1949 I am from the future

Chapter 252 Huge Demand

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[252] huge demand

After Lebedev's experimental statistics were announced in the Institute of Electronic Computing Science of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, all Soviet electronic scientists were shocked. This is an unimaginable technological progress! [

Yuri Bazlevsky, the chief designer of the "245 Special Design Bureau" in Moscow, spoke at a special convened meeting of the Academy of Electronic Computing Sciences: "We should tell our Chinese comrades that we want as many tubes as they have! Especially the voltage regulator tubes, oscillator tubes, rectifier tubes and detector tubes! The performance of these tubes is unparalleled! It is not an exaggeration to use any praise in the world! According to the loss of replacing a tube every 8 minutes in the past, It takes about 6000 rubles to replace all 9 tubes in one month! It would cost up to 27 US dollars if converted into US dollars. After all the tubes brought by the Chinese comrades are replaced, based on the results of the current one-week test , Only 27 broken in about a month! 27! 50! Even if it costs 900 dollars on average, it’s just less than 900 rubles! 900 rubles! 245 rubles! Arrow "This high-performance tube is used in all supercomputers!"

Wanaz, the dean of the Academy of Electronic Sciences, nodded and said: "Don't get excited, Yuri, don't get excited, we are also very excited about the technical level of the new tube. Not to mention anything else, just in terms of power consumption, "me**" From 25 kilowatts per hour to 15 kilowatts per hour, only 72% of the past, the heat generation and stability of the computer have been greatly improved, and it can run continuously for [-] hours without stopping. This can save us a lot of maintenance engineers! And we The monthly consumption saved on the electronic tube, the saved electricity bill, and the reduced manpower maintenance cost are enough to remanufacture a new "me**". There is no doubt that this will be a great contribution to the scientific computing cause of the Soviet Union! I I will advise Comrade Midin, Chairman of the Presidium of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, to get more of these high-performance electron tubes from Chinese comrades at all costs!"

The same trial report was also fed back from various units in the Soviet Union. Whether it was shipboard radar, land-based radar, aircraft radar, or wire communication, as long as these high-performance electronic tubes were used by various departments, they all applauded repeatedly!Reports requesting additional allocations piled up like snowflakes on the desks of the chairmen of the Soviet Science and Technology Committee, the Soviet Planning Committee, the Soviet General Armament Department, and the Soviet Industrial Committee, and finally all were summarized at the highest meeting of the Supreme Soviet Presidium.

Facing the screaming demand, Stalin was both happy and worried. He smiled wryly and frowned to Midin, chairman of the Supreme Presidium of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, and said: "These demands are too great. Of course, here I will first consider The needs of the Electronic Computing Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, your monthly savings on supercomputers are simply too great. I have read your report, and I agree with you to change the original plan and not use "me**" as just As a transitional model, but to start mass production, isn't your "Arrow" supercomputer expected to be put into use in 54 years? Before that, we really need a large number of computers to serve our various scientific research and defense departments."

Stalin explained: "Statistics Minister Comrade Eugene has repeatedly stated that as long as he is allocated two months to use "me**", the calculation of national economic and demographic data for 18 months in the past can be completed within two months Statistics and compilation. However, the previous "me**" usage fee was too high, and various departments are waiting to use it. I can't agree to his request. Comrade Pavlov, the Minister of Finance, also needs a supercomputer It is used by the central bank to process the financial data collected from the whole country, and the Planning Economic Commission and other departments have all proposed to obtain a supercomputer. According to the current situation, we need at least 20 to 30 "me**". "

Chairman Miding nodded and said: "Mass production is a good thing. Now that we have high-performance electronic tubes, our product quality can be very stable, and maintenance personnel can be greatly reduced. And we can cultivate a large number of computer industry in mass production Engineers, in the future, we can even export our supercomputer equipment to all socialist countries. According to intelligence, the American company BM has already begun to rent out the use time of their commercial supercomputers. The Soviet Union cannot lag behind. Our socialist camp provides better computing services."

Stalin said in embarrassment: "But the production technology of this electronic tube is still controlled by the British, which really annoys me. I order that the Soviet Academy of Sciences must immediately start analyzing and imitating these new electronic tubes, and research the way of industrial production. Until the cost is reduced, at least close to the smuggling price of Chinese comrades! Comrade Midin, how long do you think it will take to achieve this goal?"

Miding hesitated for a while and said: "It's hard to say, maybe 5 years, maybe longer, the craftsmanship of these electron tubes is very unique, the production technology level is astonishingly high, and the internal design is simply perfect, it has been simplified to the extreme, After the analysis of various research instruments such as mass spectrometers and spectrometers, even some materials used in these electron tubes are new materials that have never been seen before. To imitate, we must not only improve the process, but also improve the materials. Breakthrough, as for the design, we can copy these tubes exactly. After all, this is already the most streamlined and perfect industrial art. Even the British, I don't think it can be improved further, this tube has been It is the limit of the current industrial level of mankind."

Stalin resolutely agreed: "I promise you, the planning committee will fully support your research! Perhaps in at least five years, we will be able to have the same level of electron tubes as Britain and the United States. This funding is worth investing in!"

Molotov, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, looked at the price list and said, "Why do some electronic tubes cost up to $150? Is your Academy of Sciences analyzing this price list reasonable?"

Midin quickly replied: "It's totally reasonable! This is the latest type of six-stage tube! It is used for multi-stage amplification. Our long-wave radio station and radar need such high-performance tubes. At present, the only ones produced by our Soviet Union are five-stage tubes. Forget it, the cost alone is much higher than this price, as for the quality..."

Saying that, Midin shook his head.

Molotov silently closed his mouth.When you can't make it, you are already thankful if you can buy it. What qualifications do you have for bargaining?

Stalin pressed his lips under his bushy mustache tightly, and said after a while: "Comrade Molotov, after the meeting is over, you should immediately convey the respect and gratitude of the Supreme Soviet Presidium to the Chinese comrades, and emphasize the most intimate relationship between China and the Soviet Union." Brotherhood. You tell the Chinese comrades that these tubes are very useful to the Soviet Union! But the Soviets need more tubes like this for socialist construction and scientific research. We can fully accept their offer, but we need them to expand the scale of smuggling. Soviet Before the law produces itself, a part must be reserved as an emergency resource.

In addition, you told your Chinese comrades to do everything possible to get on-line with engineers or technicians in British factories, and try to get the production process and data drawings of this electronic tube.The Soviet can provide them with all funds for their activities, and our spies in Europe can also provide them with all channels for information transfer.In short, I don't care what means they use, no matter how much the price is, the Soviet is willing to double the compensation to them! "

Beria said with light in his eyes: "According to the theory of our intelligence personnel, this new type of electronic tube produced by the British is not good for civilian use because of its high price. The civilian electronics industry is still using the ordinary electronic tube in the past. High-end goods can only be sold by military procurement, and the British government is currently short of money. Because of this, these profit-seeking capitalists will smuggle a lot for profit.

I agree with Marshal Stalin's opinion that we should encourage Chinese comrades to be more active in trying to obtain these technical secrets and share them with us.But I think we should also give some benefits to the Chinese comrades as rewards now. "

Malenkov nodded and said: "Yes, I also agree. Chinese comrades are doing very well at present, which has exceeded our expectations. But their country is still in an embarrassing state of primitive agriculture. I agree to give China a certain degree of respect. Industrial technical support, at least allows them to protect themselves militarily and produce some light industrial products to meet domestic demand, China is too fragile at present, how can they resist the pressure of the United States in the East if this continues?"

Stalin said in embarrassment: "Mao is not in a hurry at all, alas, he is not in a hurry, what's the use of us being in a hurry. Some things can only be understood after suffering a loss. However, we still have to express it. How about it, Tell the comrades in China that the Soviets will not probe or try to take over their smuggling channels, I know they must have made some money, but this is also very reasonable, we have no problem with it.[

In addition, Kuznetsov was notified that the handover of Luda Port must be completed before August 8, and there should be no delay. We cannot keep our promises.Moreover, it would be best if this work could be completed by July in advance. If the handover is earlier, the world can see that we have no interest in China's territory, and Acheson's theory of Soviet aggression is completely slanderous!In addition, the graphite light water reactor that aids China must be built quickly, and it must be built simultaneously with the Soviet No. 17 new reactor, and it must be completed simultaneously! "

Molotov said appreciatively: "I will pass on your words to the comrades in China, they must be very happy."

Mikoyan said at this time: "Chinese Ambassador Wang Jiaxiang proposed that he hopes to send four scientists to the Soviet Institute of Chemical Physics to study nuclear physics with Comrades Flerov and Zeldovich."

Stalin thought for a while and said: "They are all very busy, four of them are too many, let's have two of them, and each of them will lead a graduate student."

Seeing Stalin make a decision, Chairman Midin immediately said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements."

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