1949 I am from the future

Chapter 253 Deaf!blind!dumb!

Thanks to Rick Dem, Zi Zhu, and Whisperer in the Wind for their rewards!Thank you all for your support!

[253] Deaf!blind!dumb!

Just when Ambassador Wang Jiaxiang was happy because the transaction reached at hand was equivalent to 500 million US dollars in rubles from the Soviet Union's loan to China, the officers and soldiers of the 27th Army on the landing fleet of our army had completed the last compressed biscuit at sea. Meal, go straight to Guanyin Township!

On the sea before dawn, the night was dark and dark, and the sea fog seemed to be like solidified porridge, wrapping the darkness tightly. The bright moon in the sky was almost round because it was only one day away from the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar. .This pale disk appeared and disappeared in the thin clouds in the west, and was rapidly falling towards the sea level. The last moonlight it emitted dyed the sea fog in the distance into a dark gray.

Commander Deng Zhaoxiang, commander of the Grand Fleet, sent the last route confirmation telegram: "The vehicle has arrived at the entrance of the village. Is the way right?" [

The shore-based sea radar observation station on the top of the coastal mountain in Fuzhou received a request from the headquarters. After checking and confirming the error, it notified the headquarters of the Fuzhou base camp. The headquarters replied: "The road is right, you can enter the village."

The North Sea Fleet's own radar and radio positioning are already very accurate, and with the double insurance confirmed by the shore-based radar, Commander Deng Zhaoxiang nodded in satisfaction.

The bridge command room of the Xining ship stands in the dark sea fog, and walks through the fog waves wrapped in gentle sea breeze, emitting a long night light. Looking from the distant sea, it is completely impossible to detect the invisible Cold light.Commander Deng Zhaoxiang's dark face, which had been tempered by the sea wind and the sun for years, gave off a soft light, which was the reflection effect of the densely packed luminous equipment on the podium.

Commander Deng calmly looked at the dark sea in the distance through the glass of the command cabin. After a while, he slowly closed his eyes and counted silently in his heart: "123456...99100."

After counting to 100, he opened his eyes and saw the sea fog in the distance, which had begun to faintly turn white and red.This is the intuition of an old captain, it's dawn...

Commander Deng quickly picked up the communicator, entered the fleet communication channel and ordered: "Attention all the task force, all ships will be organized in formation according to the predetermined plan, and the fleet's wire silence will be cancelled. All captains should pay attention to communication and keep a safe distance from the formation. .”

Through the encrypted radio channel, the flagship's order is known to all ships.All of a sudden, the radio signal in the sea outside Guanyin Township increased dozens of times in an instant, and the various landing ships were in constant contact and coordination.

Commander Deng unhurriedly issued the second order: "I order that all attacking ships form a shore fire support formation. Pay attention to ship 516, pay attention to ship 516, I order your ship to go forward and anchor 8 kilometers away from the beach. Turn on the rocket system fire control radar, turn on the fire detection radar."

"516 understands." Captain Lin Zun of Jiujiang replied.

At this time, on the vast sea, the battleships escorting the two sides of the landing ship slowly turned to the two sides, and the 176 landing ships drove forward continuously, guided by torpedo boats one by one. The formation of battleships and other battleships surpassed the past.Only Jiujiang followed the landing ship formation and continued to move forward.When the Jiujiang was 8 kilometers away from the beach, the white hull made a steady deceleration and turned, parking the warship parallel to the sea off the beach.

Captain Lin Zun ordered: "Turn on the fire control radar and implement coordinate positioning on the beachhead."

"Yes, the fire control radar is on."

He continued to order: "Turn on the fire reconnaissance radar and implement fire detection on the shore."

"Yes, the fire detection radar is on."


Commander Deng Zhaoxiang continued to order in the Xining, "Ship 134, stop sailing immediately, start power supply for all engines, turn on the electronic warfare system, search the enemy's electronic communication frequency band, implement electronic interference on the enemy's communication band, and search for enemy radar signals at the same time. Electronic jamming of enemy radar bands."

"134 understands." Ma Jun, the captain of the 134 ship, responded through the telephone intercom.

After Ma Jun received the order, he immediately ordered: "Stop sailing, fully power the engine, turn on the electronic warfare system, immediately search the enemy's electronic frequency band and implement interference. Search the enemy's radar band and implement interference."

"Yes, the electronic warfare system is on." [


At this time in Taipei, the wire monitoring and analysis station of the Kuomintang Intelligence Bureau was working intensely. Due to the sudden appearance of a large number of wire signals off the coast of Taipei, the monitors of the intelligence bureau's wire monitoring and analysis station suddenly became nervous.

Although these digitally encrypted wire signals cannot be deciphered and tracked by the Kuomintang intelligence agency with backward technology, it is even very difficult to receive them normally. The level of encryption that surpasses the times also makes it completely impossible for listeners who are used to receiving analog signals. Mind, but it is precisely this unique feature that made these listeners immediately understand that this is a Chinese military ship off the coast of Taipei!

After repeated fiascos during this period, the wire monitoring station of the Kuomintang Intelligence Bureau has understood that this unique encrypted and strange coded signal is a unique symbol of the mysterious fleet of the supply army.

Judging from the density of this communication, it is suspected that the large landing fleet of the supply army is coming!

The Intelligence Bureau was panicked, and Mao Renfeng desperately sent an early warning to the "Ministry of National Defense".The Taiwan Defense Command is also desperately sending reports to various troops.But at this time, the most terrifying thing happened. Except for the wired telephone, all other telephone calls and telegrams were interfered by raging clutter, and all receiving equipment was filled with strange electric noise. The communications soldiers at the headquarters worked frantically to adjust the angle of the antenna, but no matter how they were adjusted, there were dead electric noises all over the east, west, north, and south.

Since the power of the radio transmission equipment these days is really low and pitiful, when the Taiwan Defense Command's only 220-kilowatt military commander-in-chief radio station encountered something wilder than the 400-kilowatt modern equipment of the Central People's Broadcasting Station, It can occupy up to 134% of the total power of 5000 ships' 2000-kilowatt main engines. When the violent electronic interference with a power of up to 700 kilowatts is reached, not to mention Taiwan, even the radio channel of the U.S. military in Okinawa, [-] kilometers away, will be disturbed. The quality of communication has deteriorated severely, and one has to say a sentence eight times to barely understand it.

However, the three American-made radars on Taiwan Island were turned on immediately after receiving the emergency call, but they were paralyzed as soon as they were turned on. Identify where the massive echo signals come from.

At the same time that Jiang Jun became deaf, blind and dumb, the large formation of hundreds of landing craft of our army had fully exerted its strength, pulling out hundreds of white tracks on the sea, lined up in a patchwork pattern. Formation, in the faint morning light at dawn, I saw the beach of Guanyin Township on the horizon.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek's First Japanese Special Division was stationed at the beach of Guanyin Township. The division commander, Nao Takagi, was a former Japanese army staff officer who had participated in the formulation of the local defense plan by the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters.Regarding the anti-landing, Takagi has studied it several times on the paper of the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters, which can be described as rich experience. In his opinion, the anti-US landing is of course more difficult than the current anti-earth eight-way landing, so he is full of confidence.

When the observation post in the wooden tower structure on the coast issued a sharp warning whistle, Takagi immediately jumped up from the bed vigilantly: "The first special division is urgently assembled! For enemy attack by the Communist Party!"

Takagi shouted excitedly, while putting on the brand-new Jiang Jun uniform on his body.

This first special division composed of veterans of the Japanese World War II invasion of China still has quite a lot of combat experience. When they discovered the PLA landing fleet, they immediately began to deploy in accordance with the requirements of anti-landing operations.

Takagi hurriedly drilled into the command post two kilometers away from the coast and ordered: "Order the first regiment to immediately defend on the beachhead fortifications, order the second regiment to enter the Tibetan trenches behind the beachhead, and order the third regiment As the general reserve team, follow my command to reinforce at any time.

Shao Zuo Watanabe Jun firmly grasped the porthole of the command post, while looking at the indistinguishable beaches and sea with binoculars, searching for the landing ships of the People's Liberation Army, while asking and answering anxiously: "Mr. Takagi, please inform the Second Special Division Is there a regiment? There is also the Sixth Army of the Kuomintang, they are on our flanks and are very important for coastal defense."

Takagi pursed his lips and said, "Of course, I have already ordered the messenger to contact them."

As soon as Gao Muzhi finished speaking, a communications soldier rushed into the command post in a panic.

"Report to the head of the division! The radio station cannot be contacted! It is completely interfered by the enemy!"

Takagi is very experienced. Since the Japanese army was often interfered with by the United States during World War II, they also summed up a set of experience.

"Change to the spare frequency." Takagi said lightly, proud of his rich experience, but also surprised that the warships supplied by China actually have electronic jamming equipment.

The communications soldier sweated profusely and said: "Report to the commander, all five spare frequencies have been replaced, but they are all interfered! Even the radio station of the Taiwan Defense Command did not receive any confirmation signal. The channel is full of clutter!"

"Baga! You idiots!" Takagi reprimanded subconsciously. [

He felt panic for the first time at this moment, an army without wires, is this still a modern army?

"Use wired telephones to inform all our troops that can be notified, and the communications department will continue to try to contact other troops with wired telephones. In addition, send a communications platoon with wired telephones to the Kuomintang Sixth Army headquarters next to it!" Takagi hurriedly ordered Emergency order.

Watanabe Jun said anxiously: "The radio interference ability of the Chinese army is so strong! Even the Imperial Japan does not have such an ability. It can interfere with so many frequency bands from a warship at the same time! How did it do it!"

Takagi clenched his fist fiercely and raised his chest in front of his chest, "Watanabe-kun! Pay attention to the military decency! These are all trails! The real decisive victory is still on land! Tell the first and second regiments, Don't be impatient, and absolutely follow the anti-landing tactics I specified! After the landing craft provided by the Chinese government landed on the shore, first use the mortars of each regiment to bombard the beachhead. Until the landing depth of these Tuba roads reaches 500 meters, carry out continuous Squads and squadrons make an assault, cooperate with beachhead fire fortifications to wipe out these dirt roads!"

Watanabe Jun immediately responded to Takagi's order, but he said disapprovingly in his heart: "This is not your anti-landing tactic, it is simply copying Lieutenant Admiral Tadamichi Kuribayashi's strategy on Iwo Jima."

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