.

Furthermore, after we liberate Taiwan, shall we also arrest and interrogate all the people who were brought to Taiwan by Chiang Kai-shek?Not at all!In my opinion, we should focus on ideological and political work. Through our ideological work, let them figure it out on their own, join the people, and work hard together with us to build a new China. "

The Prime Minister nodded with a smile and said, "I agree with the 'Chairman'. This is the reason why we practice a democratic consultation system with people from all walks of life, and it is also the reason why our China Supply and Production Party is popular among the people. After Taiwan is liberated in the future, For those who have no blood debts and have never raised the butcher knife against the people, even if they have worked for the Kuomintang reactionaries before, we must give leniency, and we must unite them among the people through ideological work.”

Minister Li understood the meaning of the "Chairman" and the Prime Minister, and said decisively: "Then I will arrange the arrest of Hu Guang now." Saying his goodbyes, he got up and left the living room of Juxiang Bookstore.

The "Chairman" smiled lovingly at Xiaoqiang: "What are you still doing sitting here, go back to work."

The Prime Minister laughed and teased Xiao Qiang: "I think he is still worried about his unmarried daughter-in-law."

The "Chairman" smiled and said, "Don't ask me for this matter, you should ask the Prime Minister for this."

The Prime Minister laughed heartily and said, "I can't guarantee this matter either. Cao Xiaoqiang, you daughter-in-law, if you don't get married, you can't blame me."

Xiaoqiang sat there stupidly, the more he listened, the more he felt that this matter had turned around. Finally, he stood up and said excitedly: "Thank you, "Chairman"! Thank you, Prime Minister! You take care of me like this, I, I, I don't know what to say Alright, I, I'm off to work!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaoqiang bowed to the elders, turned around and left the study.

After Xiaoqiang left, the Prime Minister asked worriedly, "Chairman, do you think Meng Sisi and Xiaoqiang are really suitable?"

The "Chairman" was silent for a while, and said: "He is still young and has a long way to go in the future. Let him make his own choice. We must respect his choice and not make decisions for him."

The Prime Minister nodded and said goodbye to the "Chairman" study.

In Japan at the end of April, the season of cherry blossoms has passed its peak, and the cherry blossoms are falling all over the ground, as if a carpet of petals has been laid on the earth.At this time, MacArthur was standing in front of his Far East Command in Tokyo, looking at the fallen cherry petals covering the lawn outside. Looking upstairs at the command headquarters, there is still a pink feeling everywhere, which puts him in a good mood.

It wasn't just the beautiful scenery of falling cherry blossoms that made him feel good. In the telegram sent from the United States yesterday, Truman had ordered him to organize the dispatch of the Seventh Fleet to start patrolling in the waters near Taiwan to put pressure on China.However, the telegram emphasized that the U.S. warships are not allowed to enter the Taiwan Strait currently controlled by the Chinese government without an order from the President, and only conduct demonstration cruises in the north, south and east of the Taiwan Strait, in order to remind the Chinese that the U.S. Navy is ready to All have the ability to break into the strait and cut off the possible military actions the Chinese may take against Taiwan.

"Do you want to put pressure on China's warships?" MacArthur said to himself with a contemptuous smile on his face.

In the Yokosuka Naval Port at the entrance of Tokyo Bay, the weather is quite sunny today.Because the southeast wind is blowing, the moist and warm feeling makes people feel like their bones are about to be blown off.In contrast, the sea water seemed much colder than the air temperature. The sea water in the dock was curled with cold foam, wrapped in floating sawdust, diesel oil film, and various rotten fruits were shaking non-stop. [

Rear Admiral Walter Boone of the US Navy just arrived on April [-] this year. He came from San Francisco to replace his predecessor, Vice Admiral Russell Burkey. In the configuration of the commander of the Seventh Fleet after the war, the ranks are getting lower and lower.From Admiral Charles Coker at the beginning to two consecutive Vice Admirals Oscar Baiji and Russell Berkey, now he has actually developed to use him, Rear Admiral Walter Boone, as the commander.

Standing in the dispatching building of the Yokosuka Naval Port, Boon looked down at the valuable Rolex waterproof watch on his wrist, his eyebrows furrowed involuntarily. Major Frank, the chief staff officer, said: "These sailors are really dawdling. The Japanese had piled up the supplies by their ship yesterday, but they haven't carried them onto the ship until today."

Major Frank replied: "These guys probably haven't recovered from the hangover last night. Since the order to return to the construction was issued yesterday, there are still more than a dozen sailors who have not come back to report."

Boone said displeasedly: "These loose guys! If this continues, they will get syphilis sooner or later, and they will fall on the belly of the Japanese woman and moan."

Seeing that the new commander was not happy, Major Frank quickly changed the topic and said, "This mission is really too vague and difficult to distinguish. God knows what the Far East Command thinks. Could it be that we are just going to go around the coast of Taiwan?" circle?"

Boone also felt a headache when he thought of MacArthur's order yesterday.

"This is for us to demonstrate against the Chinese, to show the strength of our US Navy, and to put some pressure on them."

Frank raised his eyebrows, and said relaxedly: "It's been two months since the last fleet cruise. Let the soldiers move, otherwise their hands and feet will be rusted."

Boon said without moving: "Let's go to the waters near Taipei first, first show our U.S. Navy warships to the navy hiding in the Taiwan Strait, and then go around from the east of Taiwan to the waters off Hong Kong, and put the V-45 Valley Forge The aircraft carrier No. [-] comes in, and after forming the aircraft carrier formation, we will go around the Penghu Islands and let the navy of the supply and production party appreciate our aircraft carrier formation. If everything goes well, we will be able to return. Or...or we will be in the Spend some time at sea."

When Major Frank heard that he might have to stay at sea for a period of time, he couldn't help feeling a little upset. He has recently become obsessed with Japanese hot spring baths and the waitress' thoughtful body massage, but he really doesn't want to have to ration the supply of fresh water The sailors covered the smelly warships for several months.In Frank's view, the officer's privilege of bathing was reduced by more than half under the influence of the stench of the sailors.

At this time, the reorganized 27th Army, which was assembled on the beaches of Changle in eastern Fuzhou, had already begun to board the ship.The landing operation is expected to start at dawn tomorrow morning, which means that the landing ship formation must complete all boarding work at three o'clock in the afternoon, and then depart from the shore. After completing the formation of the fleet at sea, they will attack Guanyin Township in the southwest of Taipei login.

General Song Shilun, the commander and political commissar of the Ninth Corps, stood on the bow deck of the 271 landing craft where the headquarters of the Corps was located. His expression seemed calm, but he was smoking cigarettes one after another.General Peng Deqing, the commander of the 27th Army, saw the restlessness in the head of the regiment, and said with a smile, "Boss Song, don't worry, go get some sleep. By tomorrow morning, we will be standing on Taiwan Island."

General Song nodded slightly imperceptibly, remembering the telegram of the central military authority that Commander Su Yu had just conveyed to him. Take it and hold it at all costs." This change in tone shows that the central government is bound to win this battle.And Commander Su Yu didn't sleep all night last night. He stared at the map all night in the headquarters, and finally confessed his worst plan to Commander Song this morning, "In case the US fleet cuts off the Our supply line in the Strait, even if the 27th Army is fighting guerrillas on the island, we must stick to it. At that time, the central government will mobilize more than 300 transport planes to carry out air supply to your department."

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