the other side.

Jiang Yanlu looked at Jian Yuquan, who was motionless, and volunteered: "Palace Master, I will drag him here for you, little one!"

The Mistress of the East Palace threw a rope to Jiang Yanlu and waved: "Go!"

Jiang Yanlu trotted all the way to Jian Yuquan.

As soon as the rope was tied around Jian Yuquan's ankle, he heard Cheng Xinglan's hidden voice transmission: "Little sister, we are here."

Jiang Yanlu paused with his fingers.

Then he continued to tie up Jian Yuquan's other ankle as if nothing had happened.

The sound transmission went back: "Follow us, hide well."

She quietly put Jian Yuquan's saber into the mustard bag.

Then he pulled the rope and dragged the person back.

At that time, the Mistress of the East Palace had already quarreled with the Mistress of the Nangong Palace because of Jian Yuquan's ownership.

Palace Master Nangong: "He broke our cage and killed so many demons, why can't he belong to Nangong!"

The lord of the East Palace was extremely thankful that Jiang Yanlu let him do it ahead of time.

It snorted coldly: "Just because he received my palm just now, whoever knocks him unconscious will naturally belong to him!"

They all took a fancy to Jian Yuquan's strength, and they all wanted human beings with high cultivation levels to contribute to the main heart hall.

Because of this matter, the two palace masters quarreled in front of the other group of monsters.

In the end, Palace Master Beigong and Palace Master Xigong intervened, proposing:
People return to the East Palace.

The little demons killed by this human being will be removed from the palace by the East Palace and sent to the South Palace.

Xiao Yao's life has always been a matter of fate, so the Mistress of the East Palace agreed without thinking.

Seeing that Mistress Nangong's face was still dark, Mistress Xigong proposed again: The cage that was shattered by Jian Yuquan should also be remade by Donggong for the people captured by Nangong.

The Mistress of the East Palace readily agreed.

With a wave of his hand, he called his little monsters to cut seaweed and weave cages for Nangong.

Jiang Yanlu: "..."

The progress to the main heart hall has slowed down again.

She couldn't help kicking Jian Yuquan, directed a few little monsters, and locked him next to Shen Lancheng.

Shen Lancheng secretly opened his eyes just now, and saw Jian Yuquan.

He only knew that Jian Yuquan went down the mountain three months in advance to practice, but he didn't know that he also came here.

Seeing his blood-covered mess, Shen Lancheng felt for the first time that he was a bit stupid as a senior brother.

Jiang Yanlu retracted his gaze, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a few little monsters walking towards the seaweed where Cheng Xinglan and the others were hiding.

She frowned, and hurriedly called to them, only looking at the seaweed on the other side, said: "I see that the seaweed over there is good, you might as well choose there."

The little demons were very persuasive, and turned their heads to go in the direction Jiang Yanlu pointed.

The disciples hiding behind the seaweed were relieved.

The disciple of Wuxiangzong recognized Jian Yuquan, and asked via voice transmission: "The person who fell over just now and was dragged away by Fellow Daoist Jiang, is that the Jiyue Swordzong disciple who overturned our sword in the Wucang Sea?"

The same door replied: "That's right, it's him! I can really see it!"

"Although it's immoral to think like this, but seeing him being beaten like this by the big monster, I felt very happy and thought it was a good fight."

"To be honest, I thought so too."


It is a big project to weave a seagrass cage that can accommodate nearly 30 people.

Almost all the little monsters brought by the master of the Eastern Palace went into battle this time, except for a few who couldn't make up, and also went to help cut seaweed.

Qiyue disliked the smelly and sticky seaweed, and didn't want to touch it, so he followed Jiang Yanlu, wherever she went, he followed.

Ke Tang sent a voice transmission to Cheng Xinglan: "Brother Xie Qi, does it look like Sister Lu's tail?"

Cheng Xinglan nodded: "Junior Junior Brother is very clingy to Junior Senior Sister."

He even suspected that if the younger brother was a woman, he would sleep with the younger sister at night.

Ke Tang looked envious: "I also want to be Sister Lu's tail."

Cheng Xinglan: "Me too."

If he could meet the little senior sister earlier, he wouldn't have to hide behind the coral reef so fearfully.

He might be able to go around in an open and aboveboard manner like the little senior sister and the little junior brother.

No matter how bad it is, he is just like Shen Lancheng, locked in a seaweed cage, saving even walking.

Palace Master Nangong also noticed the indiscriminate prayers.

He looked displeased and asked, "Why is there still this little demon over there, doing nothing?"

Jiang Yanlu heard the words, took a step forward, blocked Qiyue behind him, and said with a smile: "Master, my cousin is clumsy, and the seaweed he cuts every time is fragmented and cannot be used to make a cage." , The cage he made is not strong, so naturally it cannot be used by you."

Palace Master Nangong was very dissatisfied with this result.

He didn't get Jian Yuquan in the first place, and he was angry in his heart. He wanted to criticize but was blocked by Jiang Yanlu.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to continue making things difficult for them, he saw Qiyue's pretty face turning around.

Mistress Nangong's eyes lit up immediately.

Why didn't I find out before that there is such a beautiful little demon in the East Palace.

The expression on the face of Palace Master Nangong turned 180 degrees in an instant, and he looked at Qiyue with a smile, his eyes were obscene. "In that case, then come over and serve tea and water for my Palace Master, and serve me."

Qi Yue's face darkened instantly.

Jiang Yan put his hands back and pressed Qiyue's arm, signaling him not to be impulsive.

Then, with ice in his eyes, he lowered his eyes and said: "We are the little demons of the Eastern Palace, the personal soldiers of the Eastern Palace Master, and also the playmates of our young master of the Eastern Palace. It is not appropriate to serve you tea and water?"

"Palace Master, are you right?"

Her last words were addressed to the Mistress of the East Palace.

The Mistress of the Eastern Palace originally thought highly of her because Jiang Yanlu helped him catch a human first, and then heard that she moved out Lili, thinking that she was recommended to him by Lili, his heart was even more partial to her.

The Lord of the East Palace said: "Yes! You are the little demons of my East Palace, and you only obey the orders of the Lord of the East Palace!"

Palace Master Nangong didn't want to quarrel any more, so he rolled his eyes at them and snorted heavily.

Jiang Yanlu then withdrew Qiyue's hand.

The anger in my heart has not dissipated.

When the door of the main heart hall is opened, the first thing she wants to kill is the tuna fish monster Nangong Palace Master!
Qiyue stood behind her, lowered her eyes, and looked at the five clear fingerprints on her sleeve.

This was caught by Jiang Yanlu just now.

Most of the time, she is holding his wrist or pulling his sleeve.

Rarely does it work that hard.

Qiyue can feel her suppressed anger through the strength from Jiang Yanlu's fingers.

She is angry because of him.

She cares about him.

The corners of Qiyue's lips hooked slightly inappropriately.


After spending a few days, the little demons of the East Palace finally finished weaving the seaweed cage.

The little demons in Nangong put the people lined up on the ground back into the cages.

The big team finally set off again.

After walking for a long time, Jiang Yanlu finally saw the main heart hall described in the book.

She murmured, "Here we are."

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