1949 I am from the future

Chapter 251 The "mesm" supercomputer

Warmly celebrate the King of Xiling, it was purely an accident, gv, lz880210, Uniform Good Fortune Artifact, Rick Dem, Whisperer in the Wind, Zizhu's tip!

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[251] "me**" supercomputer

As the first batch of small electron tubes provided by China to the Soviet Union, the first batch of [-] vacuum electron tubes of various types has gone through a long journey of nearly a month. With the freight train being transported to Moscow, this batch of vacuum electron tubes includes diodes, Triode, quadruple, pentode, hexaode.As for the multi-stage pipes and composite pipes above grade [-], Xiaoqiang felt that they were a bit too dark. In order not to irritate the big brother of the Soviet Union, they were not listed in the export catalog for the time being.

In this batch of 30 vacuum tubes of various types, except for most of the small diodes and triodes, the price of the rest is higher than [-] US dollars. The reason why so many new varieties have been added to the original small diodes and triodes is that Because Xiaoqiang is determined, the Soviet Union will definitely pack and accept this batch of goods. [

After seeing so many varieties arriving, Raminov, an electronics expert sent by the Soviet Academy of Sciences to check and accept them, was very surprised. He asked the Chinese ambassador Wang Jiaxiang who came to the station from the embassy to hand over the escort and said: "Mr. Ambassador, these There seem to be many products that are not in our pre-defined product catalog."

Ambassador Wang Jiaxiang said: "We have recently obtained a batch of electron tube products embargoed by the West against the socialist camp. After we obtained these products through secret channels, we immediately thought of our great ally, the big brother of socialism, the Soviet Union. Yng resolutely decided to provide these products to the Soviet Union at cost price first."

Raminov picked up the voltage amplifier tubes, thyratrons, ignition tubes, rectifier tubes, oscillation tubes, detector tubes, and voltage regulator tubes in surprise, and looked at the technical specifications. The more excited he looked, the trembling almost jumped up, and he said unabashedly: "Great! Great! Here are several kinds of electronic tubes that our Soviet Union can't produce at present! This regulator tube... oh my god... From 3 volts to ... 75 volts! Damn, that's impossible! I'm going to inform Comrade Alexievich!"

Ambassador Wang Jiaxiang asked in surprise, "What does Comrade Alexievich do?"

Raminov said sincerely: "Mr. Ambassador, this is an expert from our country. I can't say much about the rest."

Maybe because he felt that he might offend the enthusiastic and kind Chinese comrades, Raminov kindly gestured with his hands to make a gesture of the Chinese abacus he had seen.

Ambassador Wang Jiaxiang guessed in his mind: "Accountant? Call the accountant to come and bargain with me? Well, I want to see how you can pay back the money on the spot. Anyway, I want to stick to the price list given by Zhong yng."

Ambassador Wang Jiaxiang nodded, and said tentatively, "Comrade Raminov, take a look at this price list. These are strategic materials that we obtained through hard smuggling and breaking through the Western blockade. This price is completely cost price."

Who knows that Raminov took a rough look and said: "No problem! I will fully recommend that the Academy of Sciences buy all these [-] electron tubes!"

Who was this Alexievich whom Raminov mentioned?

This person's full name is Sergey Alexeyevich Lebedev, and he is the director of the Kiev Institute of Electronic Technology of the Soviet Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. The institute is nominally affiliated with the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, but is actually a navy fully funded by the Soviet Navy. The Institute of Computing Science, which specializes in the development of fire control computers for the Navy.The first electronic tube computer "me**" developed by them in the Soviet Union was launched in early 1950, with a computing power of 5000 operations per second, which had already caught up with the American mainframe "en" at that time.

The "me**" of the Soviet Union used 6000 electronic tubes, which is much less than the more than 1946 electronic tubes of the "en" produced by the Americans in 18000, but the computing power is the same at 5000 times per second, but the problem is the same Yes, basically every 8 minutes will burn out a tube.The power consumption of the Soviet "me**" was very advanced at the time, only 25 kilowatts, while the American "en" was as high as 175 kilowatts.

Although today it seems that the supercomputers of that year were all wonderful things, but in those days, it was a symbol of national strength! In 1950, the size of the supercomputer would fill two floors. Power consumption and tube burning were natural losses. Basically, only the leaders of the two camps could afford it. It was a purely money-burning patent.A group of engineers in white coats waited on this monster, constantly replacing burnt-out tubes.

Closer to home, Ambassador Wang was relieved when he heard that Raminov said that he would take over all the packages. He was not worried that the big brother of the Soviet Union would refuse to pay. After the handover, he left the train station and went straight back to the embassy.

Comrade Alexievich Lebedev is generally only called the middle name Alexievich to the outside world because he is engaged in the most confidential and cutting-edge scientific and technological research in the country.When Lebedev heard that the Chinese comrades had secretly obtained electronic tubes smuggled from the UK, he was immediately full of curiosity.

For Soviet scientists, electronic tubes of various structures and types are embargoed strategic materials. They have been cut off by the West since the beginning of the Cold War after World War II, and they can no longer be obtained. The progress of electronic science in the West can only be obtained from Speculate in scientific magazines, or try to get a civilian electronic product from the West, disassemble it for research, and then estimate the maximum performance of Western military products.Now when Lebedev heard that various products and fully calibrated technical parameters had arrived, he immediately wished to rush from Kiev to Moscow immediately.

The Soviet Academy of Sciences did not dare to neglect. When Raminov was shocked to inform the Soviet Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of National Defense of his amazing discovery, the Soviet Academy of Sciences immediately notified the military and directly sent a batch of various models to Kiev using the Il-12 transport plane. of electronic tubes.

Kiev Institute of Electronic Technology.

This five-story scientific research building is surrounded by green grass, barbed wire is stretched on the high wall outside the lawn, and the gate is heavily guarded.Inside the building, in the operating room on the second floor, the floor painted with light gray paint was spotless, only the soft sound of the fan and the humming central air conditioner was floating. [

Lebedev, the director of the institute, stood in front of this "me**", staring straight at the watch in his hand.

It has been more than an hour since the start-up operation this time. Lebedev notified all the engineers that once one of the 2000 new tubes that had just been replaced was replaced, he would be notified immediately. The pipes were broken down and replaced, but none of the smuggled pipes provided by Chinese comrades had problems.

The electronic tubes of large-scale computers are used in groups of 10, and the bottom is connected to a row base like a clip. Once one of them is burned, the engineer will pull down the switch on the side, cut off the local power supply, unplug the row seat, and plug it in. On a new row seat with a row of ten tubes.Then carefully take out the obviously burnt waste electronic tube on the replaced row seat, and replace it with a new one, so this row seat is put back on the spare parts car, waiting for the next breakdown to be replaced...

Two hours, three hours...During the period, Soviet tubes were constantly replaced and Chinese tubes were plugged in, but as long as the smuggling tubes provided by China were plugged in, there would be no more problems!

Finally, ten hours later, the first Chinese smuggling pipe that was penetrated appeared, and the second Chinese smuggling pipe that was penetrated did not appear until 12 hours later.

"These technical indicators are not lying! Great craftsmanship! Great! The British have improved the manufacturing level of electronic tubes for at least 20 years!" Lebedev exclaimed.

"I order! Shut down for maintenance! Remove all domestic pipes! Install new pipes!" Lebedev made up his mind decisively and ordered immediately.

Lebedev was really excited. Seeing the stable and excellent performance of the "child" he had created, he started pacing excitedly in the spotless, bright and tidy operating room.

"Just replace the high-performance diodes with such a performance. What if I replace all the voltage regulator tubes in front of each row of seats with Chinese high-power voltage regulator tubes? What if I replace the thyristors on the bus with Chinese ones?" What about the tubes? What if all the oscillation tubes in front of the mercury oscillating memory are also replaced with Chinese tubes?"

Thinking of this, Lebedev almost jumped up excitedly.Without looking at the drawings, he rushed out of the control room and into the machine room, and ordered to the busy engineers who were busy replacing the tubes: "Replace all! Replace all! Oscillator tubes! Voltage regulator tubes! Diodes! Transistors ! Replace all the pipes with Chinese pipes!"

"me**" made a whirring sound, resting quietly like a sweet sleeping child. Since last night, after the navy's calculation data was sent to the computer tape reader, he has been so gentle and calm It didn't spit out the punched paper tape recording the calculation results until dawn.The white-robed priests carefully rolled up the paper tape, put it into a paper bag with top secret written on it, sealed it carefully, and handed it to the naval officer who had been waiting for 14 hours through a large glass window.

After the calculation was completed, a new roll of punched paper tape recording the nuclear physics data calculated by the Institute of Chemical Physics of the Soviet Union was quietly and slowly fed into the tape reader by the holy priests in white robes. Thirty-six hours passed, and the gods enshrined by the white-robed priests slowly spit out the calculation results. scientists.These nuclear physics scientists are like a pilgrimage, admiringly watching the mysterious every move of these priests in white robes who can communicate with the gods.They respectfully put away the top-secret paper bags and left the holy place under the escort of armed officers.

The white-robed priests took out a roll of data tape commissioned by the Soviet Institute of Optical Physics and sent it to the mouth of the god...

High Priest Lebedev's eyes were red from the heat. He took a nap and then another nap in the control room. After two consecutive days, only three Chinese tubes were penetrated.

High Priest Lebedev slowly stood up from his chair and announced: "The experiment was successful, these electronic tubes... are amazing..."

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