1949 I am from the future

Chapter 265 Advance towards the light

Thanks to the gunpowder gun king, the wind is refreshing, Rick Dem, Zizhu for the reward!

thank you all! ! !

【265】Forward to the light

Principal Wu said in surprise: "That Cao Xiaoqiang? The Cao Xiaoqiang who wrote "My Motherland"? The Cao Xiaoqiang who wrote "Love and Friendship"? There are also "Singing the Motherland", "Azalea", "Singing a Folk Song" Listen to the Party", "Spring Festival Overture"...there are too many, I can't tell them all...Is this a great talent? Could it be that the two of them..."

The Prime Minister picked up his teacup and said thoughtfully, "Yes, the two of them..."

Principal Wu suddenly came out of the excitement just now, and laughed all of a sudden.

"Hehe, Prime Minister, it seems that you still don't understand the thoughts of these little girls. Don't worry, this Cao Xiaoqiang can serve as the secretary to you, the chairman, and Boss Zhu, and can write such works that will last forever. Said, it must be thousands of volumes of poems and books in the chest! This kind of talent and knowledge is something that thousands of people can't ask for. A standard."

The Prime Minister smiled and said, "I don't want Mr. Wu to lure him for profit, but I ask you to understand him. This kid doesn't know Cao Xiaoqiang's identity at the moment. The two probably just fell in love with each other. If it wasn't for this My child, how can I bother you."

Mr. Wu naturally understood that the two children referred to by the Prime Minister were not the same. Perhaps the Prime Minister was really eager to love and talent, so he wasted so much trouble.

Mr. Wu stood up from the light blue sofa in the Prime Minister's Xihua Hall office and said: "Prime Minister, I will not disturb your work. Don't worry, I will leave this matter to me. Out of public interest, I thank the Prime Minister for giving me a student who saved me." out of selfishness, I just thought that I would see this great talent with my own eyes when we drink the wedding wine." As he spoke, Principal Wu laughed even more.

The Prime Minister also got up with a smile and said goodbye: "Then I will wait for good news from Mr. Wu."


After Ms. Wu Yifang came out of the Prime Minister's West Flower Hall, without saying a word, she directly said to the driver sent by the Prime Minister to pick her up, "Comrade driver, please take me to the dormitory of Beijing Film Studio."

Meng Sisi has obviously lost weight in the past few days. Because of Hu Guang's arrival, Meng Sisi can't sleep all night, doesn't think about food and drink, and almost collapses.Obviously this Hu Guang would not accept Meng Sisi's backing down, judging from his fierce eyes that day, this person would definitely not let it go.

After hearing the news of our army landing in Taiwan from the radio, Meng Sisi was both happy and worried.The good news is that once Taiwan is liberated, the reactionary government she nominally loyal to will no longer exist, and Hu Guang should also disappear with interest.What worries me is that if the government collects a list of lurkers like her from Taiwan, I may face imprisonment and trial.

One day, after Meng Sisi came home from work, she was not in the mood to eat. She just lay on the bed worrying, her pair of beautiful big eyes staring at the ceiling emptyly. up.

Meng Sisi hurriedly got up from the bed, tidied her clothes, smoothed the black hair around her ears, and said at the same time, "Here it is, who is it?" "

When Meng Sisi opened the door and took a look, she immediately recognized her Principal Wu standing outside the door.

"Mr. Wu! It's Mr. Wu! Why are you here! Come in and sit down!"

Meng Sisi was overwhelmed with surprises, and hurriedly opened the door, placed the chair in front of the dressing table respectfully by the bed, and hurriedly arranged the quilt that she had messed up on the bed.

Ms. Wu Yifang walked in with a smile and closed the door behind her.The old man laughed and said, "Why can't I come? I want to see what my students are doing now and whether they have become useful talents for the motherland. If you don't do what you are doing, I won't be able to sleep."

After speaking, Principal Wu went to the dining table in the hut and opened the curtains of the small window, saying, "It's not good for the room to be so dark. People have to live in the light, so that they can live with peace of mind."

After speaking, Principal Wu went to the chair beside the bed and sat down.

After Meng Sisi made the bed, she quickly sat down on the edge of the bed, put her hands neatly on her lap, and listened to the old principal's teachings.Principal Wu's pointed words made Meng Sisi's heart jump wildly.

Principal Wu sat on a chair and carefully looked at the student in front of him who he hadn't seen in nearly a year.I saw Meng Sisi in front of me with snow-like skin, enchanting figure, long legs and round buttocks, slender waist and breast augmentation, her face was as crimson as a peach blossom, and her neck was as white as mutton fat, but although she was a peerless beauty of national beauty, there was a trace of sadness in her eyebrows and eyes .

"Sisi, you've grown into a slim and tall girl." Principal Wu took Meng Sisi's green hand that was on her lap, held it tightly with his warm hands, and said straight to the point: "Sisi Si, is there anything you want to say to me?"

Meng Sisi raised her head in amazement, under her slightly raised long eyelashes, a pair of watery almond eyes closely sized up Principal Wu, and she said softly in Puhai dialect: "Mr. Wu, I miss you so much, miss you School, the days when I want to study early."

Principal Wu looked at Meng Sisi's pretty face lovingly and said: "Sisi, you are becoming more and more out of date now. In terms of appearance, you are the most outstanding one in the school. However, people must walk the right path and walk toward the light. , if you accidentally make a mistake, you have to correct it bravely, do you understand?"

Meng Sisi became more and more suspicious. President Wu came here unexpectedly today, and every word he said after entering the door seemed to have a meaning. Meng Sisi is a highly educated woman, not the kind of ignorant woman with a smart face and a stupid belly. , Immediately trembling all over.

Principal Wu only saw Meng Sisi's straight and rumbling Qiong Yao nose move slightly, and two lines of clear tears rolled down from her charming eyes full of rain, hatred and cloud sorrow.

Principal Wu sat forward, hugging Meng Sisi's head and placed it on her chest that was not wide but full of strength and kindness. She didn't say a word, but she knew in her heart that there was too much in this child's heart. Secret, now she just needs to wait, wait for her to say it.

"Mr. Wu, I made a big mistake." Meng Sisi buried her head in the arms of Principal Wu, who was as loving as a mother, and sobbed.

Principal Wu stroked Meng Sisi's small head with his warm hand and said, "Everyone makes mistakes. As long as you can repent and correct yourself, even God will forgive you."

Next, Meng Sisi seemed to be back in the confessional room of the church in the school, telling out her secrets and anguish in her heart one by one.

After all, Meng Sisi raised her head, looked at Principal Wu with mournful and expectant eyes, and said, "Mr. Wu, what should I do?"

Principal Wu held Meng Sisi's hand and said, "I'm here today to see if you can speak your mind. You can recognize your mistakes and make up your mind to break with the past. That's great. Sisi, that Hu Do you still keep the note that Guang gave you?"

Meng Sisi shook her head and said, "I have already burned it, but I still remember the content on it. He taught me to connect with him and left me the address."

Principal Wu smiled and said: "Actually, I already knew about this matter beforehand. This time, I want to hear it from you. Since you have repented, you must change your mind and truly break with the past. You must come to your side Learn from more people and work hard for our new China. Leave your affairs to me, and you will live well in the future, as long as nothing happened."

Hearing this, Meng Sisi's beautiful eyes swelled up like peaches from crying, and said repeatedly: "Thank you Mr. Wu, I will remember, I will definitely work hard, walk towards the light, and never make the same mistake again."

Seeing that the trip went smoothly and successfully, Mr. Wu was very happy, so he asked, "Are you in a relationship now?"

Meng Sisi said in her heart that she really can't hide anything from the principal, and said honestly: "Yes, he is very smart and capable, and he treats me very well. I plan to marry him. At that time, I will invite Mr. Wu to have a wedding with us." , if sir is busy, I will definitely go to Nandu to see you in person."

Mr. Wu smiled and said: "Then you get along well, and if I'm free then, I will come to drink your wedding wine."


It is said that after the U.S. Seventh Fleet departed from the Yokosuka Naval Port, it sailed at a cruising speed of 15 knots for three consecutive days and arrived at the sea off Taiwan. It was already the early morning of May 3, the fourth day since the People’s Liberation Army landed in Taiwan. The third day of Taiwan's liberation.

Rear Admiral Walter Boone, commander of the Seventh Fleet, was smoking a cigar in the officers' lounge on his flagship, the 1.3-ton heavy cruiser USS Chicago. Unaware.

Since the People's Liberation Army lifted the radio interference on the night of May [-], the Seventh Fleet had already contacted the US Consulate in Taiwan in the early hours of May [-].After the news of Taiwan's liberation was confirmed, the entire US Far East Command was taken by surprise, and Washington finally confirmed through the consulate in Taiwan the news that the Chinese government released on May [-], which made them completely unbelievable. , was peacefully liberated.

Shocked, Truman immediately summoned Secretary of State Acheson.

"Dean, we are one step too late, Taiwan has already fallen into the hands of the Chinese priest!"

Acheson, who didn't even have time to eat lunch, frowned and said: "I didn't believe it at all when the media released the news the day before yesterday. Who knew it was true! It seems that it is indeed a peaceful liberation. Otherwise, such a big Taiwan, three The 40 defenders can hold out for a month! Harry, you have always been right about Chang Kaishen, his incompetence is simply beyond our imagination!"

Truman responded with mixed feelings: "We have been helping an incompetent criminal, which cost us more than 30 billion dollars, Dean, can you imagine? More than 30 billion dollars! Now it's all in vain! And that greedy idiot They didn’t even persist for a week. Judging from the time, they surrendered almost as soon as the Supply and Production Party landed! Mao said that Chang Kaishen was the captain of the transportation team! Damn it! He was right!”

Acheson was speechless and just smoked his cigar silently.

Truman grew annoyed as he spoke, "Dean! What am I going to do? How am I going to explain this to Congress? That we lost Taiwan? That bastard McCarthy has a lot to talk about now!"

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