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When the telegram from the headquarters of the Asian Communist Movement in Beidu was received and translated by the Vietnamese base station in the deep mountains and dense forests of Taiyuan, when he learned the news, Comrade Ho Chi Minh, who had endured for a long time, almost came from the command room of the thatched hut in the Taiyuan base. The chair jumped up.

"Finally, this moment has come! The battle to liberate all of Vietnam can finally start now! Comrades! The Central Committee of the Asian Communist Movement has approved us to go to war!"

With a 'wow', all the Yuegong comrades in the thatched shed exploded excitedly, discussing emotionally.

At this moment, Ho Chi Minh felt a sense of pain and reward in his heart. He stood in this simple thatched house built of wood, more than half a meter above the ground, and only more than 20 square meters. He said confidently to his comrades:

"We are no longer the guerrilla army that used red-tasseled spears, broadswords, and bird guns! This time, we will fight a regular war! Yes, it is a regular war, not a guerrilla war! The 308th Division will be ready in seven days according to the scheduled time. Return to the base area and rest for three days. In other words, 7 days later, we will officially launch the Battle of Gaoping! Take Gaoping first, and then Lao Cai. In this way, the Sino-Vietnamese border will become our strength from now on Source! Brave comrades! For us, this battle can only be won, not lost! This victory is what we urgently need right now! If we fail this time, then we will use the The weapons and food purchased from China with a loan of 10 million US dollars can only continue to be transported into the base area by relying on mountain paths. If there is no road leading to China, it will be like our necks are stuck by the French Similarly, it will be extremely difficult for our cause of national liberation to grow stronger.”

Ho Chi Minh paused, and continued: "Moreover, once we fail this time, the enemy will counterattack frantically, chasing after our troops, and brutally sweeping up our bases, and our troops will once again be trapped in hiding." Zang, in the dilemma of finding a new base!

According to the intelligence of the Southern Bureau, the French are constantly transporting troops from the sea to Saigon, and after a short rest in Saigon, they will deploy troops to gather to the north.Obviously, they have completed the battle against the guerrillas in Laos and Myanmar. Obviously, now the French commander-in-chief Revos has focused all his attention on us!

But comrades please do not be afraid!This is nothing to be afraid of!The enemy's strength is increasing, but our strength is increasing faster with the aid of China!There are more and more enemies!The more we have to have confidence!When I went to Beijing this time, Chairman M told me not to be afraid of fighting!We must strive to fight bigger!Hit bigger and better!It is to let people all over the world know that the Vietnamese people did not succumb to the French colonists!The legitimate zheng fu of the Vietnamese people has not perished!We want the whole world to see that our cause of national liberation is flourishing!We want to fight loudly and loudly, and let the Asian leader led by Chairman M have a bright face!At that time, the Chinese comrades will provide us with the second phase of the mineral cooperation mortgage loan in advance!In this way, we will have more funds to expand our armed forces!Our victory conditions will be more sufficient! "

Comrade Vo Nguyen Giap, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Vietnam, said with confidence: "The 308th Division has completed training with the help of Chinese comrades and is armed to the teeth. The light and heavy machine guns and mortars they are equipped with in large quantities are all the first-class joint forces of the Japanese Army. Team configuration! In addition to the 3 Japanese-made 308-type rifles they will bring back this time, and the militias in our base area that have been replaced with 4-type rifles and new powerful hand grenades, we can immediately mobilize nearly A guerrilla force of 2000 people and the 1000th Division fought at the same time! A total of [-] armed forces attacked the [-] French in Gaoping and [-] in Laojie at the same time, and we will surely win!"

Lu Ling, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam Armed Forces, also nodded in agreement. He said: "Well, I also feel very confident! At present, the base area has stockpiled [-] grenades, and these grenades are more powerful than those of the French army! No! It is an exaggeration to say that this is equivalent to [-] shells! Even if the French put in [-] troops from the local puppet army, we will definitely win! The only trouble is that once the battle is delayed for too long, the seven soldiers in Taiyuan City Thousands of French troops may go north to reinforce the Gaoping-Lang Son line at any time, and we will face the enemy at that time!"

Commander-in-Chief Vo Nguyen Giap nodded in agreement and said: "So the Chinese Advisory Group asked us to concentrate our superior forces, first surround Cao Binh, and then take it down at all costs. If we attack Cao Binh and Lao Cai at the same time, I am afraid that we will not be able to do it. France People are now very afraid that the squadron will go south to join the war, so they are frantically mobilizing troops to go north! We must rush to liberate the Sino-Vietnamese border immediately before the French completely block the border, and then firmly hold our lifeline! In that way, we The more you fight, the stronger you will be!"

Ho Chi Minh resolutely made a decision: "Follow the deployment of the Chinese Military Advisory Group! There is an old saying in China, you have to eat every bite! The road has to be taken step by step! As long as Gao Binh can be taken down, the entire Lang Son area All the French troops will lose their response! I ordered the base area to prepare for battle from now on, and distribute all the bullets and grenades! Each militiaman uses five bullets for pre-war intensive live ammunition shooting training! All base areas will enter the countdown to battle! Wait for the 308th division to come back! We will fight immediately!"


Commander-in-Chief of the French Expeditionary Force - Admiral Revos, Chief of Staff of the French Army, is currently mobilizing troops in Hanoi and implementing the 'Revos Plan'.

At present, the French army has 5 French expeditionary troops, 12 European mercenaries, [-] African mercenaries, and [-] Vietnamese puppet troops deployed throughout the Indochina Peninsula!Firmly control Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia.

According to the 'Revos Plan', the French army began to focus on northern Vietnam. This is the area where Comrade Ho Chi Minh's Vietnam supply activities are most frequent, and it is close to the Red River Delta grain production area. Once lost, the entire French army will be deployed. The troops in Vietnam are about to drink the northwest wind!Le Duan in the south has nothing to fear except that he will find some workers in the city to make troubles. Ho Chi Minh, a gangster with a gun in his hand, is the real confidant!

"Luke, give me a reminder of the North African Army! These slackers should have arrived in Hanoi this morning, why haven't I seen a damned shadow yet!"

The senior combat staff officer of the expeditionary force, Colonel Luke straightened himself up from his chair, and comforted him helplessly: "Probably because he is not used to the damn humidity here, I heard that many people in the North African Legion suffered from malaria, and their vomiting and diarrhea were very serious. .”

Revos frowned and said, "Luke, this is war, I don't want excuses, I want the army! You are in charge of the transportation of soldiers, you have to be serious! These niggers, don't be strict. , they won't arrive on time!"

Colonel Luke was speechless, and he said for a long time: "The French foreign mercenary corps has arrived, the first batch of 2000 people, should we send them to Taiyuan now?"

Revos nodded and said, "Immediately, don't delay."


As the 308th Division brought back to the base area, in addition to weapons and ammunition, there was also a large amount of penicillin.In such a humid, hot and mosquito-rich environment like Vietnam, the infection rate of postoperative wounds is almost 100% certain. Many brave soldiers of the Vietnamese People’s Army died of postoperative infections caused by inflammation and pus. This greatly affected the combat effectiveness of the Vietnamese People's Army.

Comrade Ho Chi Minh looked at the medicines provided by China for free, and said gratefully: "Ruan Ngoc Hung? There are so many medicines, do you really not need money?"

Ruan Yuxiong said: "Well, the Chinese comrades said that this batch of medicines was donated to us by the Guangxi army, and they are not included in the loan."

Fan Wendong, vice chairman of the Vietnam Federation, said with emotion: "The support from China's big brother is really selfless and generous. The Soviets' second-hand bolt-action rifles cost $35, and we have to find a way to transport them back. And the Chinese support Each of ours is only 25 dollars, the price of a thousand rounds of ammunition is 50 dollars in the Soviet Union, and the Chinese comrades only charge 30 dollars. The 94-type 90mm mortar is the most important firepower configuration of the Japanese Army Wing, and each one costs at least 1000 dollars. Chinese comrades only charge us $300! Now they provide so much penicillin for free... Chairman Hu, your trip to Beijing is really worth it!"

Ho Chi Minh said with satisfaction: "According to the mineral distribution map provided by the Chinese comrades, I used several iron mines in the area north of the Red River, with about 1000 million tons of reserves, to invest in Sino-Vietnamese Mining Development Corporation. China provided US$51 million to purchase 49% of the iron mines. Equity, I will use 2000% of the equity in my hand to make a mortgage loan, and the mortgage loan and iron ore equity sale can get a total of 20 million US dollars! This transaction is too worthwhile! I refer to the current iron ore price in the world [-] US dollars per ton, and the price of iron ore property rights is generally about one percent of the total reserves, and our iron ore in the north is relatively scattered, so the share purchase price and mortgage loans given by China are based on the fair standards of world trade. Yes, it didn't take advantage of us at all!"

Vice Chairman Fan Wendong said excitedly: "With the 2000 million U.S. dollars that Chinese comrades gave us, we can buy everything we need from China! We don't have to worry about the blockade of Western powers anymore! This kind of joint-stock cooperation is just like Chinese comrades. As I said, it is a win-win! We not only repay the help given to us by the Chinese comrades, but also save our own situation!"

Ho Chi Minh firmly said: "The 2000 million US dollars will be used to lay the foundation first. When we win Vietnam, the top priority is to organize production. The iron ore must start production immediately to ensure that our Chinese big brother can get the urgently needed iron ore as soon as possible. !Then the sale of iron ore alone will be able to repay the loan and bring us a stable share dividend! At that time, we will have to buy cannons and even airplanes! In short, we must make the French colonial Drive out and liberate all of Vietnam!"

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