1949 I am from the future

Chapter 249 Departure

Warmly celebrate lz880210, Black Cat No. 1, Rick Dem, uhun[-] rewards!

thank you all! ! !

[249] Departure

With the completion of the loading of materials, the 27th Army began to board the ship according to the pre-booked boarding number of each unit.

Qin Jian, the chief of staff of the Ninth Corps, kept giving orders at the temporary headquarters at the beach: "Notify the troops, the companies below should not be scattered, and those who have been organized should board the ship, and the dismantled detachments must remember the ship number of the scattered units." , send someone to contact you immediately after disembarking.” [

The entire Changle beach was crowded with people, and the scale of 4 people boarding the ship was really extraordinary. Looking from a height, you can see that there are all black heads, and the 176 camouflage uniforms will dazzle people's eyes.The commanders of each unit shouted at the top of their voices to greet their troops, for fear that some soldiers would get lost.It's no wonder that [-] landing ships of three types are lined up on the beach. If you don't remember the hull number, you may not be able to find where your subordinate company is after disembarking.

The troops began to board the ship with the newly distributed marching backpacks after lunch. Finally, before three o'clock in the afternoon, all members of the "Mechanized" 4th Army with more than 27 people boarded the landing ship, and all personnel counts were completed. The commanders of each unit firmly held the slips of paper with the hull numbers of the landing ships where the subordinate units were located. The expressions of the commanders and fighters were different. Some commanders memorized the slips of paper over and over for fear of forgetting them; The commander has a good mind, and easily put the pieces of paper into his pocket, and he has already clearly understood the correspondence between each unit and the ship he is on in his heart; Test each other to see if you can report it accurately in one bite.

After receiving a telegram from Commander Song Shilun about the completion of boarding and two counts of the entire army, Commander Su, who was waiting in the temporary command post at the beach, sent a report to Deng Zhaoxiang, commander-in-chief of the North Sea Fleet Task Force, in code words: "The child is sleeping. Alright, you can go home."

General Deng Zhaoxiang has now been officially appointed as the commander of the North Sea Fleet and the commander-in-chief of the special mixed landing formation. After receiving the telegram, he calmly raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and ordered: "Notify all landing ships immediately and close the hatches. , began to inject water, left the beach, and assembled the formation according to the plan in the predetermined sea area. Record, the offshore time is 43:[-]."

"Yes!" Chen Xingde, the vice-captain of the Xining beside him, replied.

Immediately, on the sandy beach of Changle Beach, under the golden sunlight, the landing ships opened their hatches, and the sound of rolling iron cables resounded throughout the beach.The sound was like the drums of war, and it was heard far, far away on the sea.

Hearing this voice, Commander Su showed a bit of relief on his tired face, and his tense shoulders suddenly relaxed.

The guard Chai Shaofeng came over and whispered in Commander Su's ear, "Commander, you should sleep for a while. You haven't closed your eyes since yesterday morning."

Commander Su thought for a while, nodded and said, "Notify Liu Fei and Chen Shifu of the 20th Army of the Ninth Corps, and Sun Jixian and Ding Qiusheng of the 22nd Army of the Seventh Corps, and order them to start stationing at the beach."

After all, Commander Su got up and walked towards the temporary tent behind the command post.

Commander Su can finally take a break here, but the commanders and fighters in each landing ship have already begun to get excited.

As the landing ships flooded back to the beach, drained and backed up, and the ships turned, some soldiers who were born with seasickness actually began to turn pale.

Huo Yuman, the captain of the landing craft No. n2010, watched the first officer carefully steer the landing craft in the cockpit, and at the same time took off the intercom in the boat hanging in front of him and said: "Now we will start distributing the seasick medicine. Comrades who feel dizzy, please report to the commander immediately, and the commanders will come to the cockpit to receive the seasickness medicine."

The same broadcast sounded from all the landing ships at the same time.

In order to solve the problem of seasickness, Xiaoqiang brought a batch of seasickness "medicine" this time. Generally speaking, the seasickness "medicine" should be taken 30 minutes before departure, but the 27th Army, who was reloading and heading south, arrived in Fujian by land by train and on foot. Yes, so I don't know which soldier gets seasick and which one doesn't, so I have no choice but to make a bad move.Anyway, the sea route is long, so after taking the "medicine" and waiting quietly until you don't feel dizzy, you will have enough time and it won't affect your subsequent landing.

Wang Qixiu, head of the 79rd Regiment of the 73th Division, sat on the front armor of a 271 tank in the 59 landing craft and shouted: "Is there anyone who is seasick? If you get seasick, tell the political commissar quickly. Don't try to be stubborn. Whoever throws up a boat later will be punished." Didn't take the "medicine", see if I don't punish him to wipe this big boat ten times or eight times."

Political commissar Hu Ming said gently: "Seasickness is born. This is what the parents raised. Comrades, don't be embarrassed. If you feel dizzy, report it immediately. You can get over it after taking the 'medicine'."

Following the words of the political commissar, some soldiers immediately raised their hands and said, "I'm a little dizzy."

"I'm a little dizzy too."[

"Me too."

Wang Qixiu pretended to be angry and said, "Well, you guys! I told you to take the 'medicine', but you didn't listen. When the political commissar said it, why did you pretend to be dizzy if you weren't dizzy?"

The guard at the side, Du Maoshi, jokingly said, "Commander, you are a liar, and none of us believe you anymore."

Wang Qixiu gave Du Maoshi a chestnut on the head with a smile, and scolded: "You daredevil, tell me, when did the leader lie to you?"

The daredevil Du Maoshi was unconvinced and said: "Before crossing the river, you said that you were the first to cross the river to feed the big guys white buns, but after you captured them, you ate black buns! When you hit Weixian, you were the battalion commander at that time." , You said that our battalion can be divided into at least two crooked hands after the laying down, but then there was no one, and it was all wrapped up by the 81th regiment of the 79st division! Also, our regiment was the first to attack Puhai, you said You wanted to take us to see the neon lights on the Puhai Main Road and the Bund, but you slept on the road all night after being laid down, and when the follow-up troops arrived the next day, you took us all back to the countryside! And... "

"Daredevil" was about to continue talking, but was interrupted by another chestnut as Wang Qixiu stretched out his hand with a smile.He sat up straight, and yelled at the soldiers in the boat:

"As long as you remember clearly, "Grandma" and "Grandma", I don't even remember, good boy, do you treat me as a tenant? Why don't you settle accounts after the autumn, and turn against you, what's wrong with the black nest? I let you go Niu Shi can’t even eat black nests! Besides, hey, comrades, what’s so good about that crooked handle? Look at what we use now, eight-one bars, 85 weights! Hey, that deadly crooked It’s a ball, let alone two sticks. Now you put a row of more than a dozen sticks in front of my eyes. There are so many people and crowded, it’s really boring. What’s so good about neon lights? Haven’t we all seen electric light bulbs? Let me tell you, it’s nothing different! And the Bund, it was built by foreign devils, What's the point of that? Tell me to go and I won't even go, and if I go, I'll just piss, shame on those foreigners."

Political commissar Hu Ming said with a smile: "Okay, old Wang, don't blow it up, but comrades, we have changed our shotguns now, let's talk about the digital camouflage uniforms we wear, who wore them before?" Have you ever been? Landlord Lao Cai wore silk and satin, but he didn’t wear such a rare item! Even the socks, underwear and shoes were replaced with new ones for us. This is not as happy as watching neon lights and the Bund , is it really coming?"

Yao Xiaole, the machine gunner of the guard company of the regiment headquarters, nodded suddenly and said: "What the political commissar said is that these new shoes are really comfortable to wear, and the rubber soles are much softer than the Kuomintang shoes we seized. The towels are also good, soft It's like a cloud. I saw that many comrades were reluctant to use the towel. They all said that they would save it for the future and take it home, and some said that they would take it as a bride price. But this The steel helmet is too heavy, weighing more than two catties, I think it’s better to be happy with a bare head.”

Wang Qixiu said with a smile: "You must wear a helmet! Otherwise, your head will be smashed in the future, and you will not be happy."

With that said, Wang Qixiu took out from his pocket the bag of big front doors that the division had just distributed to each soldier before he left, and lit it. Political commissar Hu Ming hurriedly ordered that the higher-ups had stipulated that only one light was allowed in the boat at a time. Do not light several cigarettes at the same time, otherwise the vents will not have time to ventilate. "

A ship full of veteran commanders and fighters just chatted, smoked and sang all the way, completely ignoring the vile battle at dawn tomorrow.

Finally it was time for dinner, the group leader Wang Qixiu got excited and said: "Comrades, we are going to have some meat for dinner today. Let's take out the compressed biscuits we gave out earlier. Come on, come on, let me teach you guys, what's wrong with this thing?" Tear it open. Did you see this small opening? Hey, yes, just tear it off, I ate it once in the division, it was delicious!"

After hearing the commander's order, the soldiers couldn't bear it any longer, and took out compressed biscuits from the brand new military backpacks that were just allotted.

Daredevil Du Maoshi curiously tore open the vacuum packaging of a pack of biscuits, and suddenly a strong milky aroma came to his nostrils. Du Maoshi put the biscuits under his nose and took a deep breath, feeling that all his internal organs were covered by this " The fragrance of milk is full, and I feel indescribably at ease.He put the biscuit into his mouth and bit it, with a "crack", the biscuit shattered in his mouth, mixed with saliva and immediately melted, and a sweet smell of powdered milk immediately filled the cabin.

Machine gunner Yao Xiaole stuffed his mouth full of compressed biscuits, and exclaimed vaguely: "It's delicious... um... so delicious!... so sweet!... um... Captain!... so delicious!"

Wang Qixiu laughed and said, "Isn't it delicious? I knew everyone would love it. I ate ten yuan in one sitting in the division, and it killed me."

The big guys who ate compressed biscuits were thirsty, and they picked up the newly issued Type 78 steel military water bottles to drink water.Some soldiers even carefully picked up the broken biscuit crumbs and stuffed them into their mouths. Everyone felt that this delicious dry food was tasted for the first time and should not be wasted.

Political commissar Hu Ming said: "Everyone, drink water sparingly. At two o'clock tomorrow morning, after we have our second meal on the ship, everyone fills up the water bottle and fills up the faucet in the front cabin. You can drink it after landing. .”

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