1949 I am from the future

Chapter 304 The Suffering Vietnamese People

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【304】The suffering Vietnamese people

The reason why New China still made the decision to aid Vietnam in resisting France was not affected by the historical battle in southern Xinjiang. On the one hand, it is because we really cannot accept that France, one of the five hooligans, continues to lie on our doorstep. Geopolitically speaking, it was a disaster.

On the other hand, Xiaoqiang's report also played a big role in the central government.

Xiaoqiang wrote in the report:

Vietnamese people hate the French colonists to the core. This kind of national hatred cannot be easily resolved by any culture or doctrine.There is only one reason. The French have never regarded the Vietnamese as human beings since they colonized Vietnam in 1883.This can be seen from the "Special Conference on Studying Workers' Daily Wages" held by the French Governor-General Dessalle in 1937. The meeting believed that "It is enough to pay Annan workers 25 cents a day, eight cents for rice and four cents for salt." [-] cents for vegetables, [-] cents for rent, [-] cents for medicine, [-] cents for clothes, and [-] cent for tax.This kind of salary is really like raising a dog, without considering other factors at all.

The manager of Beiqi Cotton Yarn Co., Ltd., French Dubre, said: "It is not easy to choose a hundred dogs. As for the coolies, I only need to stretch out a finger, and immediately there will be thousands of coolies of the same species as you to replace you." .”

Under the domination of this kind of thinking, the French were more cruel to the Vietnamese, especially the Vietnamese women, than the black slave owners in the United States.

Ho Chi Minh once faithfully recorded: "No matter where they are, women are not immune to the tyranny of the aggressors. On the street, at home, in the market or in the countryside, they encounter ruling lords, military officers, The atrocities of the military police, customs officers and station staff are irresistible."

A French journalist once recorded:

In the French textile factory in Vietnam, female workers have to work 15 hours a day. Due to the long working hours and continuous labor intensity, the female workers are exhausted, and accidents of being run over by machines to death or breaking their arms often occur.In the eyes of the French, those female workers do not need any labor protection and welfare enjoyment at all.Wages are just dog food for them to survive.

Among all the hardships these women textile workers endured, the most intolerable was the suffering specially designated for women: perverted sexual punishment, beatings, and rape.Even when they heard the foreign name of the French foreman, they felt a shudder.

According to French journalists, Teresu, the foreman of the Nanding Textile Factory in France, could tie the 15-year-old female worker Xiaohai whom he suspected to be a [-]-year-old worker Xiao Hai to a post because he lost a ball of yarn, and continued to kick her thin body and legs with pointed leather shoes. Soft belly until he kicked her unconscious and ordered the black overseer to get her out.

And the female workers working in the French mining area are even more like ghosts, wearing grass clothes like primitive people, bending over and pushing the mine cart all day long, their faces and bodies are covered with black soot .The grass clothes are nothing more than knee-length straw tubes with naked clothes inside, and only a few young women wear a pair of coarse cloth thongs inside.

While the French enslaved the Vietnamese as monkeys in the jungle, the loneliness of being far away from the mainland also made them discover that these 'monkeys' could also be used as women, so they picked out a dozen of female workers who looked like signs, As a servant, it is even used as a tool to vent animal desires.

In the Wengmen coal preparation workshop, the French foreman Libisso built a basement, surrounded by wooden boards, and spread straw mats on the floor. Whenever he wanted to vent his animal desires, he would randomly pick one of the female workers and take him to the basement to rape her. .Once again, Libisso asked four male miners to subdue a female worker who resisted, tied her limbs with thick ropes and raped her, and strangled her neck with ropes until she died.

The guards in the coal mines were all black mercenaries in African colonies, and raping Vietnamese female workers was just a pastime for them.There used to be more than a dozen black guards who raped a female worker who was taking a bath by the stream, pulled the naked female worker back to the coal mine with a rope like a dog, and continued to torture her until she was dying, before throwing her into the mine car , kicked back to the underground tunnel.

The black guards also like to touch the toilet and rape the female workers. As for other routines, insults anytime and anywhere are commonplace.In short, the Vietnamese were not human beings at all in the eyes of the French colonists.In a French rubber plantation in Vietnam, none of the 212 Vietnamese women working like slaves had not been raped, even ten-year-old girls and pregnant women!There are countless tricks of all kinds.

The French army once roasted the breasts of Vietnamese girls who were on strike, and cut them off with bayonets after they died.The corpses of Vietnamese women who were raped and mutilated for fun by the colonists are all over the French rubber plantations.

Even the French journalists themselves thought that these French colonists should go to hell.

French journalist Bieler finally returned to France and wrote these notes with a heavy heart.

For the Vietnamese people, the pain brought about by the French colonists is unimaginable.In terms of women alone, countless Vietnamese female workers were abused to death.There are also a large number of Vietnamese women who are trafficked as slaves and prostitutes to all over the world, and a large number of Vietnamese women are forced to serve as military prostitutes in French military camps.In their own country, the Vietnamese live the life of slaves who are not as good as pigs and dogs!It can be said that the French colonists lived a life as lawless as the emperor in Vietnam.This kind of suffering can only be experienced and understood by the Chinese people who have also experienced being enslaved and oppressed by Western colonists and Japanese invaders!If China becomes a colony again, these horrific atrocities will also happen to the sons and daughters of China!

In World War II, although France was defeated, its colonies were not lost. Vietnam was assigned to Hitler's puppet regime, Vichy France. Vichy France's troops in Vietnam were only two expeditionary regiments.The Japanese, who are also Axis powers, sent troops to Vietnam under the pretext of blocking the line of communication between Vietnam and China.Since then, Vietnam has had another overlord who is as brutal and bloody as the French colonists, and has fallen into a darker double colonial misery.

The Viet Minh led by Ho Chi Minh was born in such an environment where the Vietnamese people were desperate and unable to survive. They were engaged in almost a hopeless struggle. Half a year after the establishment of the Viet Minh, the Pacific War broke out, and the world was divided into fascists and anti-fascists. The two camps of fascism and the US military garrison in the Pacific began to send intelligence personnel to train the Viet Minh guerrillas in order to mess up the rear of Japan, and the Viet Minh grew stronger.It is precisely because the first milk of the Viet Minh was fed by the Americans, so it is conceivable that Stalin did not want to see Ho Chi Minh...

At the beginning, when de Gaulle was in exile in the UK, at the end of his life, he stingily imitated the British promise to make India independent after the war. De Gaulle stingyly promised that the people of Indochina after the war could occupy a certain amount of civil servants that only the French could serve before the war. proportion, enjoy certain citizenship and personal freedom.It is hoped that the Vietnamese people will make greater sacrifices to defeat the fascist alliance.But even such a stingy empty promise, the French did not cash it after World War II.It has to be said that the Gallic chicken government is a very ruthless and heartless government, or it is cruel and greedy to the extreme, or it is a combination of both.In terms of their grasp of the world situation, they are more than one grade behind. It can be said that they are completely departing from the trend of world development.

When World War II was about to end, Vichy France surrendered, and the Japanese immediately disarmed the two French expeditionary corps, threw them into concentration camps, and installed a puppet emperor who ruled Vietnam exclusively by himself, replacing the French as the overlord, and continued to rule lawlessly. Harm the Vietnamese people until Japan is defeated.

After the war, France was eager to restore the glory of France, and the most urgent task was to restore its rule in the Indochina colony. Sadly, when France was defeated, the huge French fleet had collectively sank in the port of Toulon. The earth went to Vietnam to colonize, without a world-class fleet, that is simply a fantasy.

So desperation de Gaulle approached Roosevelt, hoping that the Americans would help him transport tens of thousands of French troops to Vietnam. Anyway, as long as they were transported there, the output of the colony itself could support these lords.At this time, after being ravaged by the Germans, the French missed the days of the lawless and domineering slave owners in the colonies too much.

Therefore, at the Yalta Conference held to carve up the world that year, Roosevelt casually said to Stalin: "De Gaulle, the head of the French provisional government, asked the United States to send warships to transport the French army to Vietnam."

Stalin felt that what Roosevelt said was thoughtless, and he thought, isn't the grandson of de Gaulle a poor commander?Wasn't the French army destroyed at the beginning of World War II?

So Stalin also asked a very stupid question: "Where did de Gaulle go to engage in the army?"

Roosevelt replied: "De Gaulle said that as long as he can get the fucking boat, he can get the army, but the problem now is that he can't get the boat."

Stalin then said nothing more.

Roosevelt saw that he had reached a tacit agreement with Stalin, so he didn't bother with this shit about de Gaulle.

But who would have thought that the flames of war would last for 30 years in the small country of Vietnam, dragging France and the United States into it. (The rabbit complained on the side: Tell you not to take me to Yalta! Tell you not to take me to play! Tell you not to take me to play!)

Because the United States promised to return the colonies to independence after the war, Roosevelt used this as an excuse to reject de Gaulle's request.It was made clear that the United States would not provide ships for France's return to Indochina.

However, the Gallic chicken was not discouraged, and continued to toss around with the bald eagle like a foreign worker, saying that it was going to Vietnam to fight chicken, and to help the boss of the eagle sauce scratch his back.

But Roosevelt knew too well in his heart that Japan was exhausted and could not last long.The Soviet army has already approached the city in Berlin, and the wolf-like Soviet army in the Far East has also assembled a large army in Northeast China, and will soon rush into the Northeast to massacre the Kwantung Army who are in panic all day long.If I send the Gallic chicken to Vietnam now, it will cause the Gallic chicken, which has always been shameless, to hang on to the Indochina peninsula.This is not in line with the strategy and interests of the United States hoping to dominate the Asian market and lead the Pacific Rim countries.

The bald eagle is not a stupid bird, and Roosevelt has always been disgusted with colonialism, thinking that it is a stupid and bloody policy, so Roosevelt did a terrible thing. Not only did he not send a ship, he also clearly told the British government, 'Niu Niu You listen up!You are not allowed to send a ship to transport those Gallic chickens who want to pick up Lao Tzu's Yang Luo and cheat his father!Just tell them to stay in France and North Africa honestly. It’s okay to chew and eat African hay. If you want to steal the fruits I’ve worked so hard to grow, I’ll swell your face, believe it or not! '

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