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[264] Toss back and forth


According to the deployment of the central government, Commander Su Yu was appointed as the chairman of the Taiwan Military and Political Committee, and Wu Shi, Zhang Zongke, Song Shilun, Sun Liren, Zhou Zhirou, and Gui Yongqing were the vice-chairmen, and the list of committee members was even longer, enough There are more than 60 people, some of whom are former Kuomintang government officials, and there are also a large number of patriots from all walks of life in Taiwan.

After the liberation of Taipei Dongshan Prison, more than 400 comrades from the Taiwan Working Committee were released. Many of these unyielding comrades have withstood the test in history and did not betray their comrades and organizations. He was executed on the execution ground, and he always held firm loyalty to the party and the people.Therefore, this group of comrades was especially valued, and was assigned to important positions in various institutions in Taiwan by Commander Su.

According to the information provided by Xiaoqiang, Comrades Zhang Zongke and Wu Shi, the two vice-chairmen of the Taiwan Military and Political Commission, who have been in charge of secret front work for a long time, began to publicly arrest and try a group of traitors. It is obvious to wait for the fate of these shameful traitors of.In addition to high-level traitors like Cai Xiaoqian who betrayed their comrades, there are also all kinds of traitors who left the party before, such as Li Denghui and his like who went straight to the sky after betraying Ye Chengsong and other five comrades.

With the start of the reorganization, a large number of people who were brought to Taiwan by Chiang Kai-shek began to be sent back to the mainland in a planned way. Chiang kidnapped more than 200 million soldiers and civilians from the mainland. This is really beyond the current support capacity for Taiwan.

The first batch of scientists and engineers who returned to the mainland were a large number of scientists and engineers taken away by Lao Jiang. These scientists are precious wealth to the motherland, especially the scientists in science, engineering, agriculture and medicine.Those engineers and skilled workers in military industry, shipbuilding, machinery, etc. are the talents that New China is hungry for at this time.These people plus their family members amount to 10,000+ people!Such a large scale, as far as scientists are concerned, is enough for New China to build a large-scale comprehensive university, and these engineers and skilled workers can provide a great deal for the road to industrialization that New China is implementing. support.

After scientists, engineers, and skilled workers returned to China, there were a large number of veterans and officers of the Kuomintang. When these veterans and officers were reorganized, they expressed their wish to retire and return to their hometowns to live. As a result, as many as 10 veterans and more than 30 The family members of those people still need to arrange transportation back to the mainland.

After that, it is necessary to solve the needs of those wealthy businessmen, landlords, and factory owners who want to return to the mainland to operate in mainland China. First of all, those who master the important equipment and technical backbone of the entire factory must be arranged here. The needs of factory owners returning to the mainland.

Then we have to send back hundreds of thousands of coastal fishermen, boatmen, farmers, etc. who were taken captive by Chiang Kai-shek. The purpose of Jiang kidnapping these people to come to Taiwan is only one, to increase the population.

All in all, facing the problem of repatriation of more than 200 million immigrants, the newly established Taiwan Military and Political Commission is currently one head larger than two, and everyone is busy with this most central task at present. The officials who were absorbed into the new government worked surprisingly hard in this work. They probably wanted to make good use of their merits. They were full of energy all day long. For the plan deployed by the central government, they showed enthusiasm and enthusiasm that they had not used for a long time. sense of responsibility.

When the whole of Taiwan was very busy after liberation, the central government was not idle either. The heavy national industrial and agricultural plans and infrastructure construction plans were all on the head of the Government Affairs Council. Now there is an additional task of resettling immigrants from Taiwan. It is really not easy for a moment.

In such a busy job, there is such a bastard, and his private life is a waste of the golden time of the prime minister who is seriously deprived of sleep.

While President Wu Yifang was attending a meeting of the Ministry of Education in Beijing to discuss the matter of changing Jinling Women's College to Nandu Normal University, the Prime Minister met with President Wu alone after the meeting.

"Principal Wu, hello, you look really young." After seeing Principal Wu, the Prime Minister stood up from his desk in the West Flower Hall and greeted him with a smile.

Principal Wu said happily after hearing the words: "Hi, Prime Minister, I'm even embarrassed by what you said, hehe, your time is precious, I don't dare to delay, just speak directly, I will do my best to handle it well. "

The Prime Minister stretched out his arms and asked Principal Wu to sit down on the sofa. He personally brought a thermos bottle to make tea for Principal Wu. While pouring boiling water, the Prime Minister said, "Principal Wu, your school has had the military command recruit female students before."

Ms. Wu Yifang nodded, and said solemnly: "Yes, the Kuomintang has a political training department in the school. You know, the director and staff of the political training department are all arranged by the Kuomintang. Our school can't control them. of."

The prime minister brewed the tea, handed it to Principal Wu and said, "The invitation to Mr. Wu today is related to this matter."

Principal Wu stood up and bowed slightly, took the tea cup excitedly and put it on the tea table in front of him, and said, "But our school really doesn't know which students they have contacted. We don't have a list, Prime Minister. Those female students, as long as they are from a good family background , They don't look down on the military command's business at all, and they can't absorb it, so they usually look for some students who have a poor family. There are more and more, and our school has thought of many ways, but the school has too few scholarships, and it is impossible to take care of them all. Prime Minister, how about I compile a list of graduates for you, and check them according to their family background Check, maybe it can help you."

Obviously, Principal Wu might have made a mistake. [

The Prime Minister sat down next to Mr. Wu, and said sincerely: "These students are all in difficulties, so they are taken advantage of by the military command. Don't make things difficult for them. Now that the whole country is liberated, there is no need to investigate anyone who had an affair with the military command before." Contact. The reason why I invited Mr. Wu here today is that I hope you can do me a favor."

Ms. Wu Yifang listened attentively, and said urgently at this moment: "Prime Minister, stop talking around in circles, I'm so anxious, just tell me, I will definitely handle it for you!"

The Prime Minister picked up a newspaper beside him and handed it to Principal Wu, "There is a female student named Meng Sisi, do you still remember it? It is the girl in the photo."

Principal Wu looked at the photos in the newspaper, tried his best to recall, and said, "I have the impression that I gave them a philosophy class. This student is very beautiful and attractive. I noticed it. Why? She joined the military command? "

Seeing the prime minister nodded.Principal Wu said with some disappointment: "Oh, she is a very good child. I remember that she was admitted to our school after graduating from Zhongxi Girls' High School. She has a good foundation and can speak English, French and Latin. She can also sing and sing. Well, the science scores are not bad. Such a good girl, alas, what a pity. I seem to have heard that when she was in the latter part of school, there was a financial problem at home for a while, which delayed the tuition, but later she All paid up..." At this point, Principal Wu's eyes widened.

"Could it be?...The tuition fee?..."

The Prime Minister said affirmatively: "We have already found out that her last year's tuition was paid by the military command. The price is to lurk in the northern capital and wait for the opportunity to approach our senior cadres to obtain information."

Principal Wu was very sad. She said sadly, "What should I do then? Is she acting as a spy...will she be shot?"

Leaning on the sofa, the Prime Minister waved to Principal Wu beside him and said, "On the contrary, we intend to win her over, hoping that she can turn to the light and give her a chance to change her ways. After investigation, she only went to the special agent crash course of the military command after graduation. After more than a month of training, she was sent to the northern capital, which happened to be the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China. As for causing harm, we didn't find out, and she didn't have any blood debts on her hands. Now that the whole of China is liberated, if it is true It is neither in line with our consistent forward-looking spirit nor conducive to our future unity and construction of the country to go into it one by one."

Principal Wu was very happy to see that his students had the opportunity to start again, and nodded quickly: "In this way, she actually only participated in the military command for a short time, and I think it can be saved, Prime Minister, the purpose of your coming to me is I I probably know."

The Prime Minister smiled heartily: "Mr. Wu is a famous philosopher and educator. I believe from the bottom of my heart that with your help, I can definitely save this child. Except you, I don't think anyone has this ability."

Mr. Wu also smiled, and said a little excitedly: "Prime Minister, if you can give this child a chance, let me thank you on her behalf. Prime Minister, please give this child to me, and I will talk to her tonight."

The Prime Minister joked: "Do you think I am avoiding difficulties? I have troubled you with difficult things, but I hide behind myself."

Mr. Wu said with a smile: "I feel very honored to be able to share the worries of the Prime Minister. On the contrary, I, as a teacher, did not educate the students well and caused trouble for you, the Prime Minister. Really, I should accompany you .”

The Prime Minister smiled and said, "Let me explain to you. I had no chance to take care of this child, but now she involves another child. No, it should be said, another comrade! This comrade...is very important to our country. The meaning of this child, no, this comrade is called Cao Xiaoqiang, you should have heard of it? Some of his songs are now widely known. He is my secretary, the secretary of the chairman, and the secretary of Boss Zhu! "

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