1949 I am from the future

Chapter 305 Look Little Monkey! 5 star red flag!

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【305】Look, little monkey!Chinese flag!

At this time, the Viet Minh guerrillas with big breasts in the United States had grown rapidly in the guerrilla warfare with the Japanese army, and it seemed that the fruit of the United States was about to ripen.

But people are not as good as God. The wily Roosevelt died only a month after he slapped the swollen Gallic chicken's face and smashed the clucking ambition. When the American people mourned the man who led them through World War II When the great leader of the rapids, the Soviet army's pre-war preparations have been completed, and a violent attack on Berlin, the last stronghold of the Nazis, has been launched!Under the roar of thousands of guns, Berlin was reduced to ruins, and the red flag with sickle and hammer was planted on the Berlin Reichstag.

But it was precisely the capture of Berlin by the Soviet army that brought new opportunities for the French to return to Indochina.

It was clear at the time that the entry of Soviet troops into Berlin meant that the Soviet Union had established a confrontation with Western Europe in Central Europe.Before World War II, the three major countries that played a role in restraining the Soviet Union in Europe were Britain, France and Germany. Germany was finished, Britain stayed on the island on the edge of the Europa continent, and the United States and Europe were separated by an Atlantic Ocean!To confront the Soviet Union here in Central Europe, the two giants of Britain and the United States are somewhat beyond their reach.At this time, the role of the Gallic chicken suddenly became important.So Niu Niu discussed with Bald Eagle and decided to improve the status of Gallic Chicken in Europe. The new boss of Bald Eagle, Truman, saw that Gallic Chicken was obedient to him, whether military or industrial orders came like snowflakes... um... Zhen Granted... raise the flag for him...

So at the Potsdam Conference, the United States and Britain insisted that the four countries of the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and France occupy Berlin, and insisted on adding France to it.

Stalin complained at the time that France had made no contribution at all in this war, but the Vichy puppet army had done a lot for Hitler. Why should he be praised so much?

In the end, the three countries reached an agreement, and they tacitly agreed on the issue of promoting France.

When France gritted its teeth impatiently and borrowed money from the United States to rebuild its army and rushed into Berlin to garrison, the French army became the backbone of the confrontation between China and Europe overnight.Seeing that the French are willing to spend money and make great efforts in the confrontation between China and Europe, the United States and the United Kingdom also agreed to try their best to satisfy France's desire to return to Indochina.

Following the explosion of the atomic bomb in Japan, the long-prepared Soviet army also rushed into Northeast China according to the Yalta agreement, and violently encircled and wiped out the Kwantung Army.

Immediately afterwards, the desperate Japan finally surrendered. Overlord MacArthur readily ordered in Tokyo that the Indochinese Japanese army surrender to China north of 16 degrees north latitude, and surrender to the British army south of 16 degrees north latitude.So Niu Niu took the French army on the warship and headed for Vietnam under the soft grinding and hard soaking of the Gallic chicken.At this time, Lao Jiang cracked his little calculations. He proposed that he hoped to accept the surrender of the Japanese army in Hong Kong, and take back Hong Kong as a political achievement by the way.I don't care about Vietnam, it's all for Niu Niu.But Niu Niu resolutely disagreed, and the bald eagle also slapped him, smashing Lao Jiang's wish abruptly. Seeing that his godfather was determined, Lao Jiang had to shut up...that's what his father said, can you not listen...

The Vietnamese people who have suffered so much never imagined that after working so hard against the Japanese for so long, it was China and the United Kingdom that finally accepted Japan's surrender in their own country.And the brutal French colonists are coming back again. Is there still justice in this world?When will the suffering of the Vietnamese people come to an end?

So when Japan surrendered, Comrade Ho Chi Minh called on the oppressed slaves in Vietnam to rise up for a general uprising.Since the Japanese who had surrendered and had no fighting spirit were completely powerless to resist, and the British and French troops had not had time to land in Vietnam, within a few days, the big cities in Vietnam were liberated one after another. This is the August Revolution.The Japanese puppet Emperor Bao Dai also announced his abdication, saying that he wanted to be a commoner and only wanted to save his life.

At this time, Ho Chi Minh possessed 35000 light weapons overnight, including pistols, rifles and carbines, 1350 light machine guns, 200 mortars, and 54 artillery pieces of various types.Ordinarily, this strength is quite good, but the Vietnamese People's Army at this time can only be called a nationalist guerrilla. This excellent infantry tactic can be described as a scumbag with complete combat power.

At this time, Comrade Ho Chi Minh felt quite as if the Taiping Rebellion had occupied Nanjing.However, with the landing of the British army, the landing of the French infantry regiment, the landing of the French foreign legion, the release of the soldiers of the French colonial infantry regiment in the concentration camp, the 20 French armed to the teeth drove the People's Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam out of all the cities in the south , At this time, it was only [-] days before the Japanese surrender and the end of World War II... Uncle Ho realized that the combat effectiveness of his American-trained guerrillas was really scum, with no formal combat tactics and experience to speak of.

At this time, the Kuomintang army also went south to suppress the Communist Party...

At this time, Ho Chi Minh was clever enough to take Chang Kaishen's pulse and took a decisive step back. He suddenly announced the automatic dissolution of the Indochina Communist Party... This margarine behavior made Stalin hatefully despise Yue Gong. Let's look down on him even more.

But with Chang Kaishen's IQ... Ah, I was really happy at that time. Even if Roosevelt is reborn, can Ho Chi Minh immediately announce his dissolution?I can!For a while, the country was full of flattery, and Lao Jiang felt at that time that he was simply the mighty and invincible president of the most powerful country in the universe!He immediately announced that the relationship with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam had been eased, and that the Kuomintang army could not conflict with the Vietnamese People's Army in the north. Therefore, Ho Chi Minh was re-elected as the chairman of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam with a high vote in the northern general election.

Lao Jiang's mind was very simple. He was afraid that the French would overwhelm the Sino-Vietnamese border, and that gang of Gallic chickens would be greedy and cruel, and they might try to get their hands on China's territory again someday.Lao Jiang hoped that Ho Chi Minh's Democratic Republic of Vietnam could become a strategic buffer zone to block the French in South Vietnam.

At this time, the Gallic chicken who was eager to win all of Vietnam found the bald eagle. The meaning of the United States was very clear. The United States pursued Roosevelt's anti-colonial policy and opposed the existence of dirty old-fashioned colonies. However, when this policy conflicted with the interests of its main allies At the same time, the wishes of major allies must be respected.

So the United States mediated, and Chang Kaishen reached an agreement with France. France gave up some of the pre-war colonial privileges in China, such as extraterritorial rights.In this way, Chang Kaishen got a face benefit, so under the pressure of his father in the United States, he decided to withdraw his troops from Vietnam, agreed to let the French army go north to destroy the Vietnamese People's Government, and put his troops into the north to suppress the bandits... Of course, this Another road of no return... In addition, one of the five ambitious rogues in France was placed at the door of his house... Thousands of people have been empty for thousands of years... Empty one... Empty one...

In this way, Ho Chi Minh was finally cornered.As a last resort, Ho Chi Minh flew to Paris and risked his life to negotiate with the French government.These were the talks known as the 'Fontainbleau Conference'.

At the meeting, the two sides could not agree on two issues, one was the issue of North Vietnam's diplomatic autonomy, and the other was the issue of South Vietnam's sovereignty.Faced with the toughness of the French who refused to back down even a single step, Ho Chi Minh had to make concessions again and again. After two months passed, Ho Chi Minh finally accepted the peace agreement between North and South Vietnam aggrieved.During Ho Chi Minh's stupid negotiations, France announced the establishment of the Republic of South Vietnam and announced the list of cabinets, ready to start a puppet war.

As soon as the Fontainebleau conference was over, the French army treated the agreement as waste paper, and immediately launched a full-scale offensive to the north under the pretext of North Vietnamese provocation like the Marco Polo Bridge Incident. It is really a weak country without diplomacy.

10,000+ colonial troops equipped with tanks, armored vehicles, aircraft, cannons, and warships attacked more than 2 Vietnamese People's Army with insufficient ammunition. One of the poorest countries in the world, Vietnam, which cannot even produce bullets, has no power to fight back.The shelling of Haiphong City in North Vietnam by French warships alone caused the tragic death of more than 5000 innocent civilians. Corpses piled on top of each other, crying out about the suffering of the Vietnamese people and the cruelty of the French colonists.

The irony is that the French, who had just been liberated from fascism, copied the Nazis' practices, blatantly and brutally suppressed and massacred civilians in the occupied areas, and arrested dissidents on a large scale.The French army simply dragged people out of the Vietnamese homes and executed them on the spot without trial. At this time, the streets of Vietnam were strewn with corpses. It is no exaggeration to say that France is a country that has no right to accuse the Nazis.You are a bastard yourself!

At this time, Ho Chi Minh issued a call for a national war of resistance, which was the last cry of the Vietnamese people: "We want peace, and we have made concessions, but the more we make concessions, the more aggressive the French colonists will be. We would rather sacrifice everything than subjugate the country, fellow countrymen." Ladies and gentlemen, we must stand up...those who have guns use guns, those who have knives use knives, and those who don't have knives use sticks..." This call sign is full of bloody despair and sorrow, which makes all the kind people in the world mourn for it.The kind and honest Chinese people in the distance are also heartbroken, thinking of the bitterness, blood and tears of the Chinese nation since modern times, but there is nothing they can do.

Everything that followed remained unchanged. None of the major democracies in the world cared about the life and death of the Vietnamese people. There was no suspense in this colonial war. The Vietnamese were finally beaten into the mountains, existing like ghosts.The large fleet purchased and leased by France from the United States has continuously sent troops to Vietnam.The French were tearing at the flesh and blood of the little monkey's corpse like beasts.

The dying little monkeys hiding in the dense jungle in the deep mountains and old forests have been crying all day. After three years of exile in the deep mountains and jungles, walking at night, eating and sleeping in the open, they finally saw the dawn. The little white rabbit in the north was miraculous. Copying the bricks, the little monkeys looked extremely powerful, and the bald donkey backed by a bald eagle beat him so hard that he couldn't take care of himself!Is this Nima dreaming? ! ?

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